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🧵 Best average vs best outliers

Anonymous No. 16282938

Which is better?

Anonymous No. 16282957


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Anonymous No. 16283275

Outliers show which people are gonna be the geniuses of society. Same reason there are more male geniuses.

Anonymous No. 16283277

This graph is fake btw, and I'm not aware of strong evidence that Asians have lower variance in IQ.
So why are Europeans far more accomplished? There is more to a person, and hence population, than average IQ.

Anonymous No. 16283288

>So why are Europeans far more accomplished?

I think there was either an argument which was similar to OP's picture, or a difference in creativity, that explained it.

Anonymous No. 16284526

thats fake, women are all low iq

Anonymous No. 16284528

>geniuses of society
most important and influential people on earth are about 105 IQ, true genius is snuffed out in this gay jew world

Anonymous No. 16284560

Source? Google images redirect me to dvach

Anonymous No. 16284570

where is this graph from? am I supposed to trust some random apocryphal image because it comfortably confirms my beliefs?

Anonymous No. 16284595

It's not a real graph based on real data. In wherever it was from, it was just used to visualize the idea of lower average and higher variance.

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rice enjoyers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16286170

this is what you look like

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Anonymous No. 16288070

Whites are the master race. Everything in modern Asia they got from whites. Their transportation, their architecture, their medicine, their technology, their educational systems, etc. is all from whites. Asians gleefully abandoned their own native culture in favor of adopting everything from whites.

Anonymous No. 16288072

Ost study. Instead of rage posting

Anonymous No. 16289220

East Asians have a long and well established history of being extremely handicapped when it comes to making important scientific discoveries and that can only be attributable to the fact that East Asians have low IQ compared to whites. Sorry if that upsets you, but that the way things have worked out. You wouldn't find it upsetting if you were white, if you were white it would be a historical fact you would be proud of.

frin No. 16289228

this is from a study on children who were at different stages of puberty at different rates per age because of hormones

for adults males have more spatial iq a 3 point or thereabout over all advantage but usually nothing significant different in verbal

frin No. 16289231

asian countries have more memory focused languages and less nuanced and finessed systems of speech so it merits more discussion of whether that causes a different std dev and does argue to that whites would technologically speed through things and we've seen that that is more of a bad idea than a good one

Anonymous No. 16289232

Give me link to the study in your post, idiot

Anonymous No. 16290146

>memory focused languages
What does this even mean?
> and less nuanced and finessed systems of speech
What? Japanese and Chinese are so different that putting a single label on all Asian languages makes no sense.
Some dubious/controversial theories allege that the Japanese get an edge by having both ideograms (Kanji) and phonetics (kana).

Anonymous No. 16290148

It varies between races oddly enough.
some races have a larger iq sex difference

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Anonymous No. 16290152

Literally a prageru tier graph lmao

Anonymous No. 16290526

>asians not having any real % of population under 90IQ

Anonymous No. 16291769

OK, that graphic in OP triggers your emotions and makes you upset and angry, thanks for letting us know, very nice personal expression

Anonymous No. 16291842

I think forgetting to label the y axis is also a cute form of self expression

Anonymous No. 16292991

>Asians gleefully abandoned their own native culture in favor of adopting everything from whites.
sad but true

Anonymous No. 16293434

Higher average is certainly nicer, at least in the current year.

Anonymous No. 16294422

you'll understand it better after you learn math

Anonymous No. 16294490

I get it, your ideas are too big to be put into numbers. Also, feel free to keep bumping this thread right before it gets archived

Anonymous No. 16294920

More likely : they developed a written language that is far harder to learn than latin alphabet and this slowed their progress down.

Anonymous No. 16294978

Asians are like women? Isn’t this image also used to compare male vs female performances?

Anonymous No. 16295647

you're so uneducated that you don't even understand the basics of statistical distributions

Anonymous No. 16295665

I know what a normal distribution anon. What I don't know is what you're trying to show with the graph. Are mid iq asians more likely to eat hotdogs? Do they make more money? Are they a larger share of the population? Make it make sense for me anon

Anonymous No. 16295744

Sounds like a pretty stupid thing to do. And The gap in achievement is over an order of magnitude.

Anonymous No. 16295751

kids that are told to study (red) versus kids that study if they feel like it (blue)

nothing beats passion and intellectual curiosity as opposed to treating school like its a league leaderboard.

Anonymous No. 16295760

How are you quantifying "achievement"?

