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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16286052

Can someone explain the difference between
pure "pure math"
applied "pure math"
pure "applied math"
applied "applied math"

Anonymous No. 16286058

There is none. Just retarded terms americans made up

Anonymous No. 16286074

I get it, you used a picture of an Asian lady because Asians are good at math.

Anonymous No. 16286078

It just depends what level of abstraction you want to deal with.

Your mileage may vary but I've found that the focus tells you a lot about where the subject fits in the "pure" vs. "applied" mix. If they focus on primarily existence, equivalence and uniqueness proofs there's a good chance it's a "pure mathematics" approach to the subject. If they focus on solution methods or relationships between that field and another generally it's more "applied" with some amping of mixing in the middle. For example, any good pure math based probability book will give you a proof of the conditional expectation being the MMSE estimator of a random variable but you generally won't find much in terms of how to actually develop MMSE estimators outside of "applied probability" and statistics textbooks.

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Anonymous No. 16286096

it's easy, it's like this

Anonymous No. 16287342

nice cameltoe
remember, never go out with a girl who doesn't have cameltoe when she wears tight pants

Anonymous No. 16287351

>pure "pure math"
autistic retards not doing math
>applied "pure math"
autistic geniuses doing math
>pure "applied math"
people doing math for shekels
>applied "applied math"
retards that wish they were engineers (the only jobs they can get are software engineer lmao)

Anonymous No. 16287426

Whats wrong with that woman's eyes? Bee stung? Peanut allergy?

Anonymous No. 16287488

Surprisingly accurate

Anonymous No. 16287493

I've never seen a dummy thick Asian like that. God damn

Anonymous No. 16287533

"applied applied math" cancels itself and becomes just pure math

Anonymous No. 16288210

>never go out with a girl who doesn't have cameltoe when she wears tight pants

Anonymous No. 16288225

After enough surgery shes become a silicon based life form.

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Cult of Passion No. 16288265

>pure "pure math"
Literally invented it myself then found it already existed.

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Cult of Passion No. 16288271

For real.

Aspies can actually utilize it.

All numbers can be p-adic numbers if you invert the Cognition of a hemisphere in your brain.

4Chan literally trains you for it, you read dubs right to left...I also trained myself to read numberal bi-directionally, and if in grids, omni-directionally, as even i and e have directionality to them even though theyre represented in 1-Dimensional vector lines of numbers.