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🧡 Sciencesisters, how did we become so unimportant?

Anonymous No. 16288977

Science deemed inconsequential by educational aptitude experts

Anonymous No. 16288994

Science section is a meme anyways
Redesign standardized tests so they correlate with IQ again

Anonymous No. 16290082

>Science section is a meme anyways
sour grapes, classic coping mechanism

Anonymous No. 16290092

The science section of the ACT was just interpreting graphs and coming to conclusions based on data. Unlike the rest of the test, I bet the results are 1 to 1 with IQ. No prizes for guessing why it's going away

Anonymous No. 16290195

One of the main things an occupying force does to hinder their enemy is to limit their education. For example, the Nazis killed as much of the intelligentsia and archivists as they could in Poland, whilst limiting education to primary school only (and a 4th grade level at that).

Anonymous No. 16290216

that was literally the only part that was based. now your college score is based entirely on math problems and how you interpret leftist short stories?

Anonymous No. 16290218

It's interesting that it was science and not math becoming optional.

Anonymous No. 16290226

Been years since I took it, but wasn't that one basically retard tier? It's just looking at graphs and making obvious observations

Anonymous No. 16290228

Math is racist created by white supremacists
Science is optional

Anonymous No. 16290247

The short stories are also created by white supremacists. It all needs to be done away with in favor of purely raced-base admissions by another name.

Anonymous No. 16290258

Not race-based. Thats racism. We need to do it by personality. We grade people by their personality based upon their uhh names

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Anonymous No. 16291254

>purely raced-base admissions
what about preferences based on gender and sexuality? and what about physical and mental handicaps?
academia has been particularly bad about excluding people with mental handicaps

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16292518

>academia has been particularly bad about excluding people with mental handicaps
No they aren't, theres a lot of downies with university diplomas, PhDs and professorships

Anonymous No. 16292993

This is part of the general push to get rid of standardized testing. Without these tests, the only metrics for college admission will be GPA and extra-curriculars. GPA is meaningless due to grade-inflation and inconsistency between schools. Evaluating based on extra-curriculars is super subjective and dependent on the resources of the school/family. If you are a normal white kid you'll get fucked while jews and niggers flood in.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16293019

>Without these tests, the only metrics for college admission will be race, gender and sexual orientation

Anonymous No. 16293027

I took that shit and got a 36 on the science section without even reading a lot of the question prompts. Mostly just looked at the answers and noticed they were generally off-topic and made no sense except for one.

Anonymous No. 16293101

Removing standardized graduate exams has been absolutely devastating to universities - they've been flooded with substandard grad students who end up dragging research and undergraduate classes they TA down

Just imagine what removing it for undergraduate degrees will do.

Anonymous No. 16293313

I know people hate standardized tests since they can be so stressful, what if they just had more smaller ones like once a month or so and then average the results

Anonymous No. 16293345

And that's a good thing!

Anonymous No. 16293348

If I remember correctly, there wasn't even any science knowledge on it. It was all about reading graphs and charts.

Anonymous No. 16293349

They want to remove objective standards. Then they can deny white males and let in all the niggers without getting sued since the white male will never be able to make an objective case.

Anonymous No. 16293353

Having a black woman TA in a Chemistry class was one of my first awakenings to the nigger problem. We would all go to TA office hours to work on the homework together. She literally didn't know how to solve a single problem. We were basically teaching the class to her.

Anonymous No. 16293357

>ACT scores drop for 6 years straight
>Make it easier
Yeah that's America, for sure

Anonymous No. 16293359

>Just imagine what removing it for undergraduate degrees will do.

Anonymous No. 16293520

we had a jeet ta in my physics course last spring and trying to get any help from him was like every bad customer service experience i'd ever had rolled into one.

Anonymous No. 16294283

They did the same thing for pilots' licenses a couple years ago, changed the test and lowered the standard for passing all in order to promote a political policy that is only going to reduce safety standards

Anonymous No. 16294333

im still proud of my 28 on the ACT

Anonymous No. 16295617

why should people who fly on private jets care about the safety standards of commercial cattle car aviation?

Anonymous No. 16295682

You have never even needed a license for ultra lightweight aircraft.

Anonymous No. 16295724

I would think it’s the other way around. Being able to do math quickly and analyze written language are hallmarks of high IQ. Aptitude in science is based in IQ but is also dependent on memorization of facts, which can be achieved by an average person given enough time.

Anonymous No. 16295740

governments created education systems for indoctrination purposes not actuall education
us is just dropping the act with their indoctrination/demoralisation plants

Anonymous No. 16295883

29. I did it to spite you and you alone. I hate you personally, and I hope it rains piss in your area. Promptly followed by a record breaking heat wave.

Anonymous No. 16296911

you're low iq

Anonymous No. 16296942

Nice, 31 here. Lowest was a 27 in science and 2 decades later I'm an unemployed alcoholic with 2 engineering degrees one financial downfall away from dying. I got a 36 in english and reading, those clearly indicate success in life.

