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Anonymous No. 16268820

Is it rational to fear being wrong?

Anonymous No. 16268823

flat earthers are a controlled opposition movement
they sweep up everyone questioning the false nature of reality and instead of them actually doing something dangerous they redirect them into show me the curve time wasting

don't be afraid to question the world or ask what form our world takes.
be wary of those supplying you with ready made answers

Anonymous No. 16268829

But it's flat dude
been proven a million times with lasers

marble_tarmac No. 16268860

it's not. it's an oblate spheroid

Anonymous No. 16268865

lasers don't lie
they only go in a straight line

Anonymous No. 16268869

Unless reflective surface of any kind

Anonymous No. 16269220

this. lasers cannot possible have their path altered in any way whatsoever.

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Anonymous No. 16269251

You should fear the people who use rationality to make arguments in bad faith merely for the lulz.
On one hand so long as everyone is perfectly aware they're bad faith or devil's advocates arguments, you can have "low stakes" practical exercise in logical discourse, but this is the internet where everything gets recorded for all time and anyone can see it and Poe's law remains in effect. The ones who actively abuse Poe's law for the lulz, with full knowledge of the repercussions of their actions, are the real people to fear. Sociopaths who enjoy befuddling the midwits and normies this way are a danger to society.

Anonymous No. 16269261

please link a few examples

Anonymous No. 16269296

Search up 'Rainy Lake experiment'

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Anonymous No. 16269325


Anonymous No. 16269351


Anonymous No. 16269361

If you believe the following you are a big danger to society and need to be jailed

- the earth is flat
- aliens aren’t here
- men can get pregnant
- transwoman are women
- races are all the same
- men and women are the same
- climate change is fake
- biology is an opinion
- Muslims are good
- Jews are bad

Anonymous No. 16269375

>- climate change is fake
the climate is always changing

>- Jews are bad

Anonymous No. 16269380

>(((you))): I want science to discover the secrets of life extension
>science: Just like you asked, we discovered the secrets of life extension, enjoy

Anonymous No. 16269427

its the first hit when you search what i posted but here it is anyway, served on a silver platter with a lovely red ribbon bow around it.

Anonymous No. 16269475

So he broadly replicated Alfred Russell Wallace's experiments with updated tools?

I thought you were trying to show proof that the earth was flat?

Anonymous No. 16269486

Are you one of those evangelical materialist hating retards?

You think God wouldn’t have objective information to Him?

Ghosts are farts. Deal with it.

Anonymous No. 16269487

no, i just like to post this one up because the flatards hate it.

Anonymous No. 16269496


You should look up some of Wallace's letters around the bedford levels experiment that he performed.
I don't think he ever received his prize money.

Anonymous No. 16269522

Someone has shot a laser further than the horizon? Proof?

Anonymous No. 16269534

oh yeah right, he went and proved it want flat but the flattard started with the usual kind of denial bullshit they still use to this day and wouldn't pay

Anonymous No. 16269559

Yes, he lived a fascinating life a real scietific pioneer of the ol breed.

Anonymous No. 16270092

you can believe one of two things
1. all light perfectly refracts around the earth's curvature making it impossible to observe
2. the earth is flat
Occam's razor favors the latter

Anonymous No. 16270096

place 3 buoys on the surface of a lake in a straight line.
observe these buoys from a perpendicular vantage point so that you can see all 3 of them at the same height
draw a line between them and measure it for curvature
One of you in this thread needs to do it because I don't live within 200 miles of water

Anonymous No. 16270105

science can't even get it's story straight it's pathetic
some will outright lie that they can see curvature while others will claim the missing curvature is due to refraction

Anonymous No. 16270208

>all light perfectly refracts
nobody says that apart from flat earthers who must lie and misrepresent at every chance. What you'll find is that for each of those 'super long distance' photos which is offered as evidence for us being able to see too far, refraction is causing the light to reach the observer from a few percent farther away than without.

Flat earthers have to focus on the 4000ft of missing curve!!!!11 because if they instead mentioned the line of sight distance between the two points or the degrees of curvature over the distance, which is always a few degrees, it wouldnt be dishonest enough.

and flat earthers simply cannot exist with exceptional amounts of dishonesty

Anonymous No. 16270271

Wait till she hear about alderson disk or colonized planetary ring

Anonymous No. 16270299

except by mirrors or by changing mediums (refraction).... or since lasers are light and light can be affected by gravity (more broadly speaking acceleration in general...)

I am just waiting for a flat earther to produce a 2D map with an accurate and constant distance scale. It has never been done because the earth is very close to a sphere and if you try to map the surface area of a sphere onto a 2D plane, you will get massive warping in some parts causing the distance scale to not be constant.
If the earth was a 2D plane (flat) then it would be trivial to create a 2D map (with an accurate and constant scale) and flat earthers would also be able to easily find distances on a globe that don't match with reality (they can do neither)

Flat earthers always try to change the subject when I ask for a 2D map with a distance scale. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic and low IQ

Stop guessing start learning No. 16270301


Anonymous No. 16270303

yeah thats a good way to show it for what it is. They never want to talk about the size of australia unless its to say its not a big as they say it is, or that its fake etc etc lol

Anonymous No. 16270360

As I said earlier flat earth is a controlled opposition movement to mop up enquiring minds and make them schizos or other harmless activities.

Now ask what the true nature of reality is and try to figure out the implications, that's where the real hidden truth is.

Anonymous No. 16270366

What if Flat-Earfer produced a 2D map? What would you do then?

Anonymous No. 16270368

I was up there with you untill you sided with jews

Anonymous No. 16270369

>place three buoys 8 miles apart and...

Anonymous No. 16270370

a genuinely inquiring mind doesn't get duped into flat earth by a few stupid memes. flat earth is a trap for schizos so that they then go out onto the internet and spread their schizoness around even more.,

Anonymous No. 16270730

Tru fax
It was a mind fuck to track how persuadable the general population was.

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Anonymous No. 16270853


10/10 bait

Anonymous No. 16270856


Dude it's a meme. It's very funny to pretend being a flat earther and watch basedencecvcks pulling their hairs out.

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Anonymous No. 16271214


Anonymous No. 16271231

>hologram of 2d space
>earth is flat
>generate another 2d plane
>now earth has a round shape
>you only see in 2d
>earth is therefore a 2d shape projected onto 2d shapes
>get rekt

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Anonymous No. 16271280

Man cannot disentangle their physics from their metaphysics. Science by definition excludes asking the motivating question- just shut up and calculate! Life however, cannot disclude the why question- if not only due to biological, economic and socieological constraints. This is why the tje independently wealthy hermit autist is historically the mpst potebt scientist, often to everyone elses detriment. Flat earthers would be fine and well off studying in secret as the alchemists of olde did, but now they have to swim in the same pool as socieologically motivated agents who seek to coopt their ideals to parade them around for their own material benefit.

Hermetic syncretism is the future imo, scientists need to dis-ego their science and write under anonymous egrigores to signal genuinity and a direct pointer to the perenially philosophy that they choose to inherit

Dangerous? What a condemning statement on post enlightenment philosophy,

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Anonymous No. 16271358

95% of flatheads are retarded fundamentalist christcucks. You probably do have be dangerously stupid to believe a Jewish creation myth is scientifically accurate.

Anonymous No. 16271361

>retarded fundamentalist christcucks
No, the bible isn't a flat earth book, although the talmud and koran are
christians are geocentric round earthers

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Anonymous No. 16271367

Nice pic