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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16287671

why are people so disrespectful to him?

Anonymous No. 16287674

Ok. Show me what you ate for breakfast this morning.

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Anonymous No. 16287694

because respect that's lost is hard to earn back

the scientific establishment has been used for decades to push lies and propaganda, especially to dindus, then we see some dindu fallaciously parroting all the establishment bs while appealing to the authority we lost respect for to begin with

it's not hard to figure out man

Anonymous No. 16287697

he got 8 million views in his video about howard, i don't know what cave you scitards live in but he is still well respected

Anonymous No. 16287698

When has a hallway ever chirped

Anonymous No. 16287719

it's a cultural thing...

Anonymous No. 16287746

niggas dont change theyre smoke detector batteries and they be chirpin and shiet cracka

Anonymous No. 16287799

His show on youtube is so weird, he invites guests and then listens to them with an absolutely bored face, like he's almost annoyed hearing them, and then there's some random black guy I guess as comic relief? But he's just kinda annoying and interrupts people all the time with inanities

Anonymous No. 16287833

the one with richard dawkins was pretty entertaining

Anonymous No. 16287839

No this how yt e never chirps. its racis they b watchin u

Anonymous No. 16287981

there are almost as many stars in the universe as there are stolen bicycles in his back yard

Anonymous No. 16287996

Who cares if he's low IQ and just parroting normie stuff? He's actually based because he's low IQ and is able to get under the skin of people with 120 IQs.

"Hold on" is the perfect thing to say when someone ends their fucking sentence with, "right?" or goes "let's unpack this". Perfect two word phrase to shut down midwits.

Anonymous No. 16287997

How many threads do we need of this guy? He’s good as an educator of physics and absolutely horrible once he opens his mouth about biology or psychology or anything else. Just like any expert, he specializes in a field, and is good at teaching that field. That’s it.

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twum shenanigans .jpg

Anonymous No. 16288061

you only get upset at seeing threads about him because you're a racist. he is the world's most famous and important scientist

Anonymous No. 16288073

dude's a podcaster when's the last time he even engaged in anything that could be considered science

Anonymous No. 16288147

>why are people so disrespectful to him?
Envy, the manifestation of insecurity, which is the manifestation of fear.
So fear, fundamentally.

Anonymous No. 16289164

he look like he might've wanted it

Anonymous No. 16289176

He's worshiped by the reddit "I heckin love science" types because he's le black science man.

Anonymous No. 16289180

Why's he like this? He seems extremely anti deduction

frin No. 16289236

black=jungle=nword logic

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Anonymous No. 16289426

>So fear, fundamentally.
yes, of abandonment, to be specific.
It hurts like shit, and we subconsciously fear it.

Anonymous No. 16290505

I had oatmeal with blackcurrant jam

Anonymous No. 16290604

Because for some reason the public perception is that the is the CEO of science. So people go make fun of him, instead of actually looking into whatever topic they don't understand

Anonymous No. 16290730

>Show me what you ate for breakfast this morning.
a bit too late to throw it up now.

Anonymous No. 16290983

Isn't this infotainment clown affiliated with the Scientology cult in some way?

Anonymous No. 16290986

>why are people so disrespectful to him?
Because he didn't earn his position.
And it shows in his mistakes and his stupid opinions and politics.

Anonymous No. 16290994


He is a science whisperer for the illiterate. Retards with bit of scientific knowledge think he's retard because they cant understand his audience and they cant understand his job. They equate his job with what he is. Its like people confusing actors in movies for real life

Anonymous No. 16290999

Because you can kiss yourself in the mirror, but only on the lips

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Anonymous No. 16291001

>I don't like him, therefore he didn't earn his position

Anonymous No. 16291010

I can't stand him. Everything he says is so dumbed down like its science for the downie class.
Carl Sagan was never like this. Mr. Wizard was never like this. wtf is wrong with this guy?
perhaps they want sub 80 iq children thinking they can do science an sheeeit by taking part in epic rap battles and the pathologizing of ideological opponents?

Anonymous No. 16291015

People are sick of diversity hires.
That clown shows everyone what a clown he is all the time.

