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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16288616

Is it true that people unironically try to simulate quantum computers in a direct product basis? Wouldn't that be incredibly fraudulent a benchmark? Tensor contraction is the de facto standard in most QM simulations now.

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Anonymous No. 16288627

schizophasia thread
everyone spout out all your memorized polysyllabic jargon and soiyence catchphrases so you can pretend that you're soiyence wizard geniuses just like in your favorite hollywood movies
>muh IQ omg!!!
>it feels sooo big!!!
>i'm gonnnnaaaa quantuuuuuuuuummmm!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16288634

nigger there are two pieces of jargon in this. Direct product basis is something anyone with even moderate linear algebra knowledge should know, and tensor contraction, which is just a catch-all for data compression of matrices, singular value decomposition is an example, where you simplify a large matrix into three smaller ones by throwing away details, essentially.

Anonymous No. 16288636

you sound insecure lol

Anonymous No. 16288652

Sigh. Quantum computing is a fraud. Quantum math is “real”, in the same way Bible codes are real, but the hardware side is pure pretend. I wonder if they’ll ever punish it into the mainstream where the real investment fraud is such as AI.

Anonymous No. 16289300

cope glowie

Anonymous No. 16289306

Ok so i know this is a shizophasia thread but to prove it isnt, tell us how to build the simplest possible quantum computer that can do something like a logic gate.
With only 2 qbits.
Implement it with optics or one of these josephson joints i hear about so much
Describe how to physically build it

Anonymous No. 16289312

Blockchain AI quantum decryption when?
Its so sad i dont look good with a turtleneck and cant impersonate an energetic startup person for a Sequoia capital meeting

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Anonymous No. 16290634

>AI generated nonsense OP

>spam bot triggered by the word "quantum"

>spam bots triggered by the word combination "quantum computer"

Holy shit, the state of this board. Now there are more bots replying than humans.