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🧵 Curing Autism: Please Help

Anonymous No. 16264213

My child presumably has Autism, exhibiting a lot of signs, (yes, they were vaccinated) although Im still unsure if this is the sole cause as B12 shots/ supplements during pregnancy seem to play a role as well. Im trying my hardest to “cure” them although I know it’s an act of desperation, and I was wondering if anyone here has any knowledge on this condition, and is aware of anything that may help. As of right now I devised a protocol of Omega 3 liquid, Methl B12/Methlfolate/ and Methyl B6, along with Vitamin D, i can post the exact supplements in question below. Is this safe? Admittedly Ive done no testing, but from what Ive read, it seems excess amounts of these vitamins are passed through the body so it wont have adverse effects, is this true? and is there anything else I can implement to help further. Ive heard Olive Oil can also help via the gut connection. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Especially from anyone who has any experience dealing with this.

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Anonymous No. 16264214

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Anonymous No. 16264215

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Anonymous No. 16264219

Anonymous No. 16264221


These are the exact supplements I have been using, are these safe for every day use? and will they actually help? is there anything else I could add? Most “cures” Ive read all seem to lead back to the gut connection and the B vitamin connection

Anonymous No. 16264238


Anonymous No. 16264326


Anonymous No. 16264329

Do you mean the real autism where the child is mentally retarded or do you mean the fake autism which is the new way to describe introverted, socially anxious etc. people

Anonymous No. 16264340

I don’t know, they are three years old, (using the term “they” for incognito purposes by the way, have family who browse here) and still don’t speak full sentences, often make loud noises, have angry outbursts at times, still not potty trained, cover their ears for no reason at times, etc.

Anonymous No. 16264347

You could look at sulforaphane capsules to control symptoms. There’s something called SPMs, pro resolving mediators, take care of inflammation.
A baby is too young to recommend anything from here. It probably has brain damage.

Omega 3 is essential to regeneration. You want to try on/off periods to see if something is really a remedy though.

No one here is smart enough to help.

Anonymous No. 16264350

When I was little child I used to beat my head to the wall, I am not autistic I have an anger problem so my father and his father.

Anonymous No. 16264356

>use "they" because i have family who browse here
yeah, like they're gonna ID you from this.
>complains that the kid falls within normal language development variations
>complains that the kid is loud
kids are loud.
>complains that the kid has angry outbursts
kids normally have angry outbursts.
>complains that the kid isn't potty trained
this is on you.
>complains the kid does random, harmless sensory shit

your kid's not retarded. you are.

Anonymous No. 16264358

True, he should leave the kid alone.

Anonymous No. 16264450

Have you tried putting him on a carnivore diet? It is not scientifically proven but there are some anecdotal stories of it helping with the symptoms. Apparently.

Anonymous No. 16264519


Anonymous No. 16264664

Any recommendations for controlling inflammation? or supplements for brain health?

Anonymous No. 16264667

From what I understand this is solely for the b vitamins which i already have them on so it seems redundant, but i will definitely add in more protein and meat now that they’re old enough to properly chew it

Anonymous No. 16264704

You can cure autism only with an intracranial lead insertion, but most parent's aren't ready to go that way.

Anonymous No. 16264722

It's B vitamins but it's also some proposed interactions with lectins, phytates, and oxalates. also some increased supply of minerals only in meat.

edgy humor

Anonymous No. 16264897

Autism isn't real.
Your child is just socially inept and probably a little bit too sensitive to lights and sounds.

dont believe the jew.
psychology is pseudoscience

Anonymous No. 16265623

Why not get a test done by a professional? That gives you two possibilities, either you lern that you have been worried for no reason, or you get a confirmation and then also information about therapy.

It is not a disease, so there is no cure. It is just a condition, a mixed blessing that will take an effort to make work.

