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The Jeet Who Knew....jpg

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Anonymous No. 16265418

So this guy was legitimately an actual pedophile? I have never heard this brought up before.

Anonymous No. 16265421

he was fed his "proofs" as a joke (unironic)

Anonymous No. 16265425

>22 years old
>"On 14 July 1909, Ramanujan married Janaki, a girl his mother had selected for him a year earlier and who was merely ten years old when they married"

holy shit

Anonymous No. 16265431

file name kek

Anonymous No. 16265444

child marriages was the norm to ensure you don't end up pussyless or end up marrying a giga slut who always thinks about the chad who'd pumped n dumped her.

Anonymous No. 16265580

please tell me what other novel concepts you intend to add to the conversation

Anonymous No. 16265628

worse, he was gay to a britsh gayman

Anonymous No. 16265633

A lot of these higher tier jeets can pull off some cool tricks when it comes to tuning into nonlocality, for some of them it gets to their head though and they proclaim themselves godmen. Then a bunch of schizos start actually worshipping them as Gods and that's how you have all these cults springing up. India is an insane place

Anonymous No. 16266520

His contributions to mathematics transcends morality. Also Gandhi and MLK did the same shit

Anonymous No. 16266558

Behind any great man is a great underage girl.

Anonymous No. 16266563

>MLK did the same shit
??? What?

Anonymous No. 16266571

The women weren’t underage but he is indeed a proven rapist

Anonymous No. 16266623

Oh okay, I heard of the adultery but I thought you were saying he was a child rapist too.