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๐Ÿงต DNA tests

Anonymous No. 16285963

Not sure if this is the right board for this but what's the best way to get a DNA ancestry test? I've heard people have problems with 23 and me.

Anonymous No. 16286019

Don't. If you send them your DNA they'll probably sell it to a third party

Anonymous No. 16286026

Nebula are cheap and good. They bypass privacy legislation by anonymising everything so not even they can link your details to your genome. Lead time is about two months though.

Anonymous No. 16286039


That's steep.

Anonymous No. 16286398

>giving all your dna to chinese labs

Anonymous No. 16286441

that's like 1 technician's wage for a day, some business overhead and a bit of profit. Anyone charging less is going to make it up by selling your genetic information as many times as they can.

Anonymous No. 16288179

>I've heard people have problems with 23 and me.
just ignore their ridiculous claims that everybody is 2% jewish and they're fine (did mine about a dozen years ago before they started that crap and I'm confirmed 100% northern euro)

Anonymous No. 16289167

you are an ugly sack of shit stil

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Anonymous No. 16289840

i dont want to be southern italian