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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16263113

Joe Rogan #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard


Anonymous No. 16263116

a m****, a n*****, and a k***
This stuff rots your brain

Anonymous No. 16263117

Joe Rogan is a moron. Eric Weinstein pseud. Terrence Howard is a retard. Thought? I hate them all. What a waste of time and youtube storage space.

Anonymous No. 16263126

I'm extremely disappointed to find out that Joe's concept of a smart person is someone who says lots of words he doesn't know in a row. No wonder he can't tell the difference between a real physicist and Terrance Howard. For him, listening to them is the exact same experience.

Anonymous No. 16263127

I can't believe there are still people watching this shit. All "scientists" on this show are quacks, Weinstein especially. He's been exposed already.

πŸ—‘οΈ 23, pseudo neet No. 16263128

>a m****
huh? manlet?

Anonymous No. 16263149

So all the threads in the past six months or so about dividing by zero, 1*1=2, square root of 2, infinity and much more were all because of this Terrence guy? I'm completely stunned. None of these threads referred to this guy even once. No way you knew all along. What a psyop. The trolls have won. There's no going back from this. Wow.

Anonymous No. 16263154

Eric Weinstein's reading list:

Is it good or a meme?

Anonymous No. 16263167

Yeah terrence did another joe rogan episode a month ago that went viral

Anonymous No. 16263198

*a bald manlet

Anonymous No. 16263205

A fag faggy fagerino fahafifaggot

Anonymous No. 16263242

Eric Weinstein is an autist, Terrence Howard is a schizo, both are delusional narcissists.

Anonymous No. 16263262

This is what getting divorced 4 times does to a man. And Eric being the clouthungry grifter that he is had to go there with kid gloves.

Anonymous No. 16263481

is terrence colour blind?

Anonymous No. 16263516

Eric sounds just as schizophrenic as Terrence. For hours, they're both playing with toys and at one point Eric starts playing a harmonica.

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Anonymous No. 16263519

they have both written flawed papers promising to overturn mainstream academia with basic mathematical fallacies

Anonymous No. 16263528

and both have a tendency to ramble about metaphors, obscure scientists, and why academia is not open enough. Eric gets mad at Terrence for patenting his ideas, but Eric was famously ridiculed for copyrighting his own theory of everything.

Anonymous No. 16263530

racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience. Get your life together loser stop trying to impress your little reddit buddies by being edgy. You're a grown adult man

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Anonymous No. 16263550

theyre both half right

Anonymous No. 16263552

the issue isn't what they are saying, it's them not explaining what any of it actually means. It's one thing to just say you figured out how something works or a neat thing something does, but what does it mean what is Terrence's end goal?

Anonymous No. 16263554

This isn't reddit you nigger-faggot

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Anonymous No. 16263564

terrence just 1 doesnt understand what multiplication IS and 2 is trying very hard to get to alchemy without knowing anything about alchemy while using scientific jargon that he understands even less.
he is right that there are no NATURALLY FORMING straight lines, however. lines are a human invention.
where i think eric fucked up (and terrence too to a certain extent) is that the focus of the entire conversation shouldve been on how special relativity is retarded and relies a lot on things we dont have any hard evidence for, we just think they should exist if we follow einsteinian math.
you can prove anything with math if you try hard enough. that doesnt mean its real.
heres part one of a series of videos that explains what terrence is saying much better than what hes capable of.
its not some crazy new theory. if anything its babylonian.

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Anonymous No. 16263569

i should add, addition doesnt exist in nature either. only multiplication.

Anonymous No. 16263572

have never seen so many schizos all in 1 thread like this before

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Anonymous No. 16263578

i agree with this ANON fag here. Mathematics is just a tool of reference for humans. there is no such thing as math and the universe does not operate on it.

Anonymous No. 16263580

When I was growing up I would often come to fantastic conclusions about the world, get super excited, then learn that we've actually known it for 500 years. At some point I just stopped trying.

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Anonymous No. 16263582

the biggest problem with terrence is his sheer hubris to think hes the first person to extrapolate sacred geometry into 3d

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Anonymous No. 16263584

I would like to take this opportunity to post my pseudo-paper once again, on formalizing Howard's paper. I've been intermittently posting it here for the past month and a half.

