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Anonymous No. 16272920

Why isn't science trying to hide it anymore?

Is it true that all craters on the moon are the same depth?

Anonymous No. 16272921

>Is it true that all craters on the moon are the same depth?
I don't know shit about craters on the moon but I can tell you that this is true if and only if there is at most 1 crater on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16272940

If they're all the same depth, then it must be some kind of metal structure below the surface.

Anonymous No. 16273067

They're not. Some of the small ones are lens than a meter deep, some of the big ones are a kilometer deep.

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Anonymous No. 16273096

All the universe is already heavily colonized and massive genocides happen all the time. Distant galaxies have less dark matter, nearby galaxies have more dark matter. Dark matter are advanced civilizations hiding themselves to stay alive. Once there, is no surprise to have an artificial moon.

Anonymous No. 16273162

>all the universe is already heavily colonized and massive genocides happen all the time
You really, really, REALLY don't know that.

Anonymous No. 16273254

big if true

Anonymous No. 16273261

Aliens are not real. Space colonization is impossible. FTL is impossible. Becoming higher than a Kardashev-1 civilization is impossible. If ANY of these things were real/possible we would have seen aliens already

Science ended in the 20th century and humanity shall die within this solar system COPE all you want

Anonymous No. 16273265

>humanity shall die within this solar system

realist kek

Anonymous No. 16273372

>FTL is impossible
Why? Because the utterly flawed GR says so?

Anonymous No. 16274657

>aliens are not real
>says who?

Stop guessing start learning No. 16274768

Lmao let the pop sci religious rage commence.

Anonymous No. 16274834

>Space colonization is impossible.

Hey, that's already been done with freakin' space stations. Actually doing it to other planets is just bit out of range of gaslighers like Elon.

Stop guessing start learning No. 16275116

Aren’t they stuck up there right now. And somebody died? Doesn’t sound very fun to me. Let’s put you up there in space.

Anonymous No. 16275482

>Is it true that all craters on the moon are the same depth?

Anonymous No. 16275484

>Is it true that all craters on the moon are the same depth?
I personally measured them, and yes, it's true.