Anonymous No. 16295770

What is mid iq? What does it mean to make money? What population are you talking about? Why are you being so vague? You can't expect people to implicitly understand what you're saying based on the context. You need to explicitly label and explain literally everything.

Anonymous No. 16295774

Exactly, even the examples I gave were vague, yet it's still better than having literally no information. You would understand this if you took an introductory science class

Anonymous No. 16295782

IQ isn't a scientific measurement of anything. IQ is just the horoscope of 'intellectuals'. Not real ones. The kind that call themselves intellectuals.

There's no scientific basis for the concept of 'IQ' because of course there isn't. How could we measure "intelligence" when we can't even define it.

This thread is fantasies about fantasies. Should get banned from /sci/ for posting about shit like star signs and IQ.

Anonymous No. 16295788

Wrong, I can do basic pattern recognition exercises faster than you, which makes me a superior human being

Anonymous No. 16295827

Still no link to study. You are all idiots if you believe OP

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Anonymous No. 16295911

It doesn't matter what I tell you, you'll just say it's biased or dismiss it because it's not an exact science (hur dur how do you le quantify it). Just read a history of math textbook and see that 99% of it is of European origin

Anonymous No. 16295917

Define every word you just used, an build a parse tree of each sentence, explaining the semantic meaning of each node.

Then explain define every word you used in your new message too. Do this until you have a self containing system of messages.

Anonymous No. 16295922

>low IQ seethe

Anonymous No. 16295927

Other traits may contribute to civilization building. Asians have trouble standing up to authority for instance. This has probably been bred into them by 5000 years of supreme dictators claiming themselves god, then getting replaced by another claiming he's god now.

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Anonymous No. 16295963

Asians are actually more variable than whites

Anonymous No. 16296166

If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you're arguing in bad faith lol.
You know how in some subfields of chemistry it's common for paper's appendices to be over 100 pages long, autisticly explaining every single element of the experimental setup? That's because in science we have a thing called "reproducibility", where other people should be capable of replicating your work. Your data sources, scientific definitions, and methodology aren't "obvious in context"

Anonymous No. 16296225

>it's not an exact science
Thanks for admitting this. Can you go to /his/, /x/, or /pol/ now, considering that this is a science board?

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Anonymous No. 16296477

Fuck off moron, go back to preddit.

Anonymous No. 16296487

>Hey look... basically I have these two lines, mmk?
>Can I judge two entirely different societies according to this chart?
>hell yes, that's SCIENCE ya know

Anonymous No. 16296494

The reason Whites are more successful despite lower average IQ's is very simply that they take more risks and are more disagreeable. Simple as. The reason Europeans dominate in high risk sports like mountain climbing or racecar driving is the exact same reasom that Europeans also dominate in the arts and sciences. There is far too much obsession with IQ on this board, when ad a matter of fact the vast majority of high IQ individuals are not insane achievers but rather middling white collar employees.

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Anonymous No. 16297824

>The reason Whites are more successful…
…is that Whites are the master race

Anonymous No. 16298918

White people had higher IQs a century ago, however.

Anonymous No. 16299904

The best outliers regardless if it is IQ is western society.It promotes individualistic faustian traits and propagates these traits and talents via sexual selection.

The best average is east asian society. It is a midwit society better known as a collectivist society. They have no GOATS and will never produce any since their outliers were pruned from the gene pool centuries ago.

Anonymous No. 16299957


Found the link.

>Most scientific discoveries have originated from Europe, and Europeans have won 20 times more Nobel Prizes than have Northeast Asians. We argue that this is explained not by IQ, but by interracial personality differences, underpinned by differences in gene distribution. In particular, the variance in scientific achievement is explained by differences in inquisitiveness (DRD4 7-repeat), psychological stability (5HTTLPR long form), and individualism (mu-opioid receptor gene; OPRM1 G allele). Northeast Asians tend to be lower in these psychological traits, which we argue are necessary for exceptional scientific accomplishments. Since these traits comprise a positive matrix, we constructed a q index (measuring curiosity) from these gene frequencies among world populations. It is found that both IQ scores and q index contribute significantly to the number of per capita Nobel Prizes.

It quite literally is a gene to creativity and inquisitiveness thing.

Anonymous No. 16301019

A century ago whites were their own separate category that didn't include jews, arabs, turks, hispanics and other shitskins

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Anonymous No. 16301754


The Flynn effect is horse shit.

