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Anonymous No. 16284392

Is there any reptile that feeds its young? Did dinosaurs do that?

Anonymous No. 16284408

Did Dinos soar? Haha or was that only for the birds?

Anonymous No. 16284693

>Is there any reptile that feeds its young?
Yes. Birds.

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Anonymous No. 16284698

Cracks in academia truly show here.

Anonymous No. 16285161

Besides birds.

Anonymous No. 16285176

Your own pic shows dinosaurs feeding their young. It's reasonable to assume that other dinosaur species did the same.

Anonymous No. 16285416


Anonymous No. 16285430

there are lizards who stay with their infants and feed them t heir fatty shedding skin which their babies tear off and eat as they grow up underground, also obviously birds feed their young

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Anonymous No. 16285434

But I am scared.

Anonymous No. 16285441

Maybe it's all wiggy wachy. I dunno. Can you interpret these better than I can to tell me, a man who is injured, the story? If you just said - you must be a high rank soldier because you have access to the parasites, then maybe I have done something good. It could involve money. It could involve power. What does it involve. I am seriously disabled mentally and injured.

Anonymous No. 16285484

That's a behavior that would emerge when conditions favor or demand it. Ants/termites/bees/wasps, mammals, birds. They have some critical characteristics in common, including a complex developmental process with a period of helplessness and the ability to build shelters.

Dinosaur nests are well documented so they probably did feed their young in some cases. Pterodactyl babies would be pretty weak and clumsy so they would need at lot of easy food to grow and get strong enough to hunt and fly.

Anonymous No. 16285506

Ovaraptors probably did

Anonymous No. 16286092

>Is there any reptile that feeds its young?
Crocodiles care for their young, but they don't feed them like birds do.
As far as I know, no reptiles feed their younglings by regurgitating fed-upon prey, no.
>Did dinosaurs do that?
We don't know, no fossil evidence so far.