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Anonymous No. 16288407

>never touched maths until his 20s
>only got interested while trying to learn russian
>obtained princeton phd 7 years later
what's your excuse /sci/zo?

Anonymous No. 16288419

I just enjoy touching my dick way too much to bother with something like school.

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Anonymous No. 16288433

> Be me at 17
> Live in europe, worst country for math in early education
> Have ASD and dyslexia
> Be in a mental hospital
>Dropped out of school and didn't know how basic algebra works.
> Got into math after being a neet for the last 2 years, found the passion via science animes.
> Self-study it for half a year 8 hours a day.
> Be at calculus 2/integral calculus.
> Also actively understand the subjects without much memorization unlike most in school.
> Be 18, out of the hospital, and be happy

Pretty much only concluded that whatever the school is doing, is absolutely fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 16288434


Anonymous No. 16288436

People think you're joking but it's true. I'm incapable of learning math if I'm fapping or fucking daily. Literally no point and no motivation.

Anonymous No. 16288456

My excuse is called algebraic geometry and quadratic forms.
Also missing all intuition at this level of abstraction; sitting in front of problems for double digit hours not having a clue what it even means while my peers just rock through them like it is nothing.
Ah yeah this finite type scheme over S in the nisnevich topos is ofc smooth and hence we can calculate the simplicial cohomology which coincides the cech cohomology BUT ofc not for H^0... what?
I should have stayed with algebraic topology instead or given up math altogether and enjoy life more. That shit let's me age rapidly.

Anonymous No. 16288460

>only got interested while trying to learn russian
false, he read a quote of Landau
> "how can you call yourself educated if you cant solve *some integral*?"
where landau was roasting one of his students or sth.
For some reason it made him feel not educated fully and he started learning math the way landau said you should, i.e. take a big problem set and solve all exercises. The thickest book was in russian, and as a linguist learning a new language was not very hard for him.
so the truth is
> he felt his education was inadecuate
> he worked hard in secret to learn basic higher math
> he decided to go to grad school in math
> for whatever reason the uni he went to forgot to organize GRE/admission testing session and didn't require it later, hence he got in just by signing in
you can find this in the relevant podcast or wikiquotes of that podcast

Anonymous No. 16288478

For me I can usually handle both if nothing happens in the morning. I can usually fall into a deep sleep after and get up to work or study in the morning well rested.

Anonymous No. 16288485

Imagine the mathematical progress that would be made if humans got orgams from solving problems.

Anonymous No. 16288537

I'm trying but worried about jobs. I believe I could be a great pure mathematician but seems like applied math has a better balance of interesting work/jobs.

Anonymous No. 16288538

who the fuck is this guy

Anonymous No. 16288546

I’m poor, unattractive, unintelligent, and I was born into a family that didn’t model healthy behaviors for me to pick up
The game was rigged from the start

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Anonymous No. 16288550

>learned russian to study integrals
based beyond belief

Anonymous No. 16288578

least porn addicted zoomer

Anonymous No. 16288613

Im retarded

Anonymous No. 16289090

People joke but there are those who genuinely could not focus enough to complete school because they were too god damn horny and ended up lobotomizing themselves.

Anonymous No. 16289111


Anonymous No. 16289160

I have been forsaken and have eroded in soul

Anonymous No. 16289166

I limped through a compsci degree after not knowing algebra at all. Didn't even know how division actually worked. Very troubled childhood in general. Oddly enough, it was much easier to learn math from the foundations afterwards without classes arbitrarily holding me back and taking up my time. However, university did teach me how to study, so I probably wouldn't have been able to do so until afterwards anyway.

Anonymous No. 16289171

With all math its just a matter of being comfortable with the prerequisites. You must've had to rush something somewhere and need to go back. You can't rush it, since understanding concepts is mostly about having a feeling, not just knowledge and working memory.

Anonymous No. 16289307

Lobotomy makes hypersexuality worse due to disregulation of impulse control by damage to the prefrontal cortext. The only thing that helps give more control over sex drive is low dose stimulants which have the opposite effect and increase prefrontal neurotransmission leading to better executive functioning. I'll never get the Redditors who are like DUDE ADDDIES MAKES ME LE HORNY. These people aren't plagued by their sex drive. They are happy to indulge and indulge and indulge and coom until literally they can't handle it anymore. They have small high density brains so the fatigue borne by that action is not as drastic and doesn't register to them regardless. They also have a high refractory period and actually wish they could coom beyond it. It follows then that they never had the desire to suppress sex drive in the first place and would not utilize the increased executive control conferred by these agents and thereby squander them, and in doing so simply reinforce what is done on them. To someone who genuinely hates masturbation and hates sex, and wills not to do it, will find stimulants extraordinarily beneficial for quitting pornography and excessive sexual thoughts. The mind is reinvigorated and things like math and learning become interesting and the ability to exercise what one truly wills can be accomplished. One truly is a slave if you cannot will as you will nor do as you will.

Anonymous No. 16289479

That I have a low IQ

Anonymous No. 16289485

Feminism is the only good thing happening from 200 years of democracy.
Feminism is good because it destroys the grotesque male narrative that men are the stronger sex. The truth is that women sit at the top of the sex market. Women are sex capitalists. It's women who organize the competition . It's men who compete for women and not women who compete for men. So they are right to be very strict about the rules. And since they are the queens, and 99% of men just live to provide for them, they have the luxury of rebuking any male quest they want and imposing on men various duties.
The even bigger picture is that Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

Anonymous No. 16289488

what are those low stimulants?

