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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

visit No. 16286292

>stop posting zellig and soijaks on the board where i larp as a hecking mathematician even doe i smashed my only calculator in a fit of rage in 2003

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visit No. 16286294

I say this

Anonymous No. 16286314

Is making a genuine post beyond the abilities of the meme addicted basedjak spamming teenagers? Of course it is, to answer my own question. Go back to mom, kid.

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1694567052063.png No. 16286320

>Is making a genuine post beyond the abilities of the meme addicted basedjak spamming teenagers? Of course it is, to answer my own question. Go back to mom, kid.

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visit No. 16286321

>Is making a genuine post beyond the abilities of the meme addicted basedjak spamming teenagers? Of course it is, to answer my own question. Go back to mom, kid.

Anonymous No. 16286330

You’re still not funny. Why don’t you join a conversation here instead of just trying to laugh at us and making yourselves look bad in the process?

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visit No. 16286333

>You’re still not funny. Why don’t you join a conversation here instead of just trying to laugh at us and making yourselves look bad in the process?

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visit No. 16286339

trips of trvke No. 16286341

Because 4chan fucking sucks now and you're all 40 year olds who do nothing but talk about shit nobody cares about

Anonymous No. 16286347

What compels you children to do this? Atleast it's a break from the monotonous life I've chosen for myself I suppose

Anonymous No. 16286348

I’m 32 but go on assuming and lying about me you fucking retarded newfag who couldn’t even join a conversation here because you’re too fucking thick in the head.

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1710361363813-1.png No. 16286352

>need to jump through a bunch of hoops just to even post
Yeah no thanks. Unironically hundereds of sites to discuss shit like that on.

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visit No. 16286357

Hi. Let me break character for a bit. We're just having fun by posting jaks and getting confused reactions. This is also a break of monotony for me since I am a math student. Posting dumb stuff without a care is pretty fun, feel free to join us at the shemmy.

Anonymous No. 16286362

I believe people obsessed with basedjacks have some sort of humiliation fetish or something, there is no way they don't see how embarrassing they are being so it must be something exciting to them, to be so retarded in front of an uninterested crowd.

Anonymous No. 16286370

Bro you're so cool and fun for spamming an image board with embarrassing stuff, the fact that people like you actually exist as real people gives me secondhand embarrassment.
If I found out a friend was into this stuff I wouldn't be able to talk to them again.

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funhatingfaggot.png No. 16286374

>Bro you're so cool and fun for spamming an image board with embarrassing stuff, the fact that people like you actually exist as real people gives me secondhand embarrassment.
If I found out a friend was into this stuff I wouldn't be able to talk to them again. No. 16286378

yikes i failed

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Anonymous No. 16286382

>gooning to loli is good but enjoying bald man with glasses meme is le embarrassing
do 4cucks really?

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visit No. 16286384

>Bro you're so cool and fun for spamming an image board with embarrassing stuff, the fact that people like you actually exist as real people gives me secondhand embarrassment.
>If I found out a friend was into this stuff I wouldn't be able to talk to them again.

shhhh chuddy shhh everything will fine

Anonymous No. 16286405

Just wondering, but you're below the age of 20, yeah?

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visit No. 16286417

Anonymous No. 16286418

I'll pass, don't have the energy to do any of this after all the slave driving my PI does to me, you do you anon

Anonymous No. 16286436

stop posting this strange gif

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soygem.partymed No. 16286445

a easy way of suffering is doomed to fail No. 16286450

keep posting this normal gif

Anonymous No. 16286497

siryk zwabag bringbackpool

Anonymous No. 16286507

>getting confused reactions
You mean mostly no reactions? And it's not like the few people here now aren't unaware of chan culture.

Visit No. 16286534

upzellig No. 16286725

Up gem thread

Anonymous No. 16286726

they do say this

Anonymous No. 16286971

gemmy and original thread