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Anonymous No. 16288917

If humidity reaches 100% do we drown because the air is fully saturated with water? Is this sort of breath-death a climate change thing?

Anonymous No. 16288923

It just means the air is super saturated and we can't evaporatively cool ourselves

Anonymous No. 16289038

Air has less of a limit of how much water it can hold than something that is more dense like a water balloon. Splash OP, splash. I got you!

Anonymous No. 16289113

100% humidity just means it's raining

Anonymous No. 16289367

The air around your skin becomes hot and hot air can take more water, so it's usually never actually 100% in your immediate vicinity. But in places that are already hot as fuck if the humidity creeps to 100%, yeah, it's deadly. It's called a wet bulb event.

Anonymous No. 16289372

yeah basically if the air temperature goes above 37 degrees and the air is saturated with humidity, you cant lower your temperature by sweating or using a fan. Future humans will have cooling organs that will dump hot hear down a back chute, we will evolve out of this

Anonymous No. 16289392

What causes this?

Anonymous No. 16289393

Full humidity? Just being next to the sea somewhere where theres not much wind. The water will just evaporate and the steam remain in the vicinity, otherwise the wind carries it away to drier places or higher to the clouds.
Places with over 100% humidity exist, they are just anywhere where its raining, now imagine its hot water raining

Anonymous No. 16289411

>If humidity reaches 100% do we drown because the air is fully saturated with water?
Yes: if the temperature is such that your body cannot cool down sufficiently through infrared radiation emission only, then you will overheat and die. It's called a heatstroke or heat-related illness. The human body needs its sweat to evaporate for sufficient cooling.

Anonymous No. 16289544

old people cant sweat

Anonymous No. 16289554

Anon do you know why dew happens?

Anonymous No. 16289581

So if the humidity reaches 100% and temperature rises above 36C it's over and you die?

Anonymous No. 16289607

Fully saturated means the partial pressure is equal to the vapour pressure so the rate of condensation and evaporation is balanced. It's common to have relative humidities above 100%, it typically occurs when clean and humid air is cooled down quickly and there aren't enough particles to cause nucleation. We'd experience this quite a lot with climate testing when starting a cold test after the previous person has done a high temp/high humidity test.

You would survive for a few hours.

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Anonymous No. 16289706

>old people cant sweat
do you even know any old people, anon?

Anonymous No. 16289718

Yes. Everyone in Lousiana, Mississippi, etc are actually ghosts who were instakilled by wet bulb temps 200 years ago

Anonymous No. 16289756

Yes, that's why everyone that ever got into a sauna died

Anonymous No. 16289766

you know how it usually olny rains when it's chilly? well at 100% humidity it rains even if its hot. happens in florida all the time, the other day it was pouring while the sun was shining and it was over 100F.

Barkon No. 16289781

Fuck off faggot KYS

Anonymous No. 16289793

Saunas have very little humidity.

Anonymous No. 16289918

*lives in hot humid countries*
How do brown people do it?

Anonymous No. 16290801

And that isn't even the most absurd thing posted ITT.

Anonymous No. 16291437

>booba - I mean, bump
Relative humidity is what meteorologist say. If the air rn at a given temp/pressure can hold x water/volume at most, and it is currently holding the max x, then that would be 100% humidity.

Kinda like how a cup of water can only dissolve so much salt/sugar - that too depends on temp/pressure/volume. A cup that holds no sugar/salt would be 0%, while a cup that holds the max sugar/salt is 100%. The latter cup aint 100% sugar/salt though.