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🧵 Need your help with a .. bizarre math question

Anonymous No. 16287936

So the “official “ number of deaths from the Dresden massacre are 25’000 and the supposed number of people buried in a mass grave at Heidefriedhof Cemetery in Dresden is 16’000

However the real numbers were much larger , they were able to find 250’000 bodies, the Red Cross estimated it to be even higher at 275’000 bodies , however because of the sheer amount of refugees in the city it is estimated that 350-400 thousand died and the bodies that they couldn’t find were boiled nothingness

So how many do you think died and how many do you think were recovered and buried ? I’ve not been able to find a completely conclusive answer

Anonymous No. 16287942

All that matters is 6 gorillion were sent to the furnace and you will abandon this path of thought.

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Anonymous No. 16287963

Come on anon we both know that’s bullshit