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๐Ÿงต Life extension

Anonymous No. 16289019

This small idiot lab mice gets to LIVE 25% LONGER thanks to this SIMPLE TRICK!
>Inhibition of IL-11 signalling extends mammalian healthspan and lifespan

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16289025

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16289026

I'm trans btw if that matters

Anonymous No. 16289036

As a study of longevity myself.
>T. I currently take a drug that extends life in flies.
I believe that study is flawed. What is really happening is the fatter mice are dying quicker. As we already know calorie restriction increases longevity. These mice were free to eat as much as they wanted. So if anything IL-11 may only increase metabolism. So I think they found a diet drug and not a longevity drug.

Anonymous No. 16289044

And it really annoys me that there is no mention of the calorie effect. The fact that they could eat whenever was barely mentioned as an afterthought. Let's say 25% minus a 20% calorie effect leaving 5% in the margin of error. I debunk this.

Anonymous No. 16289046

95% of antiaging/longevity research are fake and gay. this field is as bad as nutritional epidemiology. please post those finding into
where those "sciences" really belong.

Anonymous No. 16289048

why only 25%? if it were just simple as that, why can't the idiot keep repeating those antiaging treatments and get infinite lifespan mices? simple, those treatments don't actually cure the underlying reason for aging. they're just doing something else that correlate with improving the health status of the mices in the experiments. once the mices reach their maximum natural lifespan, they die.
stop spamming your scam field, it's a /sci/ence board, not a snake oil board.

Anonymous No. 16289060

here ya go, /sci/:

Anonymous No. 16289092

>published by Nature btw
how the fuck did this get past peer review? I thought Nature has some standard.

Anonymous No. 16289095

Is "life extension" peak dunning-krueger?

Anonymous No. 16289162

extend penis first

Anonymous No. 16289252

no, the field is actually only like 80-90% fake and gay. it actually does identify performance-enhancing supplements from time to time that can upgrade your body in the short term at least, to gauge long-term efficacy we need like 10,000 Brian Johnsons and a few decades.

Anonymous No. 16289256

Keep in mind there are things right now known to increase your life span. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a variety of non processed foods, don't drink or do drugs, exercising, strength training to counter act age related muscle loss. You do all that then you can start with small doses of things that may help. The point after all is to not do any harm. To improve your body.

Anonymous No. 16289313

>exercising, strength training to counter act age related muscle loss.
At the expense of lifespan. Very moderate strength exercise with normal activity is sufficient.

Anonymous No. 16289324

Why us everyone in the thread seething a mouse lives a year longer or something? Dors it get in the way of your magic spells or something?

Anonymous No. 16289331

>Inhibit IL-11 signalling
how the fuck do I do that?

Anonymous No. 16289335

Ear brains, raw salmon and get an real prescription for Omega 3 esters (the fish oil supplements are oxidized and toxic sold by grifters).

Anonymous No. 16289353

this seems to be a completely arbitrary distinction since the result is the same in the end
metformin was the study where there really was no effect except correcting for early death

Anonymous No. 16290546


Anonymous No. 16290851

Omega-3s and any other anti-inflammatory dieting such as a diverse vegan diet, including flaxseed flour and other nuts. Include occasionally fish in there for their omegas in their fat.