It isn't legitimizing it but rather taking all of his arguments to their logical endpoints. It is currently unfinished and I'm lazy with working on it but I have 6 pages so far lol. Feel free to rip it apart or disregard it, it's just fun to me

Anonymous No. 16263590

most dumbass post ever

Anonymous No. 16263592


I suspect everyone goes through that at some point when they're a little kid

Anonymous No. 16263617

don't ever type to me again

Anonymous No. 16263623

is this
"[2] Anonymous (2024) >>16224644, 4chan /sci/."
the proper citation format for a 4chan post? Someone get IEEE on the line lol

Anonymous No. 16263625

They just need Ben Shapiro and they can be called the four horsemen

Anonymous No. 16263644

Oh yea I remember your paper you cited me in it too fag. Why don’t you just send it to Terrence Howard

Anonymous No. 16263650

Literally how lol. Also I'm scared he's going to do some dumbass callout post against me and people will find me. I am paranoid.

Anonymous No. 16263651

Not sure but I cited two Anons that way. How would it be properly cited?

Anonymous No. 16263695

Counter point, the more worldly I become, the more I hate blacks and jews.

Anonymous No. 16263703

Did you not have a solipsism phase in kindergarten?

Anonymous No. 16263777

He mentions Wildberger at 25 minutes

Anonymous No. 16263802

Not bad

Anonymous No. 16263803

No the citation is fine. You may want to link to the archived post though (e.g. warosu or

Anonymous No. 16263805

Send it to Weinstein and have him send it to Terrence

Anonymous No. 16263813

It's not that. Your citations are too recent. You'll need a few older 4chan posts so it's more believable

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Anonymous No. 16263858

add me to the citations

Anonymous No. 16263860

This is retarded. Read Serge Lang's Algebra and properly formalize it. Your extrnsion to the real numbers is nonsense

Anonymous No. 16263864

You misunderstood him. Watch

Anonymous No. 16263900


This is unuronically how department heads treat undergraduates.

Anonymous No. 16263934

>come to a great epiphany
>Kant beat me too it

Anonymous No. 16264012


Anonymous No. 16264156

Weinstein's condescension is off the chart
I root for schizo Wakanda science Terrence

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Anonymous No. 16264160

this nigga cited 4chan in his paper

Anonymous No. 16264172

I feel you, brother. Many ideas for inventions I had when I was a little were either currently existant or realized a few years later (Most of them inconsequential, of course). But I haven't given up. Neither should you, these "new ideas" are proof of your intellectual talent.

Anonymous No. 16264173

Actually more based than most pseuds dunking on him

Anonymous No. 16264483

Lol ok where do you want it
I'll read it sure, I only really have an undergraduate understanding of math anyways
Man I'm still going through his paper, I'm not sure I can handle a video of him spouting more bullshit
And I'll cite you too anon
Thank you lol

Anonymous No. 16264694

King Terry spoke on this phenomenon

Anonymous No. 16264701

> Landau & Lifschitz
Into the trash it goes.

Anonymous No. 16264705

i'm laughing at the idea of a guy listening to more than five minutes of joe rogan and believing for a second longer that it could be any different.

he's not some deep thinker. he's not even that interesting. he's just a wall. nutty, successful, and often narcissistic people have enjoyed bouncing their own voices off of him to an audience of guys who are similarly uncomplicated.

Anonymous No. 16264717

It's not disappointing, it's the default. Think of all the people on this board praising Witten, Mochizuki, Scholze and other supposedly great mathematicians/physicists whose work they haven't even tried to read. The more inaccessible something is to the pseud the more smart they think it is.

Anonymous No. 16264761

I disagree on the count that Terry conflates complexity with comprehensibility. With no universal standard for what's "simple" or what's "complex", this take quickly falls apart.

Anonymous No. 16264773

>With no universal standard for what's "simple" or what's "complex", this take quickly falls apart.
Why do you say there isn't a universal standard? There are obviously many such universal standards possible. For example, how many pages of textbooks does it take to explain the subject to a smart high schooler.

Anonymous No. 16264775

i feel like most of the witten, mochizuki, scholze, etc. fans are doing it for the bit though

mochizuki is a schizo weirdo with scholze doing damage control and string theory is a joke.

