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🗑️ 🧵 scientific studies on height and attractiveness

Anonymous No. 16264205

>A study on women's and men’s height preferences found that women are most satisfied when their partner was 8 inches (21cm) taller.
>Participants viewed short men as less socially attractive, less successful, less physically attractive, less well-adjusted, and less masculine than both average and tall men.
>Another study found that each inch of height is associated with earning nearly $800 more per year. This suggests that men who are 6 feet tall earn, on average, about $160,000 more over a 30-year career compared with men who are 5 feet 5 inches tall.
>A team of researchers collected data from 165,606 people in the U.S., including self-reported health. The scale contained five categories (“Poor”, “Fair”, “Good”, “Very good”, and “Excellent”). Results revealed that shorter men reported worse health than taller men.

Anonymous No. 16264208

I'd like to see a study on the correlation between IQ and crying laughing emoji usage

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Anonymous No. 16264374


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Anonymous No. 16264392


Anonymous No. 16264437

What the fuck is that

Anonymous No. 16264482

Yes, short men are unattractive. Truly a groundbreaking discovery.

Anonymous No. 16264493

This thread is either lanklet or femcel cope.
Short men are physically superior to large men. They're healthier, live longer, and require less calories to do so. All studies on the subject show this.
Humans are going to be genetically modified to make men short and women tall before the end of the decade. And no, women's general preference for tall men isn't important.
>Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16264496

Giant fecund women and tiny athletic men guy

Anonymous No. 16264500

Hello fren!

Anonymous No. 16264527

There are still too many bluepilled onions boys who believe that personality matters more than looks.

Anonymous No. 16264825

>They're healthier, live longer, and require less calories to do so
So wouldn't tall women be unhealthy too?

Anonymous No. 16264864

>6'2 doctor (ph.d cs)
>can't get gf

Anonymous No. 16264907

>6'2 M.D.
>have gf but still feel retarded around women
The suffering just never ends. Self loathing is the most potent drug out there.

Anonymous No. 16265232

Life starts at 12% BF. You also need to lift.

Anonymous No. 16265234

>can't get gf
also water is wet

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Anonymous No. 16265503

He's still here