Anonymous No. 16265646

I can assure you it's very real my friend

Normies immediately pick up on it too even if you're maskmaxxing

Anonymous No. 16265665

>I don’t know, they are three years old, (using the term “they” for incognito purposes by the way, have family who browse here) and still don’t speak full sentences, often make loud noises, have angry outbursts at times, still not potty trained, cover their ears for no reason at times
This isn't really about autism as it is about your fear and obsession about the child not hitting developmental milestones at an appropriate time. Not being potty trained isn't autism, for example. I don't even know whether or not a three-year-old is actually supposed to speak in full sentences. All the three-year-olds I knew didn't really speak full sentences.
>As of right now I devised a protocol of Omega 3 liquid, Methl B12/Methlfolate/ and Methyl B6, along with Vitamin D, i can post the exact supplements in question below
I find it weird that your immediate response seems to be to pump the kid full with supplements. This suggests to me that you've been exposed to grifters who push alternative medicine.
>Why not get a test done by a professional?
"Professionals" with their industrially funded tests and questionaires are hugely incentivized to screen kids positively for autism even if they don't fulfill the criteria. I would not recommend going for a diagnosis, especially not at that age, because simple developmental delays are routinely mistaken for autism. Once the kid goes into pre-school and what not, it will become obvious whether or not we're talking about developmental delays or autism because an "autistic" kid will choose not to interact with other children in the first case.
>or you get a confirmation and then also information about therapy.
Autism-related therapy has been shown to be ineffective and potentially traumatizing. It's also all bought up by hedgefunds which try to sell to you overpriced therapy sessions. Either way, even if the kid screened positively for autism, by now he has a 50 % chance of outgrowing it by the age of 8 or 9.

Anonymous No. 16265767

>It is not a disease, so there is no cure.
This makes no sense. There are plenty of diseases we can't cure.
>It is just a condition
Can you show me the autism under the microscope, please? Why are people still autistic even if they don't act autistic? Could we please have a stable definition instead of that spectrum garbage where a vegetable and a normal person have the exact same condition hence why we shouldn't pay more attention to the vegetable. Seems to me like a huge smokescreen and I wouldn't be surprised that people spotting autism everywhere is linked to pharmaceutical companies trying to obfuscate and hide an escalation in the number of metabolically induced brain damage cases. Remember: 1 in 17 boys has epilepsy so something's going on.

Anonymous No. 16266540

>This makes no sense. There are plenty of diseases we can't cure.
And that makes no sense. Diseases we cannot cure have no relations to the question is non-diseases can or cannot be cured.
>Can you show me the autism under the microscope, please?
No. I hear people claim autism is caused by excessive neural branching, which should have been visible in a microscope, yet details are missing.
>Why are people still autistic even if they don't act autistic?
Rather than just go with the natural flow and interact in a social setting, it is possible to struggle with that and just pretend you interact.
>Could we please have a stable definition instead of that spectrum garbage where a vegetable and a normal person have the exact same condition hence why we shouldn't pay more attention to the vegetable.
I wish. We don't have that.
>Seems to me like a huge smokescreen and I wouldn't be surprised that people spotting autism everywhere is linked to pharmaceutical companies trying to obfuscate and hide an escalation in the number of metabolically induced brain damage cases.
That is possible, and might also be Big pharma eyeing an opportunity in an excisting condition. The attempt to claim extensive comorbidity with ADHD, "so let's medicate them just to be sure" does not pass the smell test. Pharma fraudsters do not mean Autism isn't a thing.
>Remember: 1 in 17 boys has epilepsy so something's going on.
Many things are going on, but conditions of the mind are really hard to figure out.

Anonymous No. 16266631

Stay away from any supplements they aren't regulated you could make things worse if the supplements have contaminates.

The best thing you can do is plenty of interaction. Stop using TV and tablets, spend as much time as you can talking with them and exposing them to to things like water play, different textures, playgrounds, walks in the park, reading books, shopping and kids groups where they can interact with others. If you don't already have speech therapy lined up do so asap. The more you talk and interact with them the better they will be and speech therapists are trained in ways that help get kids interacting and learning quicker.

I need to say again how important it is not to jump to supplements, kids this young are extremely vulnerable to contaminates . The childrens d vitamin should be ok though, pretty sure childrens vitamins are regulated. Olive oil can lead to diarrhea but using it in normal food levels should be fine. It is possible to over dose on fat soluble vitamins so be careful. Too much D or B vitamins can have permanent complications please talk to your child's pediatrician to get the exact amount they can have. Don't do anything stupid like mega dosing if you follow the daily values on the childrens vitamins label you should be fine.

One of the best things you could do is stop spending time online and spend time with your kid. It's a neurological difference all that means is your kid has to work harder in the communication areas, you need to put in extra effort in those areas and they will turn out fine. They might even surprise you by excelling in other areas one day.

