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๐Ÿงต Omitting niche diseases, is gender dysphoria the worst illness to have?

Anonymous No. 16288736

>Chronic and incurable
>Drives you to insanity
>Extremely stigmatized
>Induces PTSD just by existing
>Chances are your parents will abuse and disown you
>And if not, you'll still encounter abuse even if you pass
>Mental, which makes it hard to relate to
>Care only avaliable in 1st world nations
>Comprehensive and timely care - only in the most liberal regions in the world, if you're lucky
>Requires invasive surgeries that set you back 6 figures
>Can never fix everything that makes you dysphoric

How much worse can it get?

Anonymous No. 16288742


Anonymous No. 16288744

Gender dysphoria is not a political concept

Anonymous No. 16288753

pol would just turn this into a shitshow of IQ 90 individuals. One can take emotional distress seriously without having to approve of gender-affirming treatment.

Anonymous No. 16288756

fuck off fairy

Anonymous No. 16288759

>my fake made up disease is not political
then why do fags keep trying to shove it down everyone's throats?
>implying this board is any better

Anonymous No. 16288767

>fake made up disease
Conspiracy theories belong at >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16288772

I agree, any talk about """gender dysphoria""" is an absolute sham

Anonymous No. 16288776

>then why do fags keep trying to shove it down everyone's throats?
Why do enterpreneurs hijacking a movement try to shove something down that promises revenues? Well, riddle me this... Gender dysphoria is real, however the way people are now pressured into it isn't. I really don't see where the cultural logic comes from that someone identifying with women has to biologically match their sex.

Anonymous No. 16288912

The whole concept of "identifying as a woman" is a niche cultural construction that has only been a thing for about 20 minutes in socio-cultural time scales. This whole notion of "brain in the wrong body" is something that has been almost entirely created within the western conception of the self and the 21st century western understanding of the relationship between sexual biology and cultural roles.

Anonymous No. 16289054

It is caled being delusional, and one get what they fucking deserves. Man prays, ponders and tests for that his premise and that his hypothesis are both true so he may proceed to live as he wishes. Start with a false premise of some how being a girl, going along with a shitty hypothesis that being a girl will be the end all, using untested means of chopping, stitching and drugging, and what a supprise, the wonderful end is not what you thought would be because you end up in the wrong place as a broken troon, not a girl, and there is no return. All because one can't suck the delusion up and stand back up from minor failures in fulfilling their obvious gender roles.

Anonymous No. 16289168

>suck the delusion up
well that's a really empathetic way to put it

Anonymous No. 16289310

Never heard of gender dysphoria until 20 years ago. Just knew that transsexuals existed and they were the butt of jokes in TV comedy shows and you could also see them standing on corners at 3 am working as prostitutes. No one hated them in those days, they were an object of humor

Anonymous No. 16289318

Maybe we should cure that illness instead of tolerating and encouraging it.

Anonymous No. 16289364

I can think of at least 5 or 6 illnesses worse than being a troon

Anonymous No. 16289399

From growing up with someone who clearly had it even as a kid it seems like a horrible situation, but there are certainly mental illnesses like DID or schizophrenia which to me look objectively worse.

Anonymous No. 16290476

most of it is autism reinforced by groupthink encouraging suicidality. autistic people seem to internalize rules to an extreme degree, and what stronger social rule is there than gender, which encompasses how one behaves, dresses, acts?