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๐Ÿงต What happened to this nigger?

Anonymous No. 16288775

Not long ago youtube was trying to make me watch him every fucking day, I just realized its been months and not a peep. Where did he go, what have they got him doing now?

Sage No. 16288779

I had a response but you deleted the thread and remade it before I could post. You wasted my time.

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Anonymous No. 16288941

Saars took over Jewtube and started shilling their own brethrens in the algorithm instead. Unironically they replaced a midwit Jew with a retarded pajeet. The stereotypes are so real. I can't even.

Anonymous No. 16289125

Why do faggots like you always have a trannie response?

Anonymous No. 16289515

he tries to secure a spot in the upcoming peter thiel/elon musk regime. unfortunately for him they will solve the jewish question including him.

Anonymous No. 16289586

I unsubscribed to him because the interviews weren't conducive anymore. That's why.

Anonymous No. 16290967

why do you care? he rode the rogan/musk/goggins-type podcast wave for a while and then lost the hype because he's just the least compelling copy of whatever was selling at the moment.

and, big surprise, turns out all the emotionally stunted zoomers who got on that marcus aurelius "i read accounts of the gulag while running 2 hours in 100 degree heat" self-flagellation wack shit lack the discipline to even pretend to commit to pretending they care about maintaining the lex fridman image, so he lost his traction and now he's being forgotten.

Anonymous No. 16291727

I will listen on occasion. It took me so long to actually enjoy a podcast with him, I think it was a guest that I really wanted to hear speak, so I forced myself through it. Now, I find his shows even less compelling. Maybe I should check out some of his newer interviews.