Anonymous No. 16291018

Do do not disturb the lolcows they do a valuable community job

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Anonymous No. 16291044


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whos the fairest ....png

Anonymous No. 16291888


Anonymous No. 16292323

Peak midwit contrarian response. Here's your (You), now take a screenshot for your Discord server and fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16292789


Anonymous No. 16292794

>I'll just strawman what my opponent said because I can't defeat it.
Take our your buttplug, and go back and read what I actually wrote.

Anonymous No. 16292848

It's the price of fame. I doubt there is any public character that does not receive any criticism and negativity.

Anonymous No. 16292873

He rubs everyone the wrong way

Anonymous No. 16292938

>Envy, the manifestation of insecurity, which is the manifestation of fear.
do you people actually believe this nonsense, the layers never end, repeating and switching infinitely all for the goal to trick the googly eyed, bow tie wearing, seat sniffing retards that think they can read others. stick to talking about your whore mothers you faggots.

Anonymous No. 16293482

How is this not the Why? How is the How not the Why? Why does it matter?

Anonymous No. 16293483

The Jews were misguided. Look what is happening to them. Muslims are favored, and blacks are more important than Jews. They overplayed their hand.

Anonymous No. 16293493

you can take samples of your stomach and intestines to show what you ate. People take samples from dead people all the time. That's how you get phrases like, "their last meal was..." Pollen in food is useful info too

Anonymous No. 16293496

also, you can just show a vid recording.

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astronomy phd the....jpg

Anonymous No. 16294225

>I do like him, therefore he did earn his position

Anonymous No. 16295455

we've still never had an explanation about why his phd thesis was 4 pages long and on page was this sketch of a guy holding a pool cue

Anonymous No. 16295536

>his stupid opinions and politics.
What are the astrophysical implications of having bad opinions on politics?

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Anonymous No. 16295804

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16295817

kys kike

Anonymous No. 16295952

Whatever your opinion on the guy, that's not his thesis. It's just an article on the same topic.

Anonymous No. 16296886

its his thesis

Anonymous No. 16296906

Nice 4 page thesis, MRNA pusher. You helped get millions sick and we won't forget it.

Anonymous No. 16297222

Einstein didn't look at science this way.

There's science we apply; the scientific *method*, then there's the eternal science that's truth, lying in wait, for all time; the "music of the spheres" as Einstein put it.

The idea that science is something only to apply does a massive disservice to its purity. The scientific method is itself just a process, and nature is a process.

Anonymous No. 16297227

>Kikes are the anti scientists
Are you stupid?

Anonymous No. 16297258

How you have felt if you didn't have black skin?

Anonymous No. 16297264

Don't worry about it; developed metacognition is a distinctly European trait. Even so, I do not agree with Charles Darwin that we evolve into a black man before a white man in the womb.

Anonymous No. 16297612


Anonymous No. 16297642

A cup of coffee
I ate something else a bit later, and kept snacking small bites of food now and then until the evening. I dont know when breakfast ends and lunch begins

Anonymous No. 16297690

>do you people actually believe this nonsense,
nta but yes, and the layers do end. But you can never speculate on another's reasons for their emotions and behavior. One can only discover their own. Of course, it's very complex and tied to highly specific life experiences. It's not usually consciously apparent. You're right though in that the layers are shifting and switching to trick others, or you could say there is a layer whose purpose is to obfuscate the workings of other layers. You can indeed get to know and understand all the prominent layers at work within your personality though.

Anonymous No. 16297731


Anonymous No. 16298602

why shouldn't they be? he is black after all

Anonymous No. 16298625


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disgrunteled soye....jpg

Anonymous No. 16299912


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Anonymous No. 16299933

>bbbut muh individualism and sheeit
he's the token dei dude who could stay out of prison. its actually quite an accomplishment.

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negro climate des....jpg

Anonymous No. 16301024


Anonymous No. 16301214

Chocolate Einstein = Affirmative Action

Anonymous No. 16302259

he lives in the whitest neighborhood in all of nyc, such is his respect and valuation of diversity

Anonymous No. 16302266

pseud tweets, the way he handled Terrance Howard was based tho

Anonymous No. 16302423

but I didn't eat anything for breakfast this morning. I don't understand the request

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Cult of Passion No. 16302479

...were mead.

Anonymous No. 16302643

he's an uppity neighbor who got it all figured out

Anonymous No. 16302672

>cutely shits on ur table x3

Anonymous No. 16303354

You mean the kleptomaniac patent clerk who ripped off others' work and he's paraded around in the media as a genius despite being an actual retard?