Anonymous No. 16298455

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

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coolface twum.jpg

Anonymous No. 16299901

Do you get extra points on your ACT score for looking like a scientist?

Anonymous No. 16301077


Anonymous No. 16301268

You get extra points for taking three shots of espresso and two adderalls before the test. That's what 16 y.o. me did to get 98th percentile.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16302232

you should just claim to be a minority if you want to get into the college of your choice

Anonymous No. 16303373

Isn't the ACT the one where checking the "I'm not white" box gives you a higher score? Or was that the SAT?

Anonymous No. 16303382

you sure do seem to like talking about talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16303387

Are you me? Other than the alcoholic part, that's a pretty good description of my life, including the engineering degrees and being on the edge of destitution. Guess this place self-selects pretty well.

Anonymous No. 16303695

Long Live Mrs.Jesus

Anonymous No. 16303701

am i the only one who got 1300/1600 on the SAT and still couldnt get into college because i never did any homework literally.

Anonymous No. 16303714

They already do, I don't know how much the SAT changed since I last took it in 2013, but I remember reading at the time that there was a pretty tight correlation between it and IQ, something around 0.8.

Anonymous No. 16303716

>98th percentile
upper midwit

Anonymous No. 16303780

>upper midwit

Anonymous No. 16303825

It’s because at least in 2011 for me, if you were a person with the ability to take tests and think critically, 1300 was the minimum you could score unless you were fucking around
The questions were all worded in a way that with a basic level of logic you could sus out the answer just from the question

If you end up with β€œlow” SAT scores to the point where someone tells you β€œyeesh you should buy some study books” you’re probably stupid and would better serve society killing third-worlders in the military or being turned into fertilizer

Anonymous No. 16303834

I fucking blew off my homework more than I should have, but I still managed to get into a decent school.
What where you doing?

Anonymous No. 16303908

ACT exams are fucking retarded anyways why do amerimutts do this shit?

Anonymous No. 16303915


any nepo baby with Jew money can ace these tests

the only thing these tests correlate with is how rich you are

Anonymous No. 16305232


Anonymous No. 16305272

No I got a 28 ACT and 1300 something SAT but had a 1.8 GPA and was expelled my senior year. I didn’t go to college. I went into sales eventually.

Anonymous No. 16306612

congratulations on not wasting 4 years of your life at college

Anonymous No. 16306730

>i had shit standardized test scores AND i had a shit GPA


Anonymous No. 16306737

1600 SAT and i had a 2.5 GPA w mainly AP courses. almost didn't graduate because i failed and had to retake a couple required courses. still got into a bunch of colleges with decent scholarships and right now am doing a math phd at a school you respect

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Anonymous No. 16308139

>academia has been particularly bad about excluding people with mental handicaps
lots of downies get college degrees these days, they get phds too

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Anonymous No. 16308570

Something normies still struggle with.

Let's face it, scientific literacy amongst the public is non-existent. Science sections in standardized tests would force some people to learn basic interpretation of data. What this move is saying is that science should be left only to those who choose to study it (experts). What the experts don't realize is that if the public can't understand science, they won't value it and their funding won't be protected, something which Carl Sagan understood very well. America today values soft skills over hard skills and this will continue to be true for the foreseeable future.

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Anonymous No. 16309402

Anonymous No. 16310545

>and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues;
lol this dumb cuck thinks voting is real

Anonymous No. 16310589

thats cool but unfortunately i dont respect math phd's

Anonymous No. 16311023

The SAT was switched to being primarily knowledge based in 1994. Before then, a significant portion of it was analytical. Test takers with high IQs likely are tightly correlated with those having acquired better than average amounts of knowledge so even if it's not testing intelligence directly, it still manages to have some predictive ability. Since people of lower intelligence can prep through cramming with the set of likely knowledge required for a high score and highly intelligent people can come from backgrounds that limit their access to knowledge of the type on the test, more outliers likely exist than on the pre-1994 SAT.

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Anonymous No. 16311937

Anonymous No. 16311967


Route memorization of terminology and cookie cutter processes isn't impressive, that is probably why unis don't care that much. Math is more competitive, hence it is the topic used to weed brainlets out.

Anonymous No. 16311969

Because science is more objective and it isn't as easy to use it to indoctrinate youth into obedience in the same way humanities, arts, history, etc. are.

That's just the simple truth of it most likely.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16312972

>The SAT Is Just A Racist Test
based SATs

Anonymous No. 16312998

Do they care though? Universities are making record breaking profits. From a business perspective, getting rid of those barriers means you get more potential customers.

My entire senior year of college was nothing but jeets and nigger GAs teaching. I don't think the professors showed up more than five times the entire two semesters. The jeets were actually the worst because they would get problems wrong that they were showing us and the class would correct them and they would always get butthurt. The nigerians are exactly what you would expect. They were 90IQ diversity quotas that were below the undergrads in comprehension.

If you want to have a good chuckle, go to the student doctor forums. They have to be extremely passive aggressive because they got a bunch of cucked mods and it's reddit lite now, but they make it a point to tell everyone how it's completely fair for blacks to score 50% lower than whites on the MCAT and still get accepted because IQ is culturally relative.

