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🧵 Why do alcoholics live so long?

Anonymous No. 16288390

Because everybody knows some chainsmoking granny who inhaled a bottle of gin a day and lived to 98.
Why is this so? Are the people who are super into health just victims of health fads that chase whatever random thing it is this week that is thought to help? Are these statistical outliers?

Whatever it is, please justify it to me because I am drinking right from a bottle of Aldi's Tamova Vodka as I write this and I want to be assured that whisky and steak will last me to 92, when I will die in battle against communists with stage 5 dementia.

Could it be that studies about alcohol, that show it's ill effects, conflate alcohol as a group, and specific kinds of alcohol (e.g. spirits) are better (due to distillation removing harmful impurities)?
Thanks to any answers

Anonymous No. 16288398

Mere luck I'd say. Here are 2 which you pointed out, but there are like 200 million that didn't make it. Definitely only a minority survives

Anonymous No. 16288403

alcohol is a preservative.

Anonymous No. 16288449

He was rich and had an easy life. Not much stress. Didn't really care about sending his countrymen into the meat grinder or losing colonial holdings as the years went on. Sitting around doing nothing but drinking and getting attention, sex and whatever else. Churchill had a bulldog he could take with him. Imagine being paid $700k a year, being able to do whatever you wanted at work, drink in the job, never stressing about meals and finances. Yeah you live a long time. Easy life is a long life. If it wasn't for his bad habits he would have lived to 130 or longer.

I need to work 60 hours a week and live paycheck to paycheck so basically the existence of a slave. I look like I'm 45 instead of 26. Probably won't make it past 60 because of stress which causes hypertension and bad health.

Anonymous No. 16288695

They don't, you just notice exceptions and forget guys like Vito Margera or the Smash Mouth guy who died in their 40s/50s

Anonymous No. 16288698

Bernard Baruch's puppet.

Anonymous No. 16288705

Powerful and wealthy people are genetically predisposed to longevity and low cancer risk.
Naturally, they also have more visibility.
Your confirmation bias fools you into thinking that the most visible outliers are the norm.

Anonymous No. 16288844

>Why is this so?
They are the lucky exceptions, anon.
We're trying to understand why it is so.

Anonymous No. 16289397

The smoking part is important. If you just drink it's more harmful.

Anonymous No. 16290116

Alcoholism is obviously bad. But moderate consumption is good
Here in the UK, we have a units system to measure alcohol. 1 Unit is 10ml of pure ethanol, so a 5% ABV beer at a volume of 500ml is 2.5 units. I drink 5-7 units per night.

Anonymous No. 16290938

>Why do alcoholics live so long?
they don't. my grandfather, who was the only non-drunkard among the brothers, lived to 100. my father, who did not drink, outlived his drunkard brothers by 20-30 years. I don't drink, and compared to my younger cousins, who drink like sand, I'm the very image of healthy man.
some people are resistant to cyrrhosis and lucky enough not to fuck up while drunk, that's all.

Anonymous No. 16290939

They don’t. Alcohol has a negative correlation with longevity.
>B-but muh anecdotes

Anonymous No. 16291030

>battle against communists with stage 5 dementia.
(you)? the commies? both?

Anonymous No. 16291034

My alcoholic uncle lived until like 45.

Anonymous No. 16291037

>so basically the existence of a slave
idk, slave didn't have to worry about finding their next meals or keeping a roof over their heads, or mass layoffs,etc ...

Anonymous No. 16291039

I think Churchill was an anomaly. If a normal person consumed the amount of alcohol he did in a day they'd be dead by 30.

Anonymous No. 16291040

Niggas who care about “longevity” are gay as hell. Every single day is a crapshoot and if you like whiskey why deny yourself when you don’t know if you’ll get hit by a bus 18 years from now? If you barely enjoy being alive now why the fuck is it so important for you to live as long as possible?

Anonymous No. 16291059

>When compared with people who drank less than seven drinks per week:
>Adults drinking seven to 14 drinks per week could expect, on average, a six-month shorter life expectancy as of age 40
>Those drinking 14 to 25 drinks per week could expect a shorter life expectancy by one to two years
>Those drinking more than 25 drinks per week could expect a shorter life expectancy by four to five years
It shortens lifespan but not by as much as I would have guessed.

Anonymous No. 16291269

are you retarded

Anonymous No. 16291283

Stress is detrimental. More detrimental than poison. People who drink and smoke and live to 100 have low stress.

Anonymous No. 16291294

>Why is this so?
Because the outliers stand out in your mind. No one is shocked when a lifelong alcoholic dies of liver failure in his 40s/50s. This is the case for most alcoholics which is why it's a surprise when one of them survives to old age and it's something you remember. You're on fucking /sci/; please don't be this stupid. I shouldn't need to be telling you this.

Anonymous No. 16291316

My dad's cousin picked up smoking at 35 and died of cancer at 50.

Anonymous No. 16291349

Good point.
Ad hominem. I would 100% rather be a slave, have a family provided for me, fed, and never need to worry about the stress of joblessness and bills ever again. I only eat 1 meal a day and make sure I get as many calories as possible. Idiot you don't know how bad life is if you're poor.
People who can afford to blow money on booze have more disposable income which explains that retard.