Anonymous No. 16267742

>Diseases we cannot cure have no relations to the question is non-diseases can or cannot be cured.
If autism is a symptom of a disease, then that disease can be theoretically (not practically) cured because it involves a physical abnormality. If the disease doesn't exist, then we're chasing an abstraction. Abstractions don't exist.
>Rather than just go with the natural flow and interact in a social setting, it is possible to struggle with that and just pretend you interact.
Yes, but this is ultimately down to either projecting social difficulties in people exhibiting socially adequate interactions or the person saying he/she struggles while showing no obvious signs of it. In both cases, it's not verifiable except by what the subject says and feels. This isn't scientific. The definition of autism became pseudoscientific, in other words pure garbage, as soon as we started rationalizing the aforementioned point. Subjectivism is a hell of a drug.
I will forego any discussions on the arbitrary notion of "socially appropriate".
I will omit any discussions on how giving a person a diagnosis of "social ineptitude" is not conducive to the person developing better social skills.
>Pharma fraudsters do not mean Autism isn't a thing
I feel like autism is a fraud. No scientific evidence exists that would suggest a shared etiology. Environmental influences have been suggested but they're categorically ruled out and further research into it faces institutional resistence.
People don't share a clear characteristic. It's too closely tied to political and economic interest groups.
Professionals hype the diagnosis as a solution in itself while (seemingly) failing to understand that a diagnosis is only a tool by which solutions are attained in the first place. Incidentally, professionals fail at providing appropriate measures to treat it. This suggests that autism is one big smokescreen and that the diagnosis is now strategically used to advance some ulterior political goal.

Anonymous No. 16267777

Why do you call asperger's fake?

Anonymous No. 16267778

How do you know you're not autistic?

Anonymous No. 16268134

>If the disease doesn't exist, then we're chasing an abstraction. Abstractions don't exist.
How about eidetic memory, is that an abstraction?

Anonymous No. 16268191

>How about eidetic memory, is that an abstraction?
Psychometric measures. Give them to me. You can measure things and, based on these measures, derive something. If you start talking about internal predispositions and how a subject feels like etc. you're inevitably starting to endorse bullshit.
Memory functioning can be measured to the extent to which it relates to repeating what you've seen or read before. Behavior is measurable too. The underlying motivation is not. Researchers very frequently introduce ad hoc arguments as to why a person acts a way. This is extremely notable in the case of personality disorders, hence why these constructs are fallacious and meaningless.

Anonymous No. 16268689

it's over there is no turning back once a kid has autism. in 10 years he'll be posting here like us.

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Anonymous No. 16268708

>supplements they aren't regulated

How so? Supplements are being regulated the same as foods.

So you're basically saying to stay away from food, because food might have contaminates.

Are you fucking retarded or just bot?

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Anonymous No. 16268715

Try keto diet

Anonymous No. 16268753

Lmao at trying to cure neurological disorders with vitamins.

Anonymous No. 16268817

4chan is dead and dying, he will be posting on discord and become a furry IT programmer.

Anonymous No. 16268843

All natural diet.

Just COMMIT to it, damn it!
Write a new shopping list, literally throw all processed foods out RIGHT NOW in a memorable act to not fall back to the old lazy habits.
There is no alternative. So many subsequent health issues will follow if you don't.

Anonymous No. 16268850

You gotta follow the tao lin regimen:

1. 10 years of gchat and publishing short stories while doing heavy amounts of drugs and whole foods salads
2. move to hawaii
3. cured

Anonymous No. 16268851

Keto diet excludes gluten which is terrible for the intestines if sensitive
Many goes undiagnosed for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) for decades.

Anonymous No. 16268880

Vitamins are required for repairing damaged cells, biosynthesis of other building blocks and the immune system.
Your attempts at establishing a retard colony is rejected.

Anonymous No. 16268885

It's not your fault but it is your responsibility.
Reject modernity - embrace tradition.

Anonymous No. 16268974

>It's not your fault but it is your responsibility.
How would you know? It could be his shitty parenting after all. Autism is really one of the most damaging diagnoses along with SIDS and ADHD in that it allows parents to unconditionally dodge responsibility when they fuck up. Hence why they scream how it isn't their fault and the kid was "supposedly born that way". Or if they need a scapegoat, it's a doctor and some ominous vaccine, which one changes every other year.