Anonymous No. 16313033

Just have it be analogies and ONLY analogies.

Anonymous No. 16313175

>your degree had TAs teaching past first-year courses
>can't understand why his field is overrun by chimpkind
i've never stopped reading a post faster.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16314626

Do you think that the staggeringly poor quality of medical education is in any way related to the every increasing fraction of deaths which are due to medical errors? Medical error is currently the leading cause of death in America, it has surpassed both cancer and heart disease. 10 years ago it was only the 3rd leading cause, at the turn of the century it wasn't even in the top 10

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Anonymous No. 16316132


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16317335

its being replaced with a section on gender identity

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16318209

>not sure if joking or serious

Anonymous No. 16318213

Doesn't exist. You're a moron.

Anonymous No. 16318294

Shithead quasi-commie kumbaya pukes like Sagan are directly responsible for the declining standards and the sad idiocracy western civilization is rapidly plunging towards. I remember reading one of his retarded books where he talked about how smoking weed and taking a shower made him have an amazing epiphany about how race doesn't real cuz like... feelings man.

Anonymous No. 16318296

After scoring a 1460/1600 (780 math) on the SAT, I was scheduled to take the ACT a month later on a Saturday but overslept and said fuck it. Banged out a 1470 on the GRE before physics grad school (790 math, tfw no 800, pathetic). Suck it you ACT fags.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16319620

>Shithead quasi-commie kumbaya pukes like Sagan
he was jewish, thats the only reason he got famous to begin with, his science career was a total failure

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16320691

Nepotism is the only was they can succeed. Producing legitimately worthwhile science is beyond their capability.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16322466

Thats whats really happening, read the article

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16324074

>Shithead quasi-commie kumbaya pukes like Sagan are directly responsible for the declining standards and the sad idiocracy western civilization is rapidly plunging towards.
Right, but its not by accident. If it was by accident their mistakes wouldn't all lead to the same eventual conclusion. Theres nothing "quasi" about their communism.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16324673

Who cares about that crap?
t. college admissions testing

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16326282

>trust the science!!!
but also
>science isn't important enough to be included in the ACT

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16328024

>science isn't important enough to be included in the ACT
so why do they even bother teaching science in high school

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16329730

They do that to brainwash low IQ kids into being atheists

Anonymous No. 16330703

The science section was the only section I was good at. I swear I never learned the punctuation rules the english section expected me to know.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16332185

you seem to understand punctuation well enough

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16333670


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16335053

carl sagan was low iq, thats why he was never able to have any meaningful success in his field and had to switch to being a tv pitchman. he is no different than ndt

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16335624

science, huh yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, oh hoh, oh
science huh yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it again y'all
science, huh good God
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me

Oh, science, I despise
'Cause it means destruction of innocent lives
science means tears to thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go off to fight and lose their lives

I said
science, huh good God y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, just say it again
science whoa Lord
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
science, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
science, friend only to the undertaker

Oh science, is an enemy to all mankind
The thought of science blows my mind
science has caused unrest within the younger generation
Induction, then destruction who wants to die

science, good God, y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it, say it, say it
science, uh huh, yeah, huh
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
science, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
science, it's got one friend that's the undertaker

Oh, science has shattered many young man's dreams
Made him disabled bitter and mean
Life is much to short and precious to spend fighting sciences these days
science can't give life it can only take it away, ooh

science, huh, good God y'all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it again
science, whoa, Lord
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, listen to me
science, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker
science, friend only to the undertaker

Peace love and understanding tell me
Is there no place for them today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

science, huh, good God y'all
What is it good for?
You tell 'em, say it, say it, say it, say it
science, good Lord, huh
What is it good for?
Stand up and shout it, nothing
science, it ain't nothin' but a heartbreaker

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16336741

all of the famous scientists have that same biography. real scientists are focused on their work in their field, not on being a famous tv faggot

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16338140

Its not possible to be a TV shill and have a career in research. Being a TV shill is a full time job.

πŸ—‘οΈ raphael No. 16338218

shiee cuh i didnt even take the sat or act yet my FSIQ is 160 and i had a 1.01 gpa in highschool

πŸ—‘οΈ raphael No. 16338265

dumb nigger its a construct

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global warming po....png

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16339583


Anonymous No. 16341164

They want less useless paycheck collecting researchers at unis.

Anonymous No. 16342030

i did the ACT and dont recall having to tell them my race, so it must be the SAT

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16343268

They seem to have stopped the campaign to use arsonists to start wildfires so they could blame the fires on ">muh global boiling"
Too many people caught on I guess

Anonymous No. 16345051

ban exam prep if you want them to be taken seriously, all people do is learn how to ace the exam after school with test taking strategies instead of learning the material

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16346502

Who cares
t. universities

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16348000

what race are you?

Anonymous No. 16348028

That would actually be kinda fun. Proposal approved.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16349765

really shows how unimportant the stuff they teach in school is