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Anonymous No. 16287484

yo whatup sci

I'm looking to start a career in diagnosis of disease, medicine, therapy, etc.

any trusted sites I can get into the habit of checking for the latest and greatest in medical research?

I've got a high school level of understanding when it comes to bio/chem/physics but I'm enrolled in an anatomy/medical terminology course at my local community college

so again, just looking for trusted, reliable sources of cutting edge medical insights

many thanks!!

Anonymous No. 16287569

You need to have vision. If people look at you and say "theres a man with vision" you basically won.

Anonymous No. 16287580

>In other news, academic NPC's have recently concluded that there's no such thing as free will.

Anonymous No. 16287593

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

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Anonymous No. 16287600

sensible take, thanks

Anonymous No. 16287773


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Anonymous No. 16288137

Based take, stupid ass nigger hasn't even heard of LexisNexis.

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Anonymous No. 16288587

OP here

I wasn't asking for career advice, just providing context to my request for trusted sources of clean information

just finished the homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, going to order Mary Baker Eddys works next.

Any other Christian Scientists out there?