On the other hand, it's good that parents go batshit over their kids failing to become good wagecucks. Since pharmaceutical companies and other industries already enjoy total immunity, them getting angry at some obscure enemy has no real-life impact whatsoever. It's all about unconditional commitment to the current order. Hence, the anti-establishment antivaxxers are actually the most conformist out of all people as they judge their kid's value solely by the monetary surplus they can give their corporate lords.

Anonymous No. 16269906

Literally retarded. The brain needs glucose and a growing brain even more so. Keto only works by the body synthesizing an inferior energy source from proteins. It's why weight loss happens while on keto. Putting a kid on keto is basically having them break down their own brain.

Anonymous No. 16269920

They are not regulated to the same standards as food and medicine. It's also easy to come across completely unregulated supplements online. The FDA sometimes doesn't even check if a supplement is ok until after it's been sold and caused problems. You can read it on the FDAs website yourself

Anonymous No. 16269937

You're raising the kid nonbinary or some bullshit? Terrible parent

Anonymous No. 16270130

you seem like you're on the right track. I would agree that nutrition plays a large role in combatting autism, as the disorder can cause neuroinflammation in those affected. there are a lot of ways to go about combatting inflammation, but first and foremost is by maintaining a healthy diet. the kid should be eating clean, no processed foods. meat, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables, as well as fruit for snacks. try to limit herbicide and pesticide exposure as well as you can. plus getting good exercise outside - away from the blue light - will do wonders. if the little one gets proper sunlight exposure, they shouldn't have to supplement with vitamin D. btw, vitamin D supplementation without K2 can lead to calcification problems. better to get it from natural sources anyways.
as for specific anti-neuroinflammatories, you'll have to dyor. I am aware of some people using broccoli sprouts (they're loaded with sulphuraphane) as a way to combat inflammation caused by autism.
also, I'm sure someone has mentioned it but fermented foods could be of use. everybody loves sourdough

Anonymous No. 16270165

>I would agree that nutrition plays a large role in combatting autism, as the disorder can cause neuroinflammation in those affected
I don't know if genuinely retarded or just baiting.
>as a way to combat inflammation caused by autism
Show me the autism under the microscope. For all purposes and intents, it would also be the other way around with neuroinflammation causing the behavior.

Anonymous No. 16270167

Tragic case of another guy not knowing what he's talking about. Happens all the time with people believing that autism is this one thing in your brain that can be treated with essential oils or some other phony shit. The procedure will inevitably fail and they will deny that.

Anonymous No. 16270660

NTA but people do that all the time around 4ch, most likely just a few anons who enjoy being contrarians.

It was a simple question where the answer should be yes or no. Instead you serverd up heaps of word salad. It is time for you to leave ths place, for ever.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16270694

>It was a simple question where the answer should be yes or no
No, because you don't understand the notion of an abstract noun.
>Instead you serverd up heaps of word salad
No, I didn't. I clearly point out that someone claiming, he has an eidetic memory, could very well be a bullshit statement, if his claim isn't meaningfully compared or measured against some external reference point, for example, by how good he can memorize lists of words and reproducing them on a sheet of paper. But even that point, I feel, is trivial in comparison to the leaps of logic (and lack thereof) that psychiatrists and psychologists nowadays endorse.

Anonymous No. 16270695

>It was a simple question where the answer should be yes or no
No, because you don't understand the notion of an abstract noun.
>Instead you serverd up heaps of word salad
No, I didn't. I clearly point out that someone claiming, he has an eidetic memory, could very well tell you a lie, or in other words give a bullshit answer, if his claim isn't meaningfully compared or measured against some external reference point, for example, by how good he can memorize lists of words and reproduce them on a sheet of paper. But even that point, I feel, is trivial in comparison to the leap of logics (and lack thereof) that psychiatrists and psychologists nowadays endorse via these "diagnoses".

Anonymous No. 16270699

listen. you best chance of "curing" this kind of condition is not to use pharmaceuticals and medical doctors. it is to immerse your child in the reality of human living. completely separate them from the comforts of modern capitalist life and teach them in the art of what makes us truly human. catching what you eat and eating what you catch, building a shelter, telling stories to one another around a fire. even if you cannot cure the autism, which i am not so sure is true, you can at least elevate it to a high functioning status. its not pharmaceuticals that are doing this to your child. it is the conditions of modern *social* living. it is a social condition

Anonymous No. 16270737

nobody's saying that nutrition cures autism. and if you dont believe that autism causes neuroinflammation then you're either trolling or retarded

Anonymous No. 16270841

>and if you dont believe that autism causes neuroinflammation then you're either trolling or retarded
How is a description of some behavior causing neuroinflammation? Makes no sense. You clearly have on understanding whatsoever. Hence, why you keep messing up even the most basic aspects of medicine and biology. Explain to me. How exactly is reverting neuroinflammation going to cure "the autism" when the autism, according to you, is responsible for neuroinflammation in the first place? Well... answer me.