Anonymous No. 16303449

>I can prove x
To yourself. I'll only know for sure if I can prove to myself x. Your prove of x doesn't mean much for me.

This is what the so called """""""""scientists"""""""""" of today don't get.

Anonymous No. 16304622


these guys get it

Anonymous No. 16304639

Your parents deserve a medal for your retarded ass making it to adulthood

Anonymous No. 16304700

He‘s right. Nepotism and political favoritism - especially in Academia - has gone such a long way that it’s legitimately hard to tell if someone‘s earned his position or if he got there due to the special interests. Also big influences are almost never get success organically.

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Anonymous No. 16304740

I watched a podcast with him, thought he was a pretty cool dude beforehand but the amount of interrupting, smarmy responses, and in some cases blatant inaccuracies made me lose respect and trust in him. He should stick to Astrophysics where he is actually knowledgeable, when he starts yammering on about genetics or other scientific topics, he is a know-nothing with a massive ego.

Anonymous No. 16305096

>He should stick to Astrophysics where he is actually knowledgeable
He isn't, he got kicked out of the field expressly because of his lack of competency

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Anonymous No. 16306560

This is all as predicted in Thorstein Veblen's timeless 1899 scientific masterpiece "Theory of the Leisure Class - A Study of Institutions"

Anonymous No. 16306760


Anonymous No. 16306921

smartest monkey on the porch

Anonymous No. 16306954

His phd was a fraud. It was well known during it that he had absolutely 0 future as a real scientist, so his advisor put Tyson's name on one of his upcoming papers just to pass him through and get the phd title.

He didn't earn anything.

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Anonymous No. 16307008


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Anonymous No. 16307942

picrel got over 100 million views

Anonymous No. 16308217

I don't know? Maybe he shilled for another evil company, like last time when he shilled for Bayer-Monsantos glyphosate based on LD50, even though it damages microbes, mitochondria, causes inflammation and increases in cancer and metabolic disease.

Anonymous No. 16309338

>whitest neighborhood
you mean most jewish neighborhood
jews aren't white, semites are an asian race

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Anonymous No. 16309557

Anonymous No. 16309936

For a while he had a really bad habit of chiming in on twitter whenever there was some big newsworthy event. And most often he came off as some smug asshole, which was a really bad look when it was after some disaster or event where people died. Occurring several times caused people who gradually not like him after a few years.

Anonymous No. 16309940

>black eyed black haired guy as the authority on race

Anonymous No. 16310150

>people are disrespectful
>is famous
>is loved
>is not feared
All you need to be mocked,OP

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Anonymous No. 16310153

>people are disrespectful
>is hated
>is feared
>is respected
>even the mockery of those who hate him sounds like praise to fresh ears

Anonymous No. 16310841

He’s a great vocalizer of science. Parrots information well.

But that’s not what makes a good or even great scientist.

This one Jew even says it; he blows Neil the fuck out.


Anonymous No. 16310974

You can't prove anything in science because of the problem of induction.

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Anonymous No. 16312503

he should be replaced with tyrone hayes

Anonymous No. 16312534

Because he's kind of an arrogant and close-minded asshole whenever someone may disagree with his personal perspective on something that may have an air of ambiguity surrounding it.
He has a hyper-obsession about what is, without the curiosity or foresight of considering what may be, unless it falls neatly into his binary world-view. Put another way, he lacks nuance in his thinking and it manifests through pettiness, arrogance, and just being a dick.

Anonymous No. 16313715

social reflex of diminishing the reputation of egotistical people to protect the rationality of public discourse.

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Anonymous No. 16314637

because he is black, why isn't that a good enough justification for disrespecting someone?

Anonymous No. 16314674

He got BTFO by some bored intern running a Twitter account for frozen meat, hard to respect a guy like that

Anonymous No. 16316164

why should anyone be respectful to a negro?

Anonymous No. 16316170

Not sure what you're referring to specifically, but it sounds hilarious.
If I had to guess, I'd say it was related to his covid views in some way.

Anonymous No. 16316177

This but unironically

Anonymous No. 16316187

wheres the irony to begin with?

Anonymous No. 16317703

If black soience man really like astronomy why does he choose to live in Manhattan instead of somewhere that you can see the stars?