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๐Ÿงต Can you solve Witten's exam?

Anonymous No. 16287398

You have 90 minutes. No calculator allowed

Anonymous No. 16287399


Anonymous No. 16287433

He said "Sigma"

Anonymous No. 16287444

What no pussy does to a mf

Anonymous No. 16287454

you posted this shit on mathchan and got plenty of answers already faggot

Anonymous No. 16287463


Anonymous No. 16287640

/sci/ is way too retarded for this

Anonymous No. 16287644

>Can you solve Witten's exam?

Anonymous No. 16288349


Anonymous No. 16288600

>You have 90 minutes.
This was at least a week long take home exam. His students would have had access to materials like textbooks and papers, and probably would have discussed it among themselves whether or not they were supposed to.

Anonymous No. 16289632


Anonymous No. 16290028

whom are you trying to impress, failure that you are?

Anonymous No. 16290031

>time limit
worthless exam meant only to test how closely you have been following the class

Anonymous No. 16290046

I couldn't even read all the words in 90 minutes and english is my first language

Anonymous No. 16290440


Anonymous No. 16290441

I don't know anything about string theory so no.

Anonymous No. 16290655

Cn is | R | , such that l3 not equal 0

Value of $igma at values - J and - K

Is > than 0

Such that

Sigma always has a value > 0

For all values of J and K
Considered ( including radians)

Such that Zum(g) not equal to 0

Even for negative values of J or K
Or values when J or K sum to 0

Anonymous No. 16290661

Hetland-Whitfeld. Circa 1983

Anonymous No. 16290674

>convince yourself

this what american maths is reduced in 2024

Anonymous No. 16291812


Anonymous No. 16291819

I hate geometry

Anonymous No. 16291837

Im literally starting my math and physics undergrad in september