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Anonymous No. 16270930

>Explain to me. How exactly is reverting neuroinflammation going to cure "the autism"...
again, nobody is claiming that nutrition cures autism. i said this in my last post, you must've missed it.
>... when the autism, according to you, is responsible for neuroinflammation in the first place? Well... answer me.
i'm not sure. autism can definitely be caused by neuroinflammation during early childhood years though. it is also observed in adults with ASD. i stand by my nutrition recommendations as they can help lower brain inflammation. if you have any suggestions for OP's kid, then tell him.

Anonymous No. 16270966

No you cannot cure autism, but you can gather information on how to best relate and teach your child.
People with autism are born with a slightly different brain structure that affects both behaviour and senses, that cannot be change, what can you do is prepare your child to live and adapt to society and its different enviroments.
Be aware the autism comes in various intensities and could be mild.

Anonymous No. 16270984

Puff, Only you man

Anonymous No. 16271248

>i'm not sure. autism can definitely be caused by neuroinflammation during early childhood years though.
Yes, but that isn't what you said. You said that autism caused neuroinflammation and I figured, since you said that, you have no actual expertise at all on that subject.
>if you have any suggestions for OP's kid, then tell him
Not getting all worked up over some diagnosis would be one thing. Especially if that diagnosis rests on poor theorizing and isn't biologically proven as a real thing. People really don't understand what an autism diagnosis actuall means. They actually believe it's like a cancer diagnosis so the psy-op is fairly powerful.

Anonymous No. 16271256

>cocunut oil and olive oil
You don't really cure autism, you change the expression of genes. Generally you want fat/protein meals or carb/protein meals and do not mix. Also, exercise and mindfulness may help if they are able.

you would need to actually study a bit more if you wanted to help and there is also a limit to how much you may help them too.

for example, you could look up what markers are expressed more in autistic people and then look up things that reverse the changes.

Anonymous No. 16271258

actually forget my recommendations

read something like this

Anonymous No. 16271262

I love this immediate jump from behavior that the kid might have to poorly carried out research telling him to detox the child because he might have zinc insufficiencies which, in any case, doesn't mean that the autism can be "cured" either way.
This is just mumbo-jumbo.

Anonymous No. 16271266

usually statistics is not mumbo jumbo cause it is relating things that exist to another state.

for example, I thought they may have a slightly higher risk for cancer which is why I recommended fructose. And they do. Although that does not necessarily mean fructose is the correct item to ingest. I don't really like suggesting things unless I can do a decent amount of research on it.

Anonymous No. 16271268

and so I have not studied autism enough in a long time to generate strategies which may help promote a normal state

Anonymous No. 16271276

>usually statistics is not mumbo jumbo cause it is relating things that exist to another state.
Deriving some concrete answer based on statistics is meaningless on an individual level, especially if the condition is heterogeneous to the point where you can't argue for a shared etiology in the first place.
>I thought they may have a slightly higher risk for cancer
Possibly, but again. It's unlikely for his kid to belong to the group of auto-immune deficient kids who are prone to developing turbo cancers and epileptic fits.
>and so I have not studied autism enough in a long time to generate strategies which may help promote a normal state
No, I feel like judging from what I've seen so far, this is just medicalization gone into overdrive. It's meaningless mumbo-jumbo because you simply project some biological system gone wrong while having no proof of it and then wanting to turn the kid back into a normal state, when that normal state is purely defined by an arbitrary list of social norms and expected/desired behaviors.

Anonymous No. 16271282

It isn't really arbitrary. Autistic people often have aggression and behavior issues, which is not healthy at a societal level. There is also nothing wrong with wanting to function better, even if it is an arbitrary collection of values to you. Also, there is union in the elements that define autism or you would not have a category for autism because you would not be able to encode a word for the states, so your association at a simple word-information level is wrong.

Anyways, I am not going to argue with someone who says you can't use statistics to define something to some extent when by definition, all humans share the same etiologies to most extents.

