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Anonymous No. 16288144

Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?

Anonymous No. 16288151

who cares?
You have to be seriously low IQ to "trust" heckin papers instead of reality you can literally see with your own eyes.
French Faggots deserve annihilation for being low IQ

Anonymous No. 16289202

so you're trying to say you have no idea what paper is being referred to

Anonymous No. 16289204

Why don't you ask him?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289206

There are fascists in wikipedia.
They should be ashamed.

frin No. 16289233

every people post the invention of penicillin need to be able to access contraceptives and then move out of jungles

if those two things happen there would be none of these issues because these acts in those respective cultures wouldn't be considered worth penalizing

Anonymous No. 16290499

nobody knows. you'd think someone on the science board would recognize references to famous science papers, but that seems not to be the case.

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Anonymous No. 16291555

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16292530

nobody on /sci/ reads scientific papers. have you seen the pdf thread? its dead as a doornail, theres only a small handful of people here who are actually involved in real scientific research.

Anonymous No. 16293981

>science proves accidentally the that great replacement theory is real

Anonymous No. 16294032

Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe. They are always greater than what they tell you. For example in France there are a lot of blacks, muslims and gypsies (Romani people) with french citizenship and passports whose crimes are attributed to the french people.

Anonymous No. 16294039

>Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe.
Its not just in Europe, same is true in North American, Australia and NZ. In America arabs are considered white by the FBI and in many cases the FBI also lumps hispanic immigrant crimes in with whites in order to create false impressions. It even happens in Japan where nearly all crimes committed by US military members stationed in Okinawa are done by negroes and hispanics, but are vaguely blamed in the Japanese press on "Americans"

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Anonymous No. 16294361


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london knoife cri....jpg

Anonymous No. 16295619


Anonymous No. 16296812

yeah I read that paper, good paper

Anonymous No. 16298013

Yes, thats a more succinct way of saying what I meant to convey, thanks.

Anonymous No. 16298809


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Anonymous No. 16299928


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Anonymous No. 16301123

Anonymous No. 16301204

open a browser window.
input "crime shift-share instrument Italy"
see what drops out.

Anonymous No. 16301221

Is there any context where you can you could write the word midwittery without being a midwit yourself?

Anonymous No. 16301275

>t. midwit
lack of self awareness is an indicator of low iq

Anonymous No. 16301294


Anonymous No. 16302255


Anonymous No. 16302697


Anonymous No. 16304300

>Using French data, we find that the share of immigrants in the population has no significant impact on crime rates once immigrants’ economic circumstances are controlled for, while finding that unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed non-immigrants.

"immigrants don't commit more crime, but on the other hand immigrants dot commit more crime"
t. science

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Anonymous No. 16304335

the latest study on immigration is here, it's a social study, not a security one

you have to understand that when leftists took power in 1980, they switch from an immigration which was european to the african one that everybody knows. So nowadays there's 3rd generation of migrants which are invisible in the stats unless the bureaucrats want to make them visible. They make them visible in the social studies to show how poor the kids of the migrants are even after 40 years of mass migration, but not in the security studies.

for the latest security study

The spanish and italian bureacrts also publish security stats and the nationalities over presented in their prisons.

and they show the same result: most of the nationalities are africans and from the balkans.

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Anonymous No. 16304337


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Anonymous No. 16304339

>Auteurs selon la nationalité

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Anonymous No. 16304342

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Anonymous No. 16304350

Anonymous No. 16304353

There was a nice table showing all the nationalities of migrants present in italy and their criminality rates
Can't find it anymore, but it may be among these links

CriminalitĂ  e sicurezza

EUROSTAT. Web crime data
ISTAT. Giustizia e sicurezza
MINISTERO DELL’INTERNO. Dipartimento pubblica sicurezza
MINISTERO DELL’INTERNO. Dossier viminale, 2020

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Anonymous No. 16305202

compare this map to immigration rates

Anonymous No. 16306600

europe has fallen

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Anonymous No. 16307984


Anonymous No. 16309291

just imagine how much worse it is now

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Anonymous No. 16310409

Anonymous No. 16310540

In the USA middle easterners who are darker than niggers have to identify as white on the census. This will drive "white" on white crime up and potentially even "white on black"

Anonymous No. 16310543

>once immigrants’ economic circumstances are controlled for
>unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed non-immigrants.
>share of immigrants in the population has no significant impact on crime rates
It's all so fucking tiresome

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dark whites stole....jpg

Anonymous No. 16311862


Anonymous No. 16311952

classic Everest regression, controlling for the crucial piece of information. "Controlling for altitude, Everest isn't that cold"

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Anonymous No. 16311961


You have to understand, they have ALREADY DECIDED the outcome of any demographic study of differences between races and genders.

Anonymous No. 16312973

ausländer raus

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Anonymous No. 16314578


Anonymous No. 16316192

good pic
its funny because its true

Anonymous No. 16317720

weak men make hard times

Anonymous No. 16317738

He said "who cares?"

Anonymous No. 16318521

That relates to foreign citizens, yet it is the second generation immigrants, holding local citizenship, that tend to be radicalized. That picture is hardly telling the full story.

Anonymous No. 16319630

>we need temporary refuge from a war or something
>*stays forever*

Anonymous No. 16320253

>takes vacations back to the shithole they claim to have fled