Anonymous No. 16264777

>There are obviously many such universal standards possible. For example [insert vague, incredibly unscientific "standard"]


Anonymous No. 16264778

What about all the people who constantly sing praises to Landau books, when they've clearly never actually carefully went through them, because if they did they would realize how bad
and nonsensical they are?

Anonymous No. 16264785

yeah, i can't explain that one. /sci/'s filled with silly guys Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Anonymous No. 16264817

calm down schizo

Anonymous No. 16264849

Have you read carefully read L&L and disagree with me?
>inb4 no response

Anonymous No. 16264894

>racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience
We know, it's already been established that blacks are some of the most racist beings on the planet

Anonymous No. 16264911


Anonymous No. 16264953


Anonymous No. 16264983

>name drops wildberger
based. wildberger on rogan when?

Anonymous No. 16265108

this was just eric feat. terrence and joe

Anonymous No. 16265123

i had no idea you could attach a pdf on this site

Anonymous No. 16265125

did eric end up losing his patience and bash terrance's head into the desk?

Anonymous No. 16265168

which one of them is the scientist?

Anonymous No. 16265181

Howard completely obliberiated that big schnozer jude weinstein

Anonymous No. 16265192

>link to a video streaming website thread
>/sci/ - Science & Math

Anonymous No. 16265194

no but eric tells terrence his theories are horseshit and scientifically offensive to his face and that he's obviously self-taught because he mispronounces things. at one point eric puts an equation on the screen and asks terrence to explain it (he couldn't). whenever terrence said something eric spewed a bunch of phd tier math no one else in the room could understand. eric's response to terrence is basically the same as neil degrasse tyson'sβ€”"you're wrong but your shapes look cool"

Anonymous No. 16265197

>no fun allowed

/sci/ isn't real

Anonymous No. 16265358

what im really angry he didn't mention, is that terry's root thing is because n^(1/m))^(m+1)=n*(n^(1/m)) for reason i hope are fairly obvious to you, both in how exp works and from how roots work multiplicatively, honestly eric went at it from a really high level view of howards "root loop" thing

Anonymous No. 16265437


Anonymous No. 16266139

>Have you read carefully read L&L and disagree with me?
Learn to speak English first. No wonder you have trouble understanding Landau

Anonymous No. 16266143

Why not join Weinstein' discord and debate it with him? Oh right, because you're a coward

Anonymous No. 16266163

It's a proof we're living in Idiocracy. The schizophrenic nigger entertainer having an episode with numerological delusions, the harvard phd turned social media grifter taking him up on it and dropping terminology to stun the mouthbreathers, all on the most succesful podcast on earth, headed by a drug-addled moron... we need a Great Flood real bad.

Anonymous No. 16266164

the entertainment industry is the heart of democracy

Anonymous No. 16266172

> if i have this lake of water and i add to it some rain, i have more water

Anonymous No. 16266237

Because he's repeatedly proven himself to be a mathematically incompetent delusional buffoon. I won't waste my time debating someone like him.

Anonymous No. 16266248

Things about this podcast that nobody mentions
>it's clear to see Weinstein is pretty damn smart, great references: Stanley Jordan - prodigy jazz guitarist, this math professor at Harvard that beat Weinstein both in music and math, this story showed that Eric isn't just some delusional egomaniac
>Terrence Howard is still clowning around but much more humble than before
>some bizarre stuff that nobody mentions and questions - Eric claims string theorists are stalking him and his family (wtf), Howard apparently helped some academics with growing diamons (wtf x2), it's never brought up again
>Weinstein cocksucking Howard for some strange reason - your mind is like ferrari etc. wtf, he's not smart, he looks clueless most of the time

Anonymous No. 16266405

so I am right about you, got it

Anonymous No. 16266408

there's also the bit where howard mentions wildberger. Literally the last person I'd have thought to know of him

Anonymous No. 16266415

Weinstein graduated from Harvard. He wants to claw them back to prestige, as they are woke and outputting a bunch of shit.