Anonymous No. 16271285

Memantine helped me a lot.

Anonymous No. 16271298

>Autistic people often have aggression and behavior issues, which is not healthy at a societal level
This really doesn't refute my point that this is, at its core, a pseudo-medical category meant to enforce normality. Your answer doesn't deny it. It simply justifies it.
>Also, there is union in the elements that define autism or you would not have a category for autism
Yes, but an arbitrary collection of traits, your union part, doesn't justify treating it like an already proven coherent medical category.
>so your association at a simple word-information level is wrong
Not if we claim, and practically everyone does, that this is more than a simple grouping. Whether or not it is an appropriate answer is altogether a different question. I don't think matters of social conduct should be treated as if they were an instance of cancer.
>all humans share the same etiologies to most extents.
No, that's not what I mean. 1. Statistical analyses that cover an extremely diverse set of people have simply little to no meaning on an individual base because again, an actually shared element has never been proven to exist in the first place.
>someone who says you can't use statistics to define something to some extent when by definition
How are you going to resolve my issue then? Is someone who's gotten a diagnosis of autism at some point in his life, now supposed to live as if he suffered from cancer because of some spurious statistical association that can't be reproduced?

Anonymous No. 16271334

>aggression unhealthy at a society level
I will take your opinion seriously when you do something about the nigger menace my nigger.

Anonymous No. 16271605

>I will take your opinion seriously when you do something about the nigger menace my nigger.
Ye, well. That's not the point, is it?
The point is to create a diagnosis that allows you to hide brain damage cases as well as to blame people for being bullied or being socially alienated. It is to be expected that people then extremely aggressively insist on the genetic, inborn and totally not made up construction of autism because at the end, it's about victim blaming. So all these kids who get bullied or react badly to some food dye and what not or just aren't doing that well at school are responsible for someone's else actions?

Anonymous No. 16271626

I don't think you actually understand what words mean

People with autism often do have metabolic traits that are homogenous.

Simply because you have no understanding of biological functions does not mean your words have any meaning. Autistic people get cancer more often because of the biological relations associated with autism.

Anyways, I'd love to argue more with you but you have already proved you have no understanding of how anything in reality functions.

Anonymous No. 16271664

>People with autism often do have metabolic traits that are homogenous.
No, they do not and I'm frankly tired of people taking poorly carried out statistical studies at face value and deriving some deeper meaning from it.
>Autistic people get cancer more often because of the biological relations associated with autism.
Which biological relations? Again, this is, in essence, meaningless mumbo-jumbo because you fail to prove my point. Which is that this "autism" thing is one coherent entity in the first place of which we have no actual proof.
Even assuming that your statistical observation was true, given a proper sub-segmentation of the sample group, this could very well result in 90 % of them having no increased cancer incidence rates at all because it's caused by cases linked to genetic or auto-immune disorders.
>I'd love to argue more with you but you have already proved you have no understanding of how anything in reality functions.
This isn't a meaningful rebuttal and all it does is proving to me that you're personally offended by me deconstructing your religious-like affiliation to your autism construct.

Anonymous No. 16271691

You're welcome to pretend like autism isn't real.

But the people who supposedly have autism happen to get cancer more often then the general population because autism is associated with certain biological relations which are well documented if you actually bothered studying autism for half an hour. Anyways, the point in medicine is to treat an individual based off the information available. You are welcome to think autism is some magical condition that has no set of developmental or metabolic cycles that cause them to act in the way that being autistic is defined.

So, just to clarify, you think autism isn't real? And statistics don't work? You do realize there are databases with sets of genetic variants that are related to being autistic? I mean, it can be statistical mumbo jumbo if you want but I don't really think you understand anything about basic biology.