Modern day people:

— ‘College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they're about average. A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, just slightly above the population average of 100.’

Victorians as they were:

— ‘The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ amongst Western nations, starting in the 19th century, suggests that these trends might be related to declining IQ. This is because high-IQ people are more productive and more creative. We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations, using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study. Simple reaction time measures correlate substantially with measures of general intelligence (g) and are considered elementary measures of cognition. In this study we used the data on the secular slowing of simple reaction time described in a meta-analysis of 14 age-matched studies from Western countries conducted between 1889 and 2004 to estimate the decline in g that may have resulted from the presence of dysgenic fertility. Using psychometric meta-analysis we computed the true correlation between simple reaction time and g, yielding a decline of − 1.16 IQ points per decade or − 13.35 IQ points since Victorian times. These findings strongly indicate that with respect to g the Victorians were substantially cleverer than modern Western populations.’

White people also just suck at breeding.

Anonymous No. 16302471


Anonymous No. 16302483

He was pointing out how you were arguing in bad faith, simpleton.

Anonymous No. 16302781

Just label the y-axis the next time you make up a graph, it's 5 extra minutes of work you samefagging retard

Anonymous No. 16303206

Asians lack body hair, or smell. They are more woman than man.

Anonymous No. 16303233

>europeans far more accomplished
currently eurotrash are falling back on 19th and 20th century inertia.

asians and americans are the only ones doing remotely anything anymore.

Anonymous No. 16304592


Anonymous No. 16305034

>midwit society
Maybe if it weren’t for the US meddling in their countries and either leading the economy to demographic collapse (SK, Japan), civil war and rebellion (Cambodia, Vietnam), promoting others by making them military bases (Taiwan) and forcing the rest to adopt totalitarian regimes to have a semblance of resistance against the West (China, NK, Myanmar), their countries wouldn’t have been in poor shape. And then the brain drain of intelligent Asians from these countries to the US wouldn’t have taken place.

Anonymous No. 16305771


Anonymous No. 16306968

The problem with outliers, is that there is a reason they are outliers. If outlying was adaptive, it would be the norm. The pressures against outlying are stronger among asians. Probably something to do with being a civilization. Maybe not being united created cracks and disorder for the cave-man version of humans which had a tennis ball's worth of brain matter we don't have anymore was a good thing even if it meant lots of wars. Maybe having boonies for the outliers to hide in preserves them from deleterious effects of agriculture and civilization.

On the day you eat from the tree of the knowledge you will surely die and all that...

Anonymous No. 16306974

I would tend to believe self deprecators when they say something good about themselves.

Anonymous No. 16307028

The high IQ outliers can only exist because of the low IQ outliers. That's exactly how it works. Think of DNA as one massive balancing act, so you're composed of 10s of thousands of variants which will either increase or decrease your intelligence. A 100 IQ person could have 10k genes which increase intelligence and 10k genes which decrease intelligence in exactly the same amount, or a 100 IQ person could have 5k increasing to 5k decreasing. In this case one of them will have kids with a higher variance in intelligence, but otherwise they're exactly the same IQ scores.

This is how Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium works. High IQ genes don't leave the population because they're "masked" by existing low IQ genes, so paradoxically the IQ phenotype of a population can go down while the frequency of high IQ genes can actually go up, and vice versa IQ phenotype go up while high IQ genes go down.

Anonymous No. 16307065

Look at statistics of heart beat, you'll realize it's skewed like IQ is, and unfortunately for you doesn't follow normal distribution.

Anonymous No. 16307075

I don't know what you're talking about. All I'm saying is that different populations can have their IQ scores more polygenically enriched than other populations. I would say the only thing that matters at this point is how many geniuses your population actually produces and not their average IQ.

Anonymous No. 16307269

Yet it doesn't have normal distribution.

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huxley No. 16308402

Anonymous No. 16309376

If asians are so smart how come they couldn't defend their own countries and their own interests?

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Anonymous No. 16309383

Imagine if whites weren't universally subjected to IQ reduction programs from birth. Then massive doublethink functional (if not structural) brain damage from the media and the design of the English language itself.

Anonymous No. 16309718

Despite whites being a bit smarter, on average, for some reason they’re nowhere near as accomplished in the sciences and arts.

Why is that? Why are Jews so overly represented in academia? The Chinese number over a billion while the Jews (Ashkenazi) barely number over ten million. It’s uncanny.

