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🧵 [BREAKING NEWS] NASA Cancels Immediate and Future Moon Mission

Anonymous No. 16287943

After NASA/Boeing stranded 2 astronauts in space, on a mission that was supposed to last 7 days (it's now 40+ days and counting), they have now decided to scrap their moon missions, immediate and future, citing cost overruns.

With that in mind, what do you think about future space industry? Who will be the first people to go to the moon?

Anonymous No. 16287945

Based. The moon remains woman and nigger free.

Anonymous No. 16287950

Space related research is such a waste of money desu. Everything about space is so non conducive to humanity that I think any technological development that isn't a warp drive or at the very least a device that lets us travel at .01c is irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16287953

This is horrible. We cannot allow China and Russia to put men on the moon. This gives them an accelerated window to launch so it's imperative tensions escalate in Ukraine and sanctions are place on the PRC so they abandon their space ambitions which surely will be weaponized. I would prefer nuclear war than one of these countries ever putting a person on the moon. They are authoritarian shit holes that surely will want to exploit this cancellation for no purpose other than propaganda. China was planned for 2027. It cannot be allowed to happen at any cost.

Anonymous No. 16287958

How come we can't land men on the moon 60 years later? There really is a firmament isn't there?

Anonymous No. 16287962

US needs to start more international coups, overthrow governments, fund rebel groups, and start more wars in the middle east, perhaps go back to Afghanistan in order to delay China.

Anonymous No. 16288176

>hysterical zionists gotta war monger

Anonymous No. 16288221

Correct post. Space’s relevance to humanity at our stage of development doesn’t go beyond the Earth’s orbit, and even then it’s only a comparatively minor interest.

Anonymous No. 16288223

the have cancelled the rover mission not the manned mission, why don't you retards read what you post

Anonymous No. 16288245

Wrong, Jews. We need to start colonising Selene and Mars as soon as possible to prepare future humans for the expansion of humanity throughout space. Aristotle was wrong about nearly everything, but someone had to get the ball going. This is our purpose.
More Jewish posts. I will laugh when China and Japan have Lunar bases while NASA/ESA are still pissing about trying to send POC and women to Selene and delaying every probe mission due to "costs".

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Anonymous No. 16288408

This story has nothing to do with Starliner or the ISS, you fucking liar. And post a link next time, faggot.


Anonymous No. 16288713

Inorganic post.

Anonymous No. 16289278

it's joever

Anonymous No. 16289281

Can human skeletons even survive on Mars? Mars has like what? 40% of our gravity?

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Cult of Passion No. 16289290

>Giga optimist (Me)
>"host Andrew Ross Sorkin asked Musk what he thought of the competition with Bezos and whether he will ever catch up.
>"I hope he does," Musk responded. "I actually agree with a lot of Jeff's motivations."
Stop LARPing in my sesame thread!