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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16275736

If you're so smart why aren't you rich?

Anonymous No. 16275738

Fell for the grad school meme.

Anonymous No. 16275740

I was born into the wrong family.

Barkon Approved Post No. 16275741

>implying we must all be business men
>Implying we can't be soldiers

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Anonymous No. 16275746

...but I am.


>Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16275772

i am rich
>t. engineer whose work generates more than 1 billion annually including the pizza hut mobile app which earns more than $1.8 million a day
if you don't believe me, i'll post the source code to the pizza hut mobile app niggers

Anonymous No. 16275778

should have gone to med

Anonymous No. 16275812

>if you don't believe me, i'll post the source code to the pizza hut mobile app
Don't do it anon. You can't outpi the hut

Anonymous No. 16275898

Am to nice to women

Anonymous No. 16275914

I'm a mentally ill freakazoid like you're supposed to be if you post on here.

Anonymous No. 16275918

If you were smarter you'd recognize why becoming rich isn't a virtue. The midwits want to become rich. The geniuses don't give a fuck

Anonymous No. 16275927

I'm only smart at useless logic puzzles

Anonymous No. 16275952

smart => rich
rich => smart
jew => smart
anon wtf.

Anonymous No. 16275962


gas station shits No. 16275972

>why aren't you rich?
i live in CA

Anonymous No. 16276335

Many reasons, mostly things out of your control. For most men, its because they marry, i see all married men as neutralized, most have negative net worths (they are in debt, which is only growing) and have no spare time.
This why the gay mafia is so rich

Anonymous No. 16276342

Because the Liberals took all our wealth and agave it away. Socializm is the real cause of Americka's decline and we need to select Thanks Obama.

Anonymous No. 16276384

The love of money is for fools. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Anonymous No. 16276387

>If you're so smart why aren't you rich?
I am rich. Why do you keep fucking asking me?

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Anonymous No. 16276443

There are more riches in the world than dollar bills and material things. Material wealth is the lowest hanging fruit of this world has to offer and only those of the low IQ will willingly trade and sacrifice all their other forms of wealth they possess for more material things.

pic related, but incomplete

Stop guessing start learning No. 16276453

Good question anon fair point.

Anonymous No. 16276499

I am, but I never earned it. My dad did.

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Anonymous No. 16276532

I'm rich in friendship

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Anonymous No. 16276598

People don't hire the guy who can write all the code themselves in a week, they hire they guy they feel comfortable chatting and collaborating with at work.
Not everyone is born at the same time with the same resources. It takes money to make money, social skills trump classical intelligence when it comes to making money 99% of the time.

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Anonymous No. 16276608

I out-pizza the hut on the regular with take-and-bake Unos, adding extra toppings myself (queso blanco and muenster are totally underrated pizza cheeses). Giordano's is even better.

Anonymous No. 16276975

clean your oven

Anonymous No. 16276977

But I'm not smart lol

Anonymous No. 16276987

Its a self-cleaning oven, so it cleans itself, says so right on the control panel, but thanks for your concern.

Anonymous No. 16277100

>66 KB PNG
>If you're so smart why aren't you rich?
Ethics and morality. It was obvious from childhood that profit is theft.

Anonymous No. 16277112

Profit is extortion, taxation is theft, most megacorps are associated with government who benefit massively from government force and don't pay taxes, so they aren't actually making profits, they are effectively an arm of the government, so they are imposing taxes.

Anonymous No. 16277121

nihilism and everyone I trust betrays me
im unironically up to like 5 people now
at this point it has to be me right?

Anonymous No. 16277146

>Profit is extortion, taxation is theft
We're off-topic.
Profit is theft, it always has been and always will be. Taxation is the opposite of theft.
I'm also off-topic and this is the end of this convo.
Meet in /pol/?

Barkon Approved Post No. 16277148

Survival is type of wealth, you need no money to survive, and the strongest of men can defeat the richest. Rich is a feminine trait. That's not to disregard richness, but wisdom has it so intelligence is not directly correlated with richness.

Anonymous No. 16277158

born smart but dirt poor, now I'm very rich but still no gf. money can't fix my looks and personality.

Anonymous No. 16277160

>Profit is theft
No, the topic of the thread is money, so money talk is not off topic, and to that point, you have negotiation power with corps since they don't have a monopoly on force, so its just extortion that they threaten to starve and deprive you of resources, but you are not nearly on the same level as government entities backed up by their monopoly on force, so you don't have any of that negotiation power, so its straight up theft.

Barkon Approved Post No. 16277162

This poster clearly has wickedness about him, plotting against us straight folk with all his lack of might. Abominations like this plague our society and prevent us from advancing with dark mirrored talk.

Anonymous No. 16278288

if you're so rich why aren't you smart?

Anonymous No. 16278365

>the topic of the thread is money

Anonymous No. 16278405

I am an introvert and I have self-esteem, so my life doesn't revolve around being incredibly insecure and hoarding shiny things in the hopes I might impress you.

Anonymous No. 16278407

Don't want to accumulate wealth

Anonymous No. 16278408

That is a board about businesses, not about about the nature of capital and its relationship to intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16278409

That would take a disproportionate amount of work I wouldn't enjoy compared to how much I want it. I'd rather do things I'm interested in.

Anonymous No. 16278424

You are a normie/npc and you will never exit the money illusion

Anonymous No. 16278794

I'm not rich by any means but i am well off - within a good career that i genuinely enjoy. Working STEM fields are enjoyable ; however quite easy to slip through the cracks and get paid decently while doing totally jack shit.

Anonymous No. 16278797

I pursue meaning, purpose and fulfillment, not wealth.

Anonymous No. 16278804

I am rich. Mostly because I'm not retarded, live far below my means, and have been investing my inheritance in tech stocks and bitcoin for the past 10 years. Bought a townhouse in 2020 which has since appreciated by 40%. My brokerage account is up 60% YoY, largely due to Nvidia. I'm privileged enough to work in Bioinformatics doing scientific research, which is interesting and gratifying. That said I don't flash my wealth, and plan on driving my basic 2014 Mazda for another 5 years.

Anonymous No. 16278807

I only care about making enough money to not have to work. I don't need anything else beyond that.

Anonymous No. 16278905

>my inheritance
Many such cases

Anonymous No. 16278907

Do you need currency or wealth to consider me rich?

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Anonymous No. 16279059

because money is fake and gay