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๐Ÿงต Yes, we know that every single person who has ever taken the COVID vaccine will die. Please stop.

Anonymous No. 16267085

Even if someone who took the vaxx but die of accident, cancer or old age you fucking trannies will still call them killed by the covid vaccine. You are even spamming trash papers from some random noname faggots on some junk journal multiple times. You deranged morons are no different from the scums that counted any death with a positive covid swab as a covid death during the pandemic. Please kill yourself and refrain from posting anymore you faggots. There are like 10 new threads of this vaccine shit every day now. Even I, who hate them for forcing me to take the vaxx and who did not support forcing it on everyone, are getting tired of your bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16267528

>vaxxie cope thread

Anonymous No. 16267575

>Yes, we know that every single person who has ever taken the COVID vaccine will die.
This is true, I know I will die, eventually.

Anonymous No. 16267731

Those threads are made and bumped by bots or paid workers. Rangebanning Russia and China would eliminate half of the junk content on this board.

Anonymous No. 16267747

>Good job, citizen! 10 social credit points have been added to your CBDC digital identity wallet. Defending Pfizer means defending democracy.

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16267812

Are you new? they have been posting shit about vaccines for 4 years now. I just ignore the threads.

Anonymous No. 16267814

thanks for making a thread about vaccines, OP. It's exactly what this board needed

Anonymous No. 16267824

Seriously though even that claim is not necessarily true. Considering the explosive growth of AI, AGI is coming soon, and AGI means immortality. So the zoomer generation has a very good chance to become the first generation that will live forever.

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Anonymous No. 16268087


Anonymous No. 16268147

There is sufficient data though to prove that the injection is harmful.

Anonymous No. 16268428

this pic is massive cope
i am sure every retard reposting it thinks of himself as the guy on the right

Anonymous No. 16268431

Every generation thinks theirs will be the last generation. Sorry to burst your bubble zoomer, but you'll unexist for just as long as the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 16268436

Me on the left.

>but you'll unexist for just as long as the rest of us.
That's quite the cope.

Anonymous No. 16269068

>t. guy on the left