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Anonymous No. 16288473


Anonymous No. 16288488

very interesting!

Anonymous No. 16288501

fucking rad

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Anonymous No. 16288519

>Science: We can solve things
>Also science: Wahhhhh! That low-level radiation is ruining my measures!

Anonymous No. 16288559

>dig ore out of ground
>it's just as uncontaminated
Why don't they do this?

Anonymous No. 16288568

oh cool it is more complicated than a shitty clickbait instagram-tier DIDJAKNOW pic could convey

Anonymous No. 16288577

>the radium in question

Anonymous No. 16288833

Iron ore isn't steel. It becomes contaminated when it is made into steel.

Anonymous No. 16289147

The steel mill sucks in air which is contaminated, I guess they could make uncontaminated steel if they modified the process but battleship scavenging is just easier

Anonymous No. 16289382


you're now beginning to realise all our dating methods are completely made up.

Anonymous No. 16289388

Cus that shit all got contaminated after the bomb. Why didn't the old shipwrecks not? Trust the science.

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Anonymous No. 16289423

Not my truth.

Anonymous No. 16289549

Iron ore didn't get contaminated. You are confused.

Anonymous No. 16289569

What about recycling the air after decontaminating it?

Anonymous No. 16289627

>Not my truth.
Did the tell wich isotopes lasts that long in atmosphere to contaminate iron ore during the process?

Why sunken battleships? The rust (saltwater is highly corrosive) reacts with the iron and transports all isotopes dissolved in the ocean into the process.

Anonymous No. 16289791

Battleships have much more steel than most ships, a 10 inch armor belt will still contain lots of good steel even after you scrape off the rust.

Anonymous No. 16290532

good observation

Anonymous No. 16290901

stop your trolling. part of the use of prewar steel is in equipment meant to do the measurements necessary for radioactivity-based dating .