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🧵 To what extent is Covid still with us?

Anonymous No. 16271230

Anonymous No. 16271232

Also if this is vax covid they are detecting why does it go up and down?

Anonymous No. 16271233

they need to specify exactly which DNA fragments they tested for and the number of cycles they used for the tests. PCR testing is no where near as accurate as people think

Anonymous No. 16271261

go test 100 people and you will be surprised lol

Anonymous No. 16271277

so they are detecting the common cold?

Anonymous No. 16271279

Nobody knows what they're detecting. No PCR test can detect an illness, because illnesses aren't caused by pathogens (including common cold).

Anonymous No. 16271336

0.0005 what?
Because it isn't percentages. This is like PPM or something right? As in, within the tolerance of error for their PCR nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16272319

glows keep putting it in the water supply

Anonymous No. 16272383

Or the numbers are straight up fake.

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Anonymous No. 16272398

Anonymous No. 16272423


Right now the whole world has 3 flu style diseases at the same time. Influenza B (the normal one), Influenza A (like h1n1, mostly present in animals but can spread to humans and cause pandemics), and Covid.
If you catch the flu, most likely you will get sick and heal without finding out which one of the 3 you got.
I'm asthmatic and currently sick, based in my personal experience I think it's probably Covid, because I have sinusitis symptoms instead of bronchitis symptoms, but I can't really know.

Some countries have even more flu like diseases, like Dengue in Brasil.

Anonymous No. 16272432


It's probably the common cold. These wastewater samples are probably detecting that.

Anonymous No. 16272466

Where is a proof that the short genetic segments detected by ANY PCR test are the causative agent of your runny nose?

Anonymous No. 16272472

I don't have a runny nose.

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Anonymous No. 16272490


Completely new Anon who knows maybe 3 things about ecology, but not really anything about pathology: My personal untested theory is that Covid has completely outcompeted and pushed Influenza out of it's specific niche as the "seasonal flu people commonly get", due to Covid's dramatically increased infection/contraction rates, and is now in the developing 'endemic' period of a parasite's career where it breeds itself into a more survival form that won't kill its' host so easily.

>Also if this is vax covid they are detecting why does it go up and down?

Dunno if this is what you're specifically asking, but the jab's efficacy begins to decline after 3 months and becomes functionally useless after 6 months.
There's a 6 month between January and July, so maybe that's what that is on your little graph there.

Anonymous No. 16272506

>Dunno if this is what you're specifically asking
The vaccine causes Covid. Therefore, what causes the vaccine to produce Covid at some times more than others?

Anonymous No. 16272515

>The vaccine causes Covid. Therefore, what causes the vaccine to produce Covid at some times more than others?

If that's true then why are positive samples spiking in July & January?
People, statistically, receive seasonal Covid & Flu shots in September to October. If the shots directly caused covid wouldn't they be closer to inoculation times, like within a margin of half a month at most due to incubation, instead of 5 months after?

Anonymous No. 16272523

>like within a margin of half a month at most due to incubation
Perhaps a delay.

The most obvious thing is the most likely: the numbers are faked...pulled out of the CIA's/Mossad's ass.

Anonymous No. 16272579

y'all discussing nonsense
read the very original paper by corman and drosten who have created the first PCR test for covid (the one upon which the whole pandemic was built) here:
or read this summary if you're a brainlet:
>In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens.
there you go, they openly admit, that they didn't have any ""virus"" available, so it is a complete speculation that the test detects a presence of an causative agent as they haven't (and couldn't have) checked that.
the positive cases numbers are not fake, but they are meaningless, the test doesn't do anything. the more you test, the more cases you get. the more cases you get, the more you test. that's how pandemics are created.

Anonymous No. 16272598

>still monitoring Sars2 levels in the wastewater, like it means anything
Absolutely obsessed. Absolute mental illness. It's a cold, especially nowadays.

I guess useless pencil pushers and bureaucrats that would under a good government be fired along with their entire departments abolished, still need some raison d'etre.

Anonymous No. 16273022

None because the media doesn’t care anymore

Anonymous No. 16273405

Saw a few big crowds today and probably 1% of people were coughing. A lot were kids, so I kind of suspect RSV, but it's hard to say. Shit is going around but not killing that many people anymore. I stay on 30mg a day of zinc and wear my N100 respirator around people indoors, cuz fuck even getting a cold, and fuck those stupid shots too.

Anonymous No. 16275104

>science proves that science is worthless
>blames government