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🧵 How do we fix American Education?

Anonymous No. 16287383

Anonymous No. 16287386

big deal i did this in pre-school

Anonymous No. 16287406

I will definitely and unquestionably trust anything that comes out of China.

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USA homeschooling....jpg

Anonymous No. 16287409

>How do we fix American Education?

Anonymous No. 16287435

The concept of homeschooling is crazy to me
t. swissfag

Anonymous No. 16287441

Homeschooled people shouldn't be allowed to vote, prove me wrong

Anonymous No. 16287447

Zogschooled people should not be allowed to vote. Prove me wrong.

Anonymous No. 16287453

china has near to no homeschooling which is why they're winning btw

Anonymous No. 16287469

kill niggers
quality of education should be distributed according to iq scores.
demolish the stupid after AI dominates labor work. before that, implement first two.
military discipline in schools.
schools should teach how to self-study after graduation.
force children to learn calculus, differential and difference equations, matrix algebra and vector spaces, probability and statistics before the propagation to any applied discipline.
make exams insanely hard to eliminate the weak.

Anonymous No. 16287476

elon musk was right

Anonymous No. 16287481

Definitely not asked to 8th graders but I'm confused about how the wording of the question relates to the image. Is the fluid flow inside or outside the ellipsoid? Either way I assume the solution is just Navier Stokes > Velocity profile > calculate total momentum but idk it's been too long since I've taken fluid mechanics

Anonymous No. 16287517

You are dumber than the average 8th grade chinese student. How does that make you feel?

Anonymous No. 16287591

But implementing this will have your faggot ass neutralized.

Anonymous No. 16287599

He's too dumb to introspect on that

Anonymous No. 16287606

This is trivial if one is given the volume of the ellipsoid otherwise it cannot be solved. For the angular momentum simply use the water density

Anonymous No. 16287618

i think a more interesting problem is why are chinks so insecure and prone to lying? is it genetic?

Anonymous No. 16287628

See >>16287606
NA education, everybody!

Anonymous No. 16287633

This is just a fancy way of saying take an integral, a fluid with constant angular velocity is the same as a rigid body.

Anonymous No. 16287851

I doubt every Chinese student learns this. The ones talented at physics are tracked into science programs, so they can sacrifice breadth and balanced development for specialization in a couple of topics
Not to say that's a bad idea...
Even splitting American high schools into academic, technical, and vocational schools would save a lot of time and money

Anonymous No. 16287856

this was probably taken from some high school provincial level physics competition in china. I participated in some of them but for mathematics instead. I can gurantee you most of the participants doesn't really understand how to come up with the solution but just memorize the "format" of the test.

Anonymous No. 16287900

>see terms like "incompressible ideal fluid"
>thinks it's complicated when it literally the most basic of fluids
In Europe this is a college level problem. But in China some kids study 18 hours a day, so it's not that unrealistic to see a question like this to separate nerds from normies.

Anonymous No. 16287929

If chinks are so smart why does that old gook at the Chinese store always give me less change?

Anonymous No. 16287954

People under 150 IQ should not be allowed to vote, I know I am right, you don't need to prove me wrong.

Anonymous No. 16287985

I am rich enough to never need to work.
I am neither sending my kids to school nor home schooling them. In fact I'm not even going to report when they're born until long after truancy laws have expired. Once they turn 16 I guess I'll be like "oh shit I forgot to get them a heckin birth certificate" get them to take the GED and then they can go to college if they want.

I would have preferred to just sit at home and read and play video games and watch movies and enjoy life. That's what they're going to do. No assignments. Or needing to get up early. We'll drive the country and they'll see museums, national parks, and once they feel like it they can learn what interests them on their own accord.

Lmao why do you think people put up with so much shit and work 50 hours a week for peanuts and deal with the abuses of bosses and pay their bills and just accept things? Education in the US is just wageslave training. My kids will not be slaves.

