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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Which Undergrad Courses Can You Skip?

Anonymous No. 16288141

I taught myself all of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calc 1 and 2, along with some linear algebra. I would need to review these subjects for a month or two to refresh all my knowledge, but there are plenty of high schools that offer all of these courses. Is it possible to test out of a lot of this shit prior to university if you don't have any high school credits for these courses? Would this shorten the length of time it takes to get a bachelor's degree?

Anonymous No. 16288160

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16288162

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
I've just been browsing that board, and I know threads like this commonly get moved over there, but it just makes the most sense to ask a question like this on /sci/. I remember a few years ago when questions about university were very common over here.

Anonymous No. 16288167

Who do you think has more knowledge of undergrad courses?
>/adv/ that knows only about incel relationship advice
>/sci/ that knows alot about undergrad courses

Anonymous No. 16288178

>test out of a lot of this shit prior to university if you don't have any high school credits for these courses
Yes, in some universities. You can also just talk to a professor and prove you aren't a retard, I skipped to calc 3 without taking any of the earlier classes

Anonymous No. 16288182

What degree were you trying to get, and did you end up getting that degree in less than 4 years?

Anonymous No. 16288183

Although side note, a lot of lower level compsci/math classes require calc 2 and I have to get special permission for all them because I "didn't complete the prerequisite". Real pain in the ass if it's a class that fills up quickly. Unless you have a decent reason financially or whatever, I'd probably just take the easy A to inflate my gpa

Anonymous No. 16288184

this, just talk to the department and see if you can prove pre-req proficiency. Of course, this probably won't apply to 3rd or 4th year classes.

Anonymous No. 16288186

Compsci bachelor's with a minor in math (literally 2 classes away from a double major lmao.) Technically I finished in 6 years but that's because I was doing geneds in hs, 4 years fulltime. Keep in mind, even if you skip the easy 1st year classes the uni still wants to get its money. I just took way more math and grad level classes

Anonymous No. 16288218

about 2/3rds of your courses arent useful towards your degree.

Anonymous No. 16288379

college should be spent creamppie-ing retarded 18 year olds

Anonymous No. 16288505

Pretty much every intro class. But why skip? That's where all the hot, dumb, useless coeds are.

Anonymous No. 16288508

Math courses are definitely the easiest to self-teach if you go hard at them. I found even physics 1 with full knowledge of the Calc series and diffyq (not Calc 4 here, usually its own course) was extremely difficult by comparison. I would spend time with those if you can beforehand.

Anonymous No. 16289174

sorry you need to be examined