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🧵 Record cold continues in Australia

Anonymous No. 16289088

>The same system that brought rain and snow to southern states has caused temperatures to plummet in Queensland.
>Palmerville recorded 0.5 degrees, its coldest minimum since 1913, and the coldest July day in the town ever recorded.
>Widespread frosts are likely into the weekend with temperatures expected to return to average by next week.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289093

this is it! this is climate (((change))) i told you about, see how its changing? now give me money.

Anonymous No. 16289107

it's sad how the IQ of this board has dropped so significantly over the past decade

Anonymous No. 16289161

>past decade

Anonymous No. 16289178

why does this thread upset you so badly? what is it about cold weather in northern australia that makes you get angry?

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Anonymous No. 16289431

>Record cold continues in Australia
Possibly something like pic related

Anonymous No. 16289432


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Anonymous No. 16290091

Anonymous No. 16290374

Adelaidefag here, it's true. Temperature last night was like 5C. Barely possible to survive. This must be what it feels like on Mars.

Anonymous No. 16290411

Even the news is resorting to using >lust provoking images

Anonymous No. 16290433

41 Fahrenheit is nothing.

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Anonymous No. 16290529

>does not mean

Anonymous No. 16290610

>t. melts when it gets to 25 Celsius

Anonymous No. 16290618

Nope. I live inland away from the ocean so I experience 0 degrees F and 100 degrees F in the same year consistently.

Anonymous No. 16290656

>retard shocked it gets cold in winter
you do know seasons are flipped between north and south hemispheres, right?

Anonymous No. 16290676

you understand what the warming means in ''global warming'', fuckin idiot

Anonymous No. 16290741

>people believe this

Anonymous No. 16290751

You're the fucking idiot if you still think those early models predicting increase in average temperature everywhere are valid. The observed fact is the temperature reaches new peaks in both cold and hot as well as unpredictable averages. Hence it's more accurate to talk about climate change rather than global warming.

Anonymous No. 16290793

> anons in northern hemisphere realizing seasons are flipped so australia is in winter rn
> anons realizing that climate change means the severity of hot summers, cold winters, stormy rains and other weather patterns will increase, not that everything will just be “hot” or something as it’s far more complex than their coombrains realize

Anonymous No. 16290794

>global warming is when everywhere is hot, all the time

Anonymous No. 16290798

>record low in Adelaide in July is 0°C

Anonymous No. 16291273

>correlation is not causation when i don't want it to be, its only causative when it suits me

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16292525

Thats how confirmation bias works

Anonymous No. 16292683

What the fuck is this schizo bullshit?

Anonymous No. 16292689

Global warming has already lowered the average californians IQ to 95. Now they are only the 4th most prosperous state in the world.

Anonymous No. 16293142

immigration is what lowered california's iq
the average iq in mexico is 80, theres countries in subsaharan africa which score higher than that

Anonymous No. 16293171

I guess global warming deniers can't believe in AC either. After all, how can something that increases the total heat make your house colder.

Anonymous No. 16293270

Most of the posts here aren't made by real people.

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Anonymous No. 16293725

despite this BOM also predicts above average temperatures medium term, except in north WA which corresponds to the dip in the IOD

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Anonymous No. 16294046

The expansion of the Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice are bound to make the temperate southern hemisphere cooler

Anonymous No. 16295142

if global warming is real, why is Australia so cold?

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Anonymous No. 16296564

because global warming is racist

Anonymous No. 16297937

if only it were true

Anonymous No. 16297955

Possibly because of this effect. It might be destabilizing the thermal boundary between the polar cell and the cell adjacent to it, where the jet stream flows.

Anonymous No. 16298709

That is so true

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Anonymous No. 16299434

Anonymous No. 16300897

>cold weather in Texas in July
is this global warming?

Anonymous No. 16301979

You'd think people who were concerned about global warming would be happy to see news about cool weather

Anonymous No. 16303252

Climate migrants yes.

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Anonymous No. 16304282

more record cold weather on it's way to australia this week

Anonymous No. 16305496

That and >>16304282 point to the obvious conclusion - that the current interglacial period is expiring and the next ice age is beginning

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Anonymous No. 16306018

Anonymous No. 16306452

Damn, Australia locked in a kafka trap weather pattern.

Anonymous No. 16306517

>when summer cold dat mean global warming right
>when winter cold dat not mean global warming wrong

Anonymous No. 16306518

LORD this millennium. Gods are going to clean house with modern man. It's gonna be UGLY.

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Anonymous No. 16307548

Just a few month ago, Australian scientists were predicting a warmer than average winter.
Why do people trust these same scientists' predictions about the weather decades into the future when they clearly can't even accurately predict the weather a few weeks in advance?

Anonymous No. 16308431

>Imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 16308903
>South Australians should brace themselves for another cold front clipping parts of the state, with minimum temperatures set to drop to 6C this weekend – though it could feel chillier.

Anonymous No. 16310010

>climatologist: hmmmmm, after all of my wonderful and important scyence eduction I predict that it will be warm during winter!!!!
>I am very smart! would you like to hear about my IQ test scores or what I got on the SATs?
why are scientists the dumbest people on this planet?

Anonymous No. 16310015


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Anonymous No. 16310177

You can help the IQ to raise again just getting the fuck out of here.

Anonymous No. 16311551

Dumb people are naturally attracted to professions which allow them to hide their low intelligence for the same reason that short people are naturally attracted to elevator shoes and bald people are attracted to wigs and toupees.
People like to hide their flaws

Anonymous No. 16312691

Part of Australia have been as much as 12ºC below average so far this winter