Anonymous No. 16288001


Anon is right here. This isn’t a typical 8th grade test question, this is the kind of stuff you’ll see in a competition test to “find geniuses” or whatever, similar to olympiads. The students won’t answer this question properly: it’s either memorized or guesswork. It’s one of many other simpler questions (simpler as in being at the 8th grade level), but every such test will have a question or two like this to “throw off” the student taking it. Putting this question here as representative of chinese education is peak cherrypicked propaganda

Anonymous No. 16288014

An ideal fluid doesn't have shear forces. There is no flow.

Anonymous No. 16288019

Hopefully your trust funds stay safe forever.
I agree that schooling is social conditioning, but we live in a 'jungle' or 'court' or whatever world which requires wisdom, power, luck,...
You don't want great grandkids separated of their wealth

Anonymous No. 16288506

The fluid has angular velocity, therefore it has flow

Anonymous No. 16288529

I’ve met Chinese commoners migrating here, they’re as stupid as every other pleb in the world.

Anonymous No. 16288539

If an 8th grader could do this the nation that produces them would practically be wizards. Why is China relying on flooding the market with their cheap shit to stay afloat then? Do some wizard shit.

Anonymous No. 16288555

Where is the volume of the vessel listed? I never had problems like this but the main problem here seems to be missing data.

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Cult of Passion No. 16288557

Of course you do. You see the state as a parent figure.

We have an "Uncle". Family but not family-family...because I might have to gun it down one day so I dont want to name it.

Anonymous No. 16288860

>The concept of homeschooling is crazy to me
yes, it's dumb

>Homeschooled people shouldn't be allowed to vote

>which is why they're winning btw
obviously, no religious fundamentalism or libertarian fundamentalism nonsense there.

Anonymous No. 16289000

>8th grader learning about stuff he will *most definitely* never use in his life
In America, they don't teach enough. In China they teach too much.

>let's fix the problem by... not dealing with the problem
That's not the answer. The answer is fighting for alternative teaching methods in your state and finding the best one for your culture. There is no logical reason to have laws limiting how education should work, with the exception of some basic demands to meet a certain standard.

Anonymous No. 16289023

The vessel is rotating, not the fluid.

Anonymous No. 16289261

They are vetting their 2 billion person population to send the brightest to our universities. The Chinese are the next Generation of educated Gentry, too stupid to own land in their own country (illegal) but bought all of it in Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

Anonymous No. 16289302

If you attach "8th grade physics problem in China" to any science question, people will probably believe you for it

Anonymous No. 16289329

>That's not the answer.
Agreed, unregulated homeschooling isn't the answer to anything. Might as well call it chaos.

Anonymous No. 16289626

just use the general volume of an ellipsoid?

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Anonymous No. 16289683

>yes, it's du—ACK!

Anonymous No. 16289843

in preschool btw
[eqn] \frac{\Omega \rho V}{5} \frac{(a^2 - b^2)^2}{a^2 + b^2} [/eqn]

Anonymous No. 16289854

oh right this is just the angular momentum, the potential is [math] \phi = x y \Omega \frac{a^2 - b^2}{a^2 + b^2} [/math]

you don't need navier stokes it's ideal, fren...

>if only there was some way in math to represent an unknown value
assume it, fren...

Anonymous No. 16289881

Yeah, I used to work at a school in China (not Engrish teacher) and I was instructed by the headmaster to give these sorts of questions. This is how they separate out students rather than using dedicated advanced track tests that students can sit for.

Anonymous No. 16289882

>Information taken from splash pages of partisan organizations, blogs, and newspages
>Not a single actual source
Homeschool IQ.

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Anonymous No. 16289889

>No argument
I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 16289890

I believe it but I would guess it has more to do with the demographics of the homeschooled vs the public schooled. Close to 100% of homeschoolers will be white, meanwhile my public school was 60% mexican.

Anonymous No. 16289892

Huh I wonder what happened in 1973 that makes one line go up forever, and I wonder what happened in 1965 that makes the other three lines remain stagnant.