Anonymous No. 16271710

>But the people who supposedly have autism happen to get cancer more often then the general population because autism is associated with certain biological relations which are well documented if you actually bothered studying autism for half an hour.
Again, what clear biological relations that are universally shared and not simply characteristic of certain subsets of people who receive autism diagnoses? I don't deny the existence of such biological correlates in a SUBSET of people so diagnosed

Your argument based on correlation analysis does not disprove my claim that such statistical associations strongly suggest an heterogeneous origin of autism, hence it is not, strictly speaking, a coherent diagnostic grouping.
>You are welcome to think autism is some magical condition that has no set of developmental or metabolic cycles that cause them to act in the way that being autistic is defined
Again, you introduce an assumed universality to the phenomenon called "autism" while failing to prove to me its coherence. I fail to see what implications a diagnosis of Fragile X in some "autistic" guy has for other "autistic" people who don't have the genetic condition.
>So, just to clarify, you think autism isn't real?
What commonality is shared between Elon Musk and a non-verbal case that requires 24/7 care? What uniform bio-psychological mechanism could result in such enormous uneven developments?
>You do realize there are databases with sets of genetic variants that are related to being autistic?
You can associate genetic variants with anything, height, eye color, educational attainment etc.
>but I don't really think you understand anything about basic biology.
Show me the autism under the microscope.... Please.

Anonymous No. 16271717

Again, this might be a hard pill for you to swallow but there are things that simply can happen and do so all the time:

Psychologists/psychiatrists can be wrong about their theories
Psychological formulation of autism is notoriously shaddy with none of its assumed cognitive, biological or psychological causes ever properly defined or proven in the first case. What we have are simply lots of counterindications which is suggestive of it being non-coherent
Theories can turn into dogma and prevent others from introducing more adequate and better theoretical models.
A diagnosis that is in the "book" is going to have a lobby behind it and the lobby is likely to push for more diagnoses and for lowered thresholds.
Research grants is often determined by what is written in the "book".
Hence, the dogma is being perpetuated with no end in sight because of financial interests that will immediately veto any attempts at moving away from such constructs.

Anonymous No. 16271759

Autism is subjective. Ultimately, diagnosing a person probably won't lead to an objectively correct deduction. What can happen, though, is that the person being diagnosed would feel satisfied with the treatment they got. This makes future diagnoses done by the same person more likely to make more people satisfied, which means that it is likely that the objective success rate of the diagnosis went up too.
The exact definition for autism can be purely subjective, yet still yield results.

Anonymous No. 16271923


Which vaccines?


Anonymous No. 16271930

>Which vaccines?
Obviously the one that is now being blamed by antivaxxers. Which one changes every year.

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Dave No. 16271932


is the only answer

Anonymous No. 16271933


It is still possible to get mercury in a vaccine, even today. Worth knowing specifically.

Dave No. 16271935

>Vitamins are required for repairing damaged cells, biosynthesis of other building blocks and the immune system.
>Your attempts at establishing a retard colony is rejected.

it has no effect on autism you mouthbreather

Anonymous No. 16271984

What is autism?

Anonymous No. 16272100

It's when you're more interested in things than people and like being correct.

Anonymous No. 16272372

New paper on reversal of autism:

Anonymous No. 16272600

itt: trying to cure artism with austenite

Anonymous No. 16272668

The Brain "grows" (spins) when the child sleeps nd that makes them smarter
A grain of Salt but it Many not help if the child has the 160+ IQ tism

Anonymous No. 16272834

The supplement industry is highly unregulated compared to food and medicine. A few years ago, the FDA fined $7 million for selling steroid-laced supplements. Some other supplements have been found to contain dangerous amounts of heavy metals.

Anonymous No. 16273336

What symtoms does he suffer from?

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16273489


Anonymous No. 16273846


Sorry, but literally more than you can imagine because you have no idea how autism functions lol. Also, not everything has to be related to the same element to be considered under the same grouping. You literally know nothing about this topic.

Anonymous No. 16274116

Do they avoid eye contact when a stranger walks into a room? Have you taken them to a paediatrician to confirm your own diagnosis? The delayed speech is a little concerning but some kids are just slow with language uptake.

Anonymous No. 16274153

It depends, they may glance at them but will not interact, depending on if they know them well or not. they also have mood swings regularly, sometimes they’ll randomly switch to a high pitched voice usually when they’re misbehaving, they also are very hyper, and have a poor sleep pattern, meaning, staying up late and waking up early, they are almost 4 and have no interest in writing or drawing whatsoever, despite my best efforts, does anyone here know if methylfolate is safe for children? ive been using it once a week as opposed to every day because admittedly im unsure of the side effects, i figured once a week would keep folate levels healthy throughout the week while not being too much but im unsure of what route to take here

Anonymous No. 16274304

So what does have an affect on reducing symptoms of autism then?

Anonymous No. 16276086

Autism does not have a cure, anyone who says otherwise is trying to make money off of your gullibility and or desperation.