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Anonymous No. 16287534

>make a new journal and become its editor in chief
>have your friend make another new journal and become its editor in chief as new
>you submit papers to your friend journal
>your friend submit papers to your journal
>always accept each other papers
>always cite each other work from the other journal
>now both journals will have high impact factor due to citations from the other ones
>now you both have high citation counts in high impact factor journals
is there a system to stop people from doing this or it's just unlimited exploit for a free "high impact" academic career?

Anonymous No. 16287537

Delete your garbage thread OP.

Anonymous No. 16287538

why is it garbage? It could help one academic career tremendously. I need to know in case I need to farm citation in the future.

Anonymous No. 16287543

>is there a system to stop people from doing this
yeah people who read papers don't like papers that look like that, hope this helps!

Anonymous No. 16287550

My papers can be of high enough quality and I can still do this to increase citation counts.

Anonymous No. 16287552

if your papers were of high enough quality, they would get published and cited on more popular journal hosts :^)

Anonymous No. 16287556

But that wouldnt be as cool as having my own high impact factor journal

Anonymous No. 16287563

>be you
>design scam journal
>no credit because the only other associated journal host is also a scam
>no other contributors to make you an actual journal host
>no contributors to pad out scam
>nobody considers journal legit
>go under due to irrelevancy
many such cases!

Anonymous No. 16287776

>nobody considers journal legit
what if I have like 5k citations? wouldn't that add crediblity. people like Yann LeCun and Geoffrey Hinton basically did the same thing with their ICLR conference and it turned into a legit top tier venue so it is possible.

Anonymous No. 16287786

>5k citations
>1 journal
>1 author

Anonymous No. 16287787

hey, I have closer and closer to 500 already. it's not farfetch that in 5-10 years I'll have 5k

Anonymous No. 16288008

To all the anons clowning OP, american psychology before the replication crisis became common knowledge was exactly like this. A closed group of professors reviewing each other’s work, accepting it, accepting each other’s students for research, agreeing to be examiners and whatnot. Things have changed in the decade and a half since then, but don’t think this doesn’t occur.