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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16276045

Why does it appear that every high IQ, well-adjusted individual likes baroque and early classical music? I believe it's because the sound imitates the cries of our ancestors above.

Anonymous No. 16276054

If there really is such a correlation, it's probably something like this: High IQ parents have their children learn an instrument and join their school orchestra, and this results in high IQ children learning to enjoy that kind of music.

Anonymous No. 16276057

>no, no, it couldn't possibly be that the music is good

Anonymous No. 16276058

I have a very high IQ and I hate classical music.

Anonymous No. 16276059


Anonymous No. 16276063

Well-adjusted and high IQ is a contradiction. High IQ is an intellectual disability just like very low IQ. It makes you dysfunctional in a midwit NPC society. If you disagree you're a midwit.

Anonymous No. 16276092


Anonymous No. 16276178

Is only natural for humans to love human music, and for filthy chimps to move their asses to chimp noises.

Anonymous No. 16276196

>midwit thinks being pretentious will make him look smart

Anonymous No. 16276330

People who claim to like classical music are giving me the ick. It's a red flag that says "look at me, I'm a pseud".

Anonymous No. 16276361

part of it is genuine appreciation of the music, part of it is poser shit, part of it is growing up having been around music, etc. lots of factors.

but fwiw, most popsci podcast string theoryshit pseuds i know are also pretty big on classical (or, maybe even more pretentiously, basically unlistenable experimental shit like splittercore. but you wouldn't get it, ughhhh), and most genuinely intelligent folks i know are have less genre-defined music tastes and just listen to what they like.

because, you know, that's what music's for.

Anonymous No. 16276396

>high IQ, well-adjusted individual
were there no such individuals according to you before the baroque era?

Stop guessing start learning No. 16276449

I don’t like classical music because it’s culturally irrelevant does that make me low IQ? Science please fag boys

Anonymous No. 16276688

No no no...
Its the people who like to smell their own farts that enjoy baroque and early classical music. This has nothing to do with IQ but incidentally correlates.

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Anonymous No. 16276742


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Barkon Approved Post No. 16276752


Anonymous No. 16276767

no but it makes you more of a poseur than the weird pseuds who comment on classical shit

Anonymous No. 16276785

I'm smarter than anyone else here and classical music bores me.

Anonymous No. 16276789

You are so narcissistic that youve gone out the other side over what you think are pseud interests

Anonymous No. 16276790

this is a /pol caliber post, go back

Anonymous No. 16276791

>Why does it appear that every high IQ, well-adjusted individual likes baroque and early classical music?

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Anonymous No. 16276794

>Only the high iq nazis like classical music, real leftists only like anime sound tracks

Anonymous No. 16276806

you dont make the rules anon

Anonymous No. 16276809

people that talk about the ick are fucking NPCs

Anonymous No. 16276811


Anonymous No. 16276813

Why are they also conservative ?

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Anonymous No. 16276817

cope, if you can't control for nostalgia and sample bias them you can't honestly comment on quality

Anonymous No. 16276895

Because its complex you faggot.

Anonymous No. 16276958

Dubstep is way more complex than any classical music. Pure noise is more complex than any music whatsoever.

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Anonymous No. 16277126

>electronic sound
>sci fi movie vibes
>iq thread
scitard pretends its more complex

Anonymous No. 16277187

>were there no such individuals according to you before the baroque era?
midwit reply. I'm not claiming Baroque music causes well-adjusted, intelligent minds but simply that we all congregate towards it for some reason or another. I'm sorry for upsetting the board.

Anonymous No. 16277282

since you cannot exhibit a high IQ, well adjusted individual who doesn't like baroque music, I can only conclude that you have fitted the definition to suit your conclusion

Anonymous No. 16277309

Sometime dey jus be pullin ranom shit out they asses to make the song longer knowmsayin? Is not for me

Anonymous No. 16277323

If you're really high iq, you would recognize that music is just sounds which your culture has brainwashed you to like

Anonymous No. 16277328

I dont see why you dont just go and eat some dog shit from the sidewalk that your culture has brainwashed you into hating

Anonymous No. 16277330

>xhe thinks sounds are the same as food
Culture does brainwash you about food too but humans can only digest some kinds of food because of biology and shit is not one of them. Stupid fucking humanities pig

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Anonymous No. 16277334

>>stupid fucking humanities pig
>the whole world revolves around environment
>genetics doesnt exist
>what someones biology could make you favor something over the other
>this pile of dog shit is appealing to my eye, you must respect me

Anonymous No. 16277336

Evolution hasn't selected for different kinds of music in humans you dumb pig

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Anonymous No. 16277341

Yet certain types of people favor classical music, usually high iq types, try to put some moderation into your views chuddy

Anonymous No. 16277342

Dumb shit eating humanities pig doesn't understand evolution and also fell for the iq scam. Keep groveling in your own shit, swine. I'm done here

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Anonymous No. 16277353

>Youre wrong because I went to college

Anonymous No. 16277355

>another IQ thread

Anonymous No. 16277768

Its not that kind of complexity I'm talking about. Its the composition.

Anonymous No. 16277953

lol Koreans and Chinese listen to classical more than westerners

Anonymous No. 16278118

>I have very high IQ and I have bad taste

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Anonymous No. 16279494

>I believe it's because the sound imitates the cries of our ancestors above.

Anonymous No. 16279497

>High IQ is an intellectual disability
oh, interesting proposition there.