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NoKrAb No. 16288450

Why are children allowed to be born when they can potentially suffer? Are they sacrificial? Scientific question.

Anonymous No. 16288454

They are vanity projects for their parents who have them for their own selfish reasons or by accident. It is disgusting a nation does not consider the harm of a bad life and does not take measures to ensure they have a good life by paying parents adequate sums of money to ensure it. $1000 per month per child and $1000 per month per child invested and saved until they turn 18. The US collectively spends several trillion in health care expenditures (public and private) and the majority of this goes toward old people in ailing health who really do not receive much of an increase in happiness. The amount of suffering that could be prevented by giving this money to children and young people instead would be immense and could ensure a child's life would have more joy than suffering in it.

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Cult of Passion No. 16288459

>potentially suffer
This is why you are weak...this is why you will always be below, looking up at those you wish were your peers.

Keep looking for a way out...and keep being locked at the bottom...simple as.

Anonymous No. 16288523

fu barkun, you¡ll never be considered an human

Anonymous No. 16289079

If they decide that they don't like being alive they can always just off themselves. After the kid leave's the womb it's their decision.

Anonymous No. 16289084

Yes. Children are sacrifices to Moloch

Anonymous No. 16289186

do mean this religously

Anonymous No. 16289190

Based and efilism pilled.

Anonymous No. 16289595


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Cult of Passion No. 16289658

Do you want another Biology, or a Psychology or Theology answer?

Developmental Psychology would point to Biology.

Theology will point to Developmental Psychology.

Solve for X.

Anonymous No. 16289672

Based and antinatalism pilled. Just one of the many reasons I don't want to become a mother. I was pregnant thrice, I aborted thrice.

Anonymous No. 16289722

>Scientific question.
what about your question is scientific?
Give us a non-subjective, falsifiable proposition.

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Anonymous No. 16289725

nah, OP only mentioned children. not all lifeforms.

Anonymous No. 16289728

>I was pregnant thrice, I aborted thrice
well done, sister. Proud of you.

Anonymous No. 16289734

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16289735

troons cant get pregnant, troon.

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Anonymous No. 16289761

>Are they sacrificial?

Anonymous No. 16289763

Just have him wear a condom and you take the pill. The chances of both of those failing are 1/1000.

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NoKrAb No. 16289765

Anonymous No. 16290054

why do you care?
suffering being good or bad isn't math or science

Anonymous No. 16290056

>so I'm going to become an incel that does nothing but look at asian cartoons and play games lmao hope you're proud

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Anonymous No. 16290544

>>so I'm going to become an incel
I didn't say don't have sex, I'm saying don't have children.

Anonymous No. 16290545

>suffering being good or bad isn't math or science
Fucking thread is off-topic here.

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Anonymous No. 16290566

>I didn't say don't have sex, I'm saying don't have children.

Anonymous No. 16290605

kek this is the sort of shit that my boss posts about on linkedin

Anonymous No. 16290864

Condoms are fucking gross.