Anonymous No. 16289896

>Another partisan source
I'm not even defending our public school system, but come on man.

Anonymous No. 16289899

I have never met a non white who was homeschooled.

Anonymous No. 16289901

In my area a lot of Mexicans who followed weird religions (JW, Pentacostal, etc.) were homeschooled. They do house and yard work, so you hear about their personal lives.

Anonymous No. 16290042

Idaho proving to be the best state as usual
yeah so the difference is in the US the person that want to make our live awful and actively hurt us is the united states
that's just the culture
sending your kids to american public school is like sending them to a vat of radioactive waste but without the possibility of becoming a super hero
an hero at best

Anonymous No. 16290057

>another r*ddit argument

Anonymous No. 16290250


Anonymous No. 16290438

>that source
Homeschooled IQ at its finest

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Anonymous No. 16290530

>"partisan sources makes me cry"
>they themselves can't show anything coming from an unbiased or opposite source

Anonymous No. 16290561


Anonymous No. 16290781


Anonymous No. 16290809

we cant wash the 56% mexican out of every american. we’re the perfect intelligence to work without wanting anything better or questioning the elites decisions. find one american with an iq of 100. i’ll eat my dick

Barkon No. 16290811

And we can't wash the fag out of you

Anonymous No. 16290820

brown response

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Barkon No. 16290821


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Anonymous No. 16290828


Anonymous No. 16290830

>The concept of homeschooling is crazy to me
The implementation of the public school system is crazy to me. Just think back on your education. How much did you really learn? How much of each day did you spend on learning? And what was the cost of it? How many traumas, insecurities and bad memories did you accrue?

On the other hand, how long do you think it would have taken for dedicated personal tutors to teach you everything you ended up learning at school?

Anonymous No. 16291807


Anonymous No. 16291821

I taught in public education for 3 1/2 years.
>How do we fix American Education
By not misrepresenting or misunderstanding it.. The primary and secondary education systems in the US are designed to qualify as many children as possible for American colleges, which are second to none anywhere in the world. Mostly because we pay better than other world universities so we poach the best teachers in the world. So parents desperately want their child to qualify and they make demands on public education to make certain their children qualify. Which means we teachers are required to teach every child with a behavioral problem and every child with a learning disability.

My biggest complaint after 3 years is we dump the problem children on public education. Private schools won't take them and our underfunded public education can't give them the care they need. One of the classes I taught (I was a middle school teacher by the way) one year (2nd period Math) was a dumping ground for behavioral issue children. It was impossible to get them to even write their name on a piece of paper. All gathered together in one class and FEEDING off each other. The fact that schools do that is criminal. Where will those kids be in 10 years? 20? You want those kids to be failed by our schools to become members of the adult public? Are you stupid?

#1, we need more teachers and schools. I couldn't handle 30 kids downloading porn on their school laptop while Bobby and Billy won't put the fucking fingerboards down while trying to teach my kids prealgebra.
#2, we need more fucking teachers and schools! Rumor had it that 30% of the teachers at my school were unlicensed "teachers aids" because we couldn't get enough teachers because we don't pay them and we treat them like shit.
#3, WE NEED MORE FUCKING TEACHERS AND SCHOOLS! Seriously, holy shit! Reduce the goddamned class sizes!

Our schools are criminally underfunded, all the money for public education goes to fucking charter schools.

Anonymous No. 16291828

Only communists and sodomites hate home schooling, because their lies are in the schools already and they don't want someone not being exposed to their lunacy and lies.

Anonymous No. 16292945

Stop catering to niggers and let them take care of themselves. Stop placating and rewarding midwit intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16292966

This is true. The standardized tests and regular school exams in the region often throw in these so-called "Killer Questions" to pick out the ones who are especially talented and or dedicated.

Anonymous No. 16293011

Isn't it just a trick question to determine if a student was actually paying attention when the class memorized the definition of an ideal fluid?