Anonymous No. 16266488

not any one

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Anonymous No. 16266615

Anonymous No. 16266854

This point from Eric was kind of stupid

>The antecedents of prepublication editorial peer review appear to date from the middle of the seventeenth century, with the publication of the journal Philosophical Transactions

They didn't use the exact phrase "peer review" but it still existed as a concept

Anonymous No. 16266876

are you jelly about larger penus and brain?

Anonymous No. 16266904

>these are the wildberger posters

Anonymous No. 16266961

no way. can anyone link?

Anonymous No. 16267014

>t. never left the resort

Anonymous No. 16267016

That pic looks like some schizo garbage that I would never read. Granted I too have a lot of pages of notes like that

Anonymous No. 16267127

Yeah I have a model of that in my paper

Anonymous No. 16267176

It was actually a very good podcast

Anonymous No. 16267408

What was the point of using the word isomorphic in explaining that 1 times 1 is 1?
Was it because if he showed the obvious that taking one apple one time gives you one apple, then it would be obvious that nigger is dumb as cunt?

Anonymous No. 16267412


Anonymous No. 16267414

This is the reality and why hollywood glorifies democracy as a god thing, when it's just indoctrination to do what the media tells you to do.

democracy is just mob rule but who controls the mob?

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Anonymous No. 16267420


Anonymous No. 16267433

Thanks to this podcast I came across another podcast discussing this talk and it's actually more interesting, this old physics professor guy that talks here is based

Anonymous No. 16267439

I really hate how Weinstein talked him down

I watched the full 4 hours and I thought I'd get some insight, but instead I got Weinstein saying stuff like

"Don't piss off my community", "you don't know who you are messing with" "you need to get beaten up badly", and all that mafia talk

He was playing good cop bad cop for the (((scientific))) community but acted gatekeepy as hell

Anonymous No. 16267455

man I like AlienScientist but I'm a few minutes in and all I hear is that sefaradi (Jack sarfati) sperging out uncontrollably against terrence howard
I know terrence howard is a schizo retard but so far the only things those counter videos are showing is that howard might be into something

Anonymous No. 16267471

controlled opposition gatekeepers arguing with eash other on a limited hangout talk show

Anonymous No. 16267527

Maybe he thought that's the language you need to use with a negro

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Terrence Howard.png

Anonymous No. 16267543

Terrence is so charismatic. His voice is so soft and soothing, I can listen to him talk about crystal shape for hours. He is also right about saying that Zero is not equal to nothing.

Anonymous No. 16267573

I'm too stupid to understand why
>1 x 1 = 2
someone explain this. And why
>2 x (1 x 1)
isn't 4.

Anonymous No. 16267595

>Zero is not equal to nothing
how so? other than one is the connotatus and the other is denotatus (as letter A and sound a are not exactly the same thing, but that's mostly sophistry)
It's as if to say "you are not John, John is not you, but only your name" something along those lines.

Anonymous No. 16267596

> a couple of homosexual kikes are using a homosexual nigger to further destroy the fundamentals of the civilization
move along, nothing to see here

Anonymous No. 16267606

You can multiply something with 0 but you cannot divide something with 0. For 0 to equal to nothing, it has to have the power to multiply and divide numbers simultaneously and equally.

Anonymous No. 16267614

He should write out Terrence's proof on the board:

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16267629

>someone explain this. And why
>>2 x (1 x 1)
>isn't 4.
2 x (1 x 1) = (1 x 1) x (1 x 1)
(1 x 1) x (1 x 1) = (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) = 8

Anonymous No. 16267634

>someone explain this. And why
>2 x (1 x 1)
>isn't 4.
2 x (1 x 1) = (1 x 1) x (1 x 1)
(1 x 1) x (1 x 1) = (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) x (1 x 1) =16

Anonymous No. 16267638

>you cannot divide something with 0
You can take something zero times, but can you divide something into 0 parts?
> For 0 to equal to nothing, it has to have the power to multiply and divide numbers simultaneously and equally.
Can you divide something into nothing? I guess you cannot, and thus zero and nothing are not that different in this one.

Anonymous No. 16267693

But all in all interesting talk, Sarfati claims he's working on warp drive and been involved with government projects on UFOs. He seems to be a mix between Bob Lazar and Eric Weinstein to me lol. Btw he also said in this video that Weinstein is afraid to have an online debate with him. Also his way of speaking and calling everybody "schmucks" remind me of Larry David lol.

