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Anonymous No. 16288089

If you cloned a neanderthal today and raised it as a human, would it be able to integrate into human society?

Anonymous No. 16288093

They'd be an autist

Anonymous No. 16288099

Like a guy that like trains and is good with math or more like "HI WOWIE"?

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Anonymous No. 16288242

If you cloned an Anatolian Neolithic Farmer, a Western Hunter Gatherer, or an Ancient North Eurasia, and raised it in the same manner, would it turn out as a functional adult human?

Anonymous No. 16288593

Yeah, probably. That's what the last Neanderthals did anyways, wasn't it? Their genes just got diluted by another larger population.

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Anonymous No. 16289409

can Homo Erectus?

Anonymous No. 16289433

They wouldn't be able to chain syllables together themselves but they could probably understand humans to some degree. I imagine someone like that would be happy living a simple life as farmer or fisherman or something.

Anonymous No. 16289976

They just had sex.
I don't think it qualifies as integrating into human society.

Anonymous No. 16290278



Anonymous No. 16290290

easier than homo africanus

Anonymous No. 16291670

No. The current experiment with H. erectus is ongoing despite massive evidence of failure.

Anonymous No. 16291682

If you can't integrate into human society, why would you expect that an arbitrary primate could?

Anonymous No. 16291683

Only if it was clamped and vaccinated.

Anonymous No. 16292230

i believe it was australopithecus sediba and onwards that could function relatively normally in modern society. so yes

Anonymous No. 16292808

The neaderthal's jaw doesn't match the skull.

Anonymous No. 16292814

Some "modern" "humans" can't function normally in modern society, so doubtful.