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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16269324

How do I use my lofty 150+ IQ to attract a quality mate?

Anonymous No. 16269334

High IQ is usually a result of evil practices. You can save yourself by abandoning everything, drinking leaded fuel and going to a group home / other place for good people rather than evil psycho mad scientist geniuses like Einstein

Anonymous No. 16269335

Why doesn't he just study math? Surely it isn't that evil.

Anonymous No. 16269336

girls don't care about iq at all
your best bet is spend your effort on making money, then purchase the women you desire

Anonymous No. 16269339

Einstein was the worst man in HISTORY since his theories resulted in the atomic bomb

Anonymous No. 16269341

you'd know if you actually had 150 iq

Anonymous No. 16269806

Based AF.

Anonymous No. 16269813

Effect change

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Anonymous No. 16269838

>girls don't care about iq at all
This is brutally true

When asked what positive traits women wanted in a man they insisted they wanted them all.
When made to sacrifice two out 20 positive traits, the most common were intelligence and kindness,

Not even fucking around here, this is what they place the lowest value on that is still a positive trait

Fuck me

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Anonymous No. 16269898

it's known that women are evil. i am not surprised by this one bit

Anonymous No. 16269924

That doesn't change his question, though, doesn't it?

Anonymous No. 16269927

>female mammals seek out mates that are good at being mammals

Anonymous No. 16269964

Think your way into some money, then think your way into working out and looking as good as possible. Also think your way into behaving like a cool/fun/funny/smart but responsible and manly chad with great social skills. Next, think up where your high-quality mates hang out and think your way over there. It should be a breeze with 150+ IQ.

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Anonymous No. 16269965

nooooooooooooooooooo what about ME?

Anonymous No. 16271071

So, either I start sucking on tits, or breast-feeding someone, taking notes!