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🧵 is moderate alcohol consumption enough to permanently erode motivation and imagination???

Anonymous No. 16279738

Noticed a pattern: every time I drink, I end up in a funk.

Most of the time, I don't even experience hangover effects, but recently, I've observed that my motivation plummets and my thoughts stagnate for about 3-8 weeks after a night of drinking. Let me clarify—I rarely drink, maybe 2-3 times a year, and by "night of drinking," I mean just a couple of pints over a few hours.

This is significant though because it suggests that having a lifestyle that includes just four drinking sessions a year could be enough to permanently wreck anyone's motivation and, consequently, their life.

For context, I'm in my 30s, and I suspect this kind of effect worsens with age.

Anonymous No. 16279804

> the greatness of touhou music was composed by a guy who did it while drunk on beer

I can explain physics while drinking a lager, what’s stopping you anon?

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Anonymous No. 16279859

>—I rarely drink, maybe 2-3 times a year, and by "night of drinking," I mean just a couple of pints over a few hours
Those are rookie numbers

Anonymous No. 16280324

Alcohol is a neurotoxin not a drug, you can put 2 and 2 together I'm sure