Anonymous No. 16309722

Having body hair means you're an unevolved monkey lol, which kinda makes sense since asians have the highest IQ = most evolved, everyone else is a subhuman.

Anonymous No. 16309737

>The reason Whites are more successful despite lower average IQ's is very simply that they take more risks
This is correct, higher IQ individuals tend to be more risk averse, which makes whites the epitome of midwittery.

Anonymous No. 16309755

You're right Anon when I read a book I am just staring at paper. My dog is smarter than me after all. Therefore the most primitive African deserves my birthright and me woife

Anonymous No. 16309757

It is a statistical science with whole books dedicated to rigorous granular looks at the data which we as arm chair thread posting reminiscing Anons cannot replicate in discussion. The Bell Curve book goes deep into it. You can't expect formal scholarship on 4chan out of a total infographic campaign or one self gratifying effort poster on such a casual setting.

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Anonymous No. 16309763

Does this look like Astrology to you?

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Anonymous No. 16309766

Omg white people numbers are the same as woman calendar myths

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Anonymous No. 16309769

Now I admit this here is a poetic leap of license but so is "the borrower is slave to the lender" because at no point is money lending the same term as literal outright slavery as similar as they can be. Likewise a demented 80 year old can be just as faulty in a test taking setting as an 8 year old.

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Anonymous No. 16309771

>the very Jewish history of neurotically bitching and begging people take mind numbing drugs and HRT instead of speaking like a man

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Anonymous No. 16309774

Standard method for giving the Binet test (1913)
Pic rel

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Anonymous No. 16309779

I will say "acting your age" is a flawed concept but the methodology of simply giving people pattern recognition tests that are as similar to general test taking itself to its most fundamental basis is the sound takeaway from this whole statistical project of compiling data and interpreting from many opaque windows.
Steve Silberman has championed arguments for the neurodivergent but still too oedipal and motherly to give any room to a stern father who wants the opposite of DEI. The Hufflepuffs cannot handle a hierarchy or falsifiability which is what the project effectively establishes.

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Anonymous No. 16309783

>Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Oh sounds so pretty! I can do the same with the opposite words.
>Purity, Authority, Distinction
Sounds strong.

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Anonymous No. 16309785

Woe to the man without lords to kneel to

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Anonymous No. 16309792

all dupes most die, hughie

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Anonymous No. 16309800

What at one point could have been the giganormie ethnostate that would have prevented our subcultures our neurodivergent present, is not what current IQ test interest could hearken back to find our promised land. But our fundamental existence in a house with food and basic necessities free from the threat of physical violence and free communications with no technocratic code of conduct to rule our opining is not a tall order but the first and foremost any order we can make for ourselves as self governining descendants of Europe.

Anonymous No. 16310835

Creativity and divergent thinking maybe.

Anonymous No. 16311175

Hybridization program penisu

Anonymous No. 16312149

That cross should snap

Anonymous No. 16312152

Variability in the group is the winning strategy.

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Anonymous No. 16312154

Do you guys know that this graph is fake and you waste your time trying to analyse it?

Anonymous No. 16312162

Wrong. It is in the best interest of the species to play safely with women while going all in with men, since only a small fraction of men are necessary to impregnate all the women.

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Anonymous No. 16312166

The more jews in academia the less relevant it becomes. They are nothing but corrupt frauds spreading lies.

Anonymous No. 16312172

The white people here are too retarded, trying to fake data to pass themselves off as geniuses, but every single one of them is a mudwit.

Anonymous No. 16312808

Jews are wizards. You will never be one. Cope.

Anonymous No. 16313387


Anonymous No. 16314998


Anonymous No. 16315211

They even wear mage caps wth

Anonymous No. 16315302

Cool story chang but becoming orthodontists and lawyers in California isn't the same thing as inventing literally everything

Anonymous No. 16315315

Like the other anons said, IQ isn't everything. Europeans have a high enough IQ to let their other qualities shine through. Their way of thinking, their environment, cultures, religion and even the specific choices made by certain individuals/leaders could have played a role in their success.There is also always the possibility they used to have higher IQs or that east asians used to score lower.

Anonymous No. 16315316

woman can think logically if they want they just basically never want to except when it awards them social acceptance points/attention

Anonymous No. 16315317

Maybe because "asians" include vastly different peoples

Anonymous No. 16315346

In this context "Asian" means East Asian i.e. East Chinese, Korean, Japanese

Anonymous No. 16315384

the image is ~22 years old and was used to illustrate a counterfactual