Anonymous No. 16289959

I'm not jewish or asian.
Still second place like all whites, it's not that bad.

Anonymous No. 16290024

too bad anime also made you a pedo
also are you italian or scandi?

Anonymous No. 16290528

don't like cheating

Anonymous No. 16290534

Nah, neither

Anonymous No. 16290551

>> be me
>>Vaguely Russian
>>After sports jackets, dispute how much people really make sense
>>"Can't be conservative without Malthus" Amirite
>>Get to independent scalar fields
"Can't believe it's not"
>>"You'll never make it, Can I borrow a Tenner etc, etc"
>> Do a yearly review
>> Totally revolutionise world understanding of mathematics as a topic
>>Global physics gets reviewed
>> Notice new chapter of thermodynamics in print
>>Various other shit
>>Olympics are cancelled again...
>> Die broke after winning Samuel Colt lookalike competition

Anonymous No. 16290739

You are (partially*) right; of course there are gaps and these gaps seem to gape wide open. The further I progress the wider the gap.
How can I close them if the other, progressing end is moving on so rapidly? Like running behind a car that is accelerating, already faster than I can ever run.

*but especially in algebra there is so much vocabulary and properties to just know inside out. Let's say some ring is noetherian and regular thus it is an UFD, so we know that...
Especially with regular rings there are SO MANY special attributes that specialize the ring or module defined over it. Codim 1 of all primes? Every primary ideal is finitely covered by minimal primes, etc...
It is not like a language where I use every of these properties somewhat regularly, besides in maybe an exam. Outside of that, for example in seminars or lecture it is so extremely hard to keep that all in my head and actually follow a simple 1 sentence argument using said attributes.

Anonymous No. 16291805

Prescription amphetamines. Erdos and Hitler were right.

Anonymous No. 16292456

nta but can you elaborate on this?

Anonymous No. 16292464

>I would lick the turd residue off the inside of any toilet bowl this guy ever used. Can you tell?
He's a moron.

Anonymous No. 16292559

must be france or something

Anonymous No. 16292593

He is very handsome. Does he have family and children?

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Anonymous No. 16292598

>Born in 68

People back then were much smarter. I don't know what it is, someone will do linguistics and then just pick up maths or physics and get good.

And even the humanities people were much smarter and articulated.

Anonymous No. 16292690

he grew up in a family of scientists
I grew up in a family of alcoholics

Anonymous No. 16293813

what do you actually mean when saying "never touched maths"? like, at what level was he before going deep into it

Anonymous No. 16293869

well that's good to know I guess. I'm at least another decade away from being financially stable if the world even lasts that long and I'm seriously doubting humans will even be on AI's level by then but it's good to know at 43 maybe I will still have the ability to be a math dude. it sucks bc I really do think I'd be better at anything than almost anyone suck it queers

Anonymous No. 16293887

I'm depressed as fuck and stuck in a relationship with a girl who doesn't work and throws daily tantrums and don't know how to end it especially since she'll probably hurt herself if I do
If I ever regain personal autonomy going back for a PhD is on my shortlist. I already have a master's.

Anonymous No. 16294240

A bit illiterate here sorry; who is this guy, anon?

Anonymous No. 16294259

Same, please elaborate if you can. I have been considering adderall for a while, I have a horrific porn addiction and congenital ADHD and am fighting through the second half of my math major right now

Anonymous No. 16294331

>still hasn't circled the square in order to square the circle.
literally who?

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Anonymous No. 16294434

>Be me interested in math
>Not that good at it (Got a C in calc 2)
>Catch up on guy I knew in my APCSA class in high school
>Goes to stanford
>Making papers on algebraic geometry and geometric group theory
>We're both 20
I'm never making it, is this what it feels like to be retarded? Guess I'll cope by doing filthy engineering math

Anonymous No. 16294488

yeah you're not making it hate to break it to you calc is baby tier shit

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Anonymous No. 16294511

Okay, where do I start with math?

Anonymous No. 16294573

Not the OP


I guess because Erdos and Hitler both used amphetamines to focus and manifest their will? Just what I surmised from a quick search.

But drugs won’t magically fix your problem. I’ve been on dexamphetamines since I was a teenager for my “ADHD”. Made some things better, but a weakness of will and lack of resolve made masturbation a daily activity, which segued into a porn addiction as I got older.
In some ways I had ADHD because I was too horny, I didn’t have any real hobbies, and I didn’t do enough exercise. Also too much TV. Basically all environmental factors, for which I blame my parents (but I don’t hold them responsible, they were just naive and careless).

A few words of warning.

Addiction fried my prefrontal cortex and excessive masturbation made my dick weird.

Progressive lefties and Redditors who say porn isn’t addictive or that masturbation isn’t a problem are at best delusional puppets of Satan.

Learn to fear God. Sin will lead you to hell.

Pure luck and some small degree of self awareness and fear snapped me out of it.
Found a smart, hardworking female housemate (even though shes fat, I’m kinda in love with her). Talking to her engages my PFC. Also, just sharing a space with someone else helps with the social isolation.

Trying to undo the atrophy with gym. I always stick to my routine: tue, thurs, sun, 7pm-9pm.
This has the added benefit of helping build discipline.

Accept that most of your waking existence is either mundane or difficult. Learn to take pleasure in little things.
You are what you repeatedly do, so get a hobby, I’m trying origami.

Anonymous No. 16296105

Food poisoned by jews.