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Anonymous No. 16288451

/sci/.. we have to settle this once and for all: what exactly happens when we die? If it's lights out I'm all for it but I don't think it is that exactly which is actually kinda why I fear death.

I dare say this is the most pressing issue of any /sci/entist

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Anonymous No. 16288458

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Anonymous No. 16288462

Heres some evidence of people being able to teleport using their thoughts after they die, something that can also be done while astral projecting. This research was conducted by a professor at the University of Virginia called Ian Stevenson
>Stevenson finds two types of cases where selection seems determined by geographical proximity: people reborn far from where they had lived, but close to where they died; and people reborn after one parent, usually the mother, came close to where the previous incarnation died.
>In the first category falls cases of Japanese soldiers who died in Myanmar during Japan’s World War II occupation of that country, then were reborn there. As reborn children, they tended to speak an incomprehensible language prior to learning their mother tongue, to prefer Japanese-style food over Myanmarese, to be afflicted by the heat, to yearn for all things Japanese, and even to look more Japanese than other Myanmarese children. In at least one case, a pair of brothers serving as Japanese soldiers were killed together and attempted to return home:
>They thought that they had been killed by the explosion of their own grenades. When this happened, they thought of their aged mother in Japan and even called for her help as they were dying. They then – after dying – found themselves instantly in Japan, where they saw their mother. They could not, however, communicate with her, and she did not see them. They felt sad and frustrated. They did not remember what happened to them after that until, at the age of about 3, they began to remember the previous lives ‘as if they were awakened from a dream."

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Anonymous No. 16288464

Someone remote viewed "moksha" and the data seems to suggest that reincarnation is a trap to harvest the energy of humans (Keep in mind none of the remote viewers are told anything about what they're viewing, all they are given is a randomly generated number that has been assigned to the target to allow them to view it without knowing what it is, yet they are still somehow able to describe the target and aspects of it despite having no foreknowledge of it):

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Anonymous No. 16288467

For those of you still questioning if remote viewing is real or not, heres a documentary with interviews of the people who originally developed and worked on the program with the CIA that goes into detail about the many successes they had, including a time where a remote viewer discovered a top secret spying facility that nobody knew existed except for the people running it, which got them in hot water with the government because they thought someone was leaking classified information to them. The viewer was able to correctly identify names of files in a filing cabinet that were SAP (Special Access Programs which are above Top Secret clearance that very few people know about)
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Anonymous No. 16288477

You meet Yahweh and realize the Jews were right all along.

Anonymous No. 16288479

Nothing happens, just live the best you can with the limited gift of life you have.

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Anonymous No. 16288496


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Anonymous No. 16288591

>what exactly happens when we die?
you wake up in front of Lord Jesus Christ and if your name isn't found in His Lamb's Book of Life, then He throws you into Hell to be burned and eaten by worms for eternity.

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Anonymous No. 16288907

My own rationale that I haven't put much thought into:
>radio waves, light waves, etc. exist
>radios and triangular prisms exist to display waves; they can only create them with human input
>humans have brain waves
>if my brain stops working, my brainwaves are hard to display but can be seen again if the brain is repaired
>ergo, my brainwaves and soul will simply ascend to Heaven until somebody is conceived who can match my frequency