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Anonymous No. 16287979

/med/ help I have tachycardia from just drinking a 6pack of beers fuck, what do I do, h-how do I stop drinking so much??

/med/.. help..

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Anonymous No. 16287986

Um, /sci/.. or /med/..


Anonymous No. 16287992

just try tapering, like make it a 5 pack and then a 4 pack, etc. maybe get to 1-2 beers/day, because research says this actually healthy. drink pomegranate juice and do supplements like NAC and ALCAR, it will improve your health.

Anonymous No. 16288012

Do a flip faggot

Anonymous No. 16288053

Neither. Chuds don't drink alcohol. Chud supreme, Adolf Hitler, never drank alcohol.

Anonymous No. 16288060

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16288177

listen to this guy >>16287992

Anonymous No. 16288222

long covid.


Anonymous No. 16288243

>h-how do I stop drinking so much??
Simple. Not easy, but simple.
>quit being a bitch
>stop buying alcohol, period, hard stop, no circumstance can justify it, don't care if it's with friends, no alcohol, you're done forever
>get a new hobby or activity to distract you from withdrawal
>don't give up on relapses, life goes on, don't think that if you fuck up and have a beer you might as well get another

>inb4 how do i quit being a bitch
You just do. It's a mindset, it's within your power at all times. Just make the decision.
>inb4 I can't live without drinking alcohol I enjoy it too much
Quit being a bitch, you can, it's not a big deal.

Anonymous No. 16288246

>maybe get to 1-2 beers/day, because research says this actually healthy
Lets see the studies. And don't even try to move goalposts to
>glass of wine per day is healthy
That shit has been deboonked a long time ago, whatever negligible benefits regular wine consumption has can be gotten from drinking grape juice without poison mixed in.

Anonymous No. 16288905

If you've been drinking heavily for several days, it could be reversible atrial arrhythmia (holiday heart syndrome), which usually goes away without complication as soon as you sober up.
If you been an alcoholic for many years, it could be heart failure caused by an underlying alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which is very, very bad.

Anonymous No. 16289179

sounds like atrial fib