Anonymous No. 16267780

Bless you sir.

Anonymous No. 16267819

>it's another episode of mathlets getting tripped over by field axioms

Anonymous No. 16267868

I can't believe Terrence mentioned Wildberger lmao (25:15).

Anonymous No. 16268023

I agree, eric is autistic and self-important and loves his own voice. He never even let terrence get a sentence in to explain himself. It was so cringey watching him act like science is a mafia and he's a badass intellectual renegade fighting a war against the academic establishment. Eric also constantly bashes terrence for 'teaching' yet eric runs his mouth for 3/4 of the 4 hours to teach things himself. It's obvious the podcast is just a medium for these two to boast. Eric bashes neil degrasse tyson for dismissing terrence yet eric is doing the exact same thing by saying "you're undisciplined and need to study more before your theory can be reviewed". Eric fully knows terrence is a black guru moron who can't be convinced he's wrong; it's a sneaky way of avoiding engagement with terrence and his work.

I was surprised at how well terrence took the criticism considering his ego and long record of assaulting people. Dude has 4 ex-wives for a reason. He's just a piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16268067

Would diagnose him and Bret with level 4 schizophrenia too for sure. Believe there's a very valuable to civilization set of genes that certain groups of people have in spades that tethers IQ and schizophrenia and helps produce mathematicians and philosophers with mystic inclinations. Eric and Bret both have paranoid leanings as well. Probably very high risk scores for schizophrenia but some genes that help prevent full psychosis. Eric and Bret are potentially very valuable to civilization. *I'm* potentially very valuable to civilization.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16268078

Listened to most of this didn't watch. Anyone else pick up on over the top don't know the term for it suggestion-persuasion techniques Eric was using? There were hard prhases that stuck out when he was talking to Terrance, like GIVE UP and PLANT A CHIP IN YOUR BRAIN and that were tucked into friendlier conversation. Think he was kindly attempting to tell him that he's schizophrenic and this is just a way to preach for his pet project of funding non-academic physics research. Just very noticeable due to Eric's autism.

Anonymous No. 16268102

eric isn't valuable to civilisation he's a failed academic turned social media contrarian grifter. His schtick is to go podcasts and talks to berate and start drama with noteworthy physicists to make it seem to laymen that he's on the same level as famous physicists. He's famous for hating string theory but at one point in the episode he also reveals he's skeptical about vaccines and natural selection too. He's just a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian and to make it seem he's smarter than academia

Bret is like this too. There's something in the family that makes them attention-seeking and anti-authoritarian. I don't think either eric or terrence have schizophrenia, they're just huge narcissists but at least eric is actually smart

Anonymous No. 16268127

>he's skeptical about vaccines
and you're not, because...

Anonymous No. 16268155

>don't think either eric or terrence have schizophrenia
Too flexible a term probably, but Bret and Eric and Terrance have at least traces of whatever qualifies for sure. My understanding is it involves a large number of genes and when you reach a certain point in your inheritance of those genes you become snappable by environmental stressors. European Jews have higher schizo rates than average off the bat (Einstein btw had a schizophrenic son and family members). If you don't snap completely at high risk, you might still be extra inclined, especially with a high IQ coupling, to search for hidden meanings and secret plots and that kind of thing, maybe find metacognitive tasks easier etc and get drawn to certain topics and fields. Terrance I feel is 1-2 grades higher in schizophrenia and is probably diagnosable. Probably actually high IQ too but not quite high enough to dodge white coats if they gun for him. The other 2 might not be diagnosable but I'd bet 1000 dollars if you DNA tested them they'd be in top 5-10% risk category for developing psychosis. Eric loves hidden plots and the way he mentioned his stalker was interesting. Bret I think is more obviously paranoid. My qualifications being, not to brag or anything, I'm at *very* high risk for developing schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 16268284

TH confirmed lurker

Anonymous No. 16269197

both Eric and Bret seem pretty smart desu. And Bret is the less contrarian one

Anonymous No. 16269200

>the way he mentioned his stalker was interesting.
do you have the timestamp?

Anonymous No. 16269212

>I'm at *very* high risk for developing schizophrenia
How do you know?