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Anonymous No. 16281773

>IQ 163 at the age of 12
>always acted as a low IQ to avoid problems with midwits
>now I'm 30 and my IQ is 110
How did that happen? Is fake it till you make it the reason for that?

Anonymous No. 16281782

use it or you lose it, as the saying goes

Anonymous No. 16282005

iq tests on children are not very accurate because children who develop at different rates can still end up plateauing to the same max by the time they reach adulthood. at 12 you may have been much smarter than the average 12 year old, but now you're only slightly smarter than the average 30 year old.

Anonymous No. 16282069

IQ tests are not reliable on children.

Anonymous No. 16282079

>Dyslexia diagnosed at 8
>Could read alright, just couldn't spell for the life of me
>like almost unironically retarded levels
>Went to weekly support program for 4 years, sometimes reading for hours on end
>now average spelling ability and great reading ability
It's almost like the brain is a muscle, too. It withers if you don't use it. Do you even lift?

Anonymous No. 16282093

the radiation your tv growing up melted your brain

Anonymous No. 16282669

what a meme

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Anonymous No. 16283124

Industrial pollution and media propaganda

Anonymous No. 16283132

10 points increase in iq as a kid basically means you are about a year ahead of your peers on mental development.
An iq of 163 at 12 basically means you are about as smart as a senior in highscool, which really isn't all that smart in the grand scheme of things.

Anonymous No. 16283136

How'd you end up with a 163 IQ at the age of 12 is what you should be asking us right about now.