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Anonymous No. 16275922

scientifically speaking, why do east and west africans look so different

Anonymous No. 16275923

the best are from the indies

gas station shits No. 16275955

post BBC

Anonymous No. 16275971

Because they are different ethnicities in different biomes with different admixtures?

Anonymous No. 16275990

west africa is a gay porn movie got it

Anonymous No. 16276072

why does west eurasians and east eurasians look so different?

Anonymous No. 16276084

Scientifically speaking, it looks like you've taken a cherry-picked sample of individuals to support a misleading statement

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Anonymous No. 16276121

>taken a cherry-picked sample

Anonymous No. 16276140

Because there's more genetic diversity in Africa than out of Africa. It's one of the proofs that we came from Africa.

Anonymous No. 16276156

West chimps are far more violent and ate the small chimps. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16276195

By that logic we come from India.

Anonymous No. 16276275

There are a half dozen distinct sub saharan races that are as genetically distinct from one another as turks and Mongols. Congolese, bantu, khoisan, pygmies, capoids, couple others. We actually don't know alot about the exit population or if remnants still exist in sub Sahara Africa. (IMO Herto man/homo ildaltu looks like a papuan hilander) Interbreeding with Neanderthals, denisovans and others was more transformative than the single digit percentages of ancestry present in modern populations would suggest.

Anonymous No. 16276416

genetic engineering

Anonymous No. 16277394

Because east africans mixed with semitic people.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon Approved Post No. 16277395

Take ya life. Rape ya wife. Kill ya family.

Anonymous No. 16277397

Why don't Portuguese look like Japanese?

Anonymous No. 16277402

Nope, India faced many migrations from other parts of eurasia (and even from africa), Africa faced far less.

Anonymous No. 16277453

Because we Somalis are Caucasoid and basically White.

Anonymous No. 16277577

I work with ethiopians and many look like somalis. They are good people if they get a chance to earn a living and have a normal life, i can totally see their cousins joining Al Shabab or whatever incel army they have in Somalia

Anonymous No. 16278406

because they're different races like tigers and lions and like humans beings and irish "people"

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Anonymous No. 16278608

east africans are persistence hunters. west africans do ambushing. search your feelings. you know it to be true

Anonymous No. 16278716

Welfare vs no welfare

Anonymous No. 16279757

That's only true for the horn of Africa, Sudan, and Egypt, not for Kenya, Tanzania, or Mozambique.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16279762

east is mixed with semite genes so they look more gay and sissified.

Anonymous No. 16280323

Aren't Khoi-San and Capoid the same thing?

Anonymous No. 16280328

stfu u isaaq clan somali dog do not make me end ur life

Anonymous No. 16280374

There are tonnes of cushites in kenya who have mixed with nilotes and bantus. For instance maasais have cushitic admixture from the ethiopian oromos.