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Anonymous No. 16280346

Infinity is a theoretical term and a theoretical term only. And it very much does exist and make sense within that context.

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Anonymous No. 16280347


Anonymous No. 16281533

Infinity must exist as it is the only thing which can bound itself.

Anonymous No. 16281540

But the idea of infinity existing and the idea of unbounded & infinitely dense sets is super important for mathematical analysis. Like all numerical computing algorithms are based on generating a convergent sequence that converges to your desired value, at infinity.

Anonymous No. 16281549

All of those “existence” questions can be debated endlessly, and have been debated for centuries. The debate is about different interpretations of the word “exists”, and has negligible bearing on the endeavor of mathematics. Infinity has been found to be a fantastically useful concept, so mathematicians will continue to use it happily quite regardless of any eventual outcome of debates around its “existence”.
My warm recommendation is to stop worrying about the existence of infinity and start learning to understand and work with derivatives, integrals, limits, infinite series and proofs by induction. All of these things are wonderful, all of them rest on some version of the concept of infinity, and none of them is endangered by philosophical quandaries.

Anonymous No. 16282054

You are confused since you think infinite describes the presence of something rather than the absence of something.

Anonymous No. 16282138

infinity is real, it's just 1/0