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Anonymous No. 16288984

please explain... how possible?

Anonymous No. 16288986

You scale and line up two images that aren't actually to scale or aligned.

Anonymous No. 16288987

egyptians could see the stars, right?

Anonymous No. 16288993

Reminder that ancient Egyptians invented surveying.

Anonymous No. 16289007

Ok maybe not invented but it was important enough that they probably believed they invented it.

Anonymous No. 16289047

less light pollution back then
can you?

Anonymous No. 16289050

They literally roped a stick to a wheel and it got them accurate lengths.

Anonymous No. 16289052

oh wow, 3 points that almost form a straight line can be match with another 3 points that form a straight line and can be scaled to any ratio.
such a mystery.

Anonymous No. 16289100

No mummy was found in a triangle.

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Cult of Passion No. 16289114


How did they survey the stars?...heh, checkmate, hueman-mortal.

Anonymous No. 16289122

They don't even actually match, look at the 3d effects, the stars aren't actually centered on the pyramids from an actual top-down view

Anonymous No. 16289381


materialist are hilarious. the world is run by dumb tards like you two.

their coords are the speed of light btw. cope.

Anonymous No. 16289394

>their coords are the speed of light
Indeed, the coordinates of the great pyramid of Giza are approximately 29.9792° N latitude. Interestingly, the speed of light in a vacuum is about 299,792,458 meters per second.
However, degrees were not used as a unit of angular measurement in the Old Kingdom of Egypt, or at least there is no evidence of such usage. Also, they predate the 360 degree implementation from either the ancient Persian or Babylonians calendars, which are much more recent than the pyramids, and so it is extremely unlikely that any contrary evidence will ever be found.
Furthermore, even if the Egytians then did use the degree system, they'd have to be aware that the Earth is round, with a north pole and an equator from which to measure the angular measurement from to the Giza location. As far as I know, also no evidence of such knowledge.

Measuring the visual distances between such bright stars in the sky is fairly trivial, anyone can do it so acceptable accuracy. As mentioned above, the pyramids do not PRECISELY match the stars in the sky, there is some offset. Also, due to star drift, the constellation and its stars have in the meantime shifted relative to one another in the sky in the millennia since the pyramids were built, we should take that into consideration. I don't know exactly by how much, but I also don't care that much about this topic.
It might be something for you to look into if all this is interesting to you.

Anonymous No. 16289408

>hehe ancient egyptians/ayys time traveled to 18th century, copied the meter and then based their pyramids on it
Fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 16289646

>>hehe ancient egyptians/ayys time traveled to 18th century, copied the meter and then based their pyramids on it
As long it is derived from earth circumference (such as meter) it will be valid with any scale.

Anonymous No. 16290279

1 minute of arc at the equator = 1852m
1852m/8 = 231.5m
length of 1 aide of the great pyramid = 230.33m
within 0.5% accurately scaled to the earth. they knew the shape and dimensions of our planet.
π/6 = 0.524
aka, the length of a royal cubit in meters. the meter is egyptian, not fr*nch

>inb4 coincidence theories

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bodhi No. 16290285

but it isnt a straight line, that is the point you mouth breathing moron

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bodhi No. 16290286


Anonymous No. 16290291

don't go to far down the numerology rabbit hole. Not even digging in golf courses will get you abducted by aliens faster.