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Anonymous No. 16289131

Do you love ants?

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Cult of Passion No. 16289136

I do not know about love...but I have sensed deep fear from a beetle, so I am inclined to believe they can.

I always try to catch and release.

Anonymous No. 16289139

Not ants for me (a bit too collectivist for my taste, although they do it extremely well in their defense). I enjoy cockroaches. Have you ever shared a stare, a comradery with a cockroach? I have, with that great blattodean, as crawled on my ceiling. It looked at me, and I at it. After some fiercesome trouble, I managed to subdue it without harm and released it upon the evening air. They are the most intelligent insects, by far.

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Cult of Passion No. 16289140

>off by 1
I can say the same thing about your hueman creations, field-demon, so dont pull strings you need to keep from falling into the abyss.

Cult of Passion No. 16289144

Literally my favorite ones, when I ascended they stopped all fear of me and I could pick them up and they were completely fearless. They gathered around electrical outlets.

At the same time the dynamic harmonics of the compressor to the fridge added this whole scene of Electro-Magnetic energy that I was now intune with all around me and seeing it was also felt by other, lesser, beings.

A very "all is one" moment (couple months or so). I miss those moments.

Anonymous No. 16289191

That's awesome. I need to befriend mine. They know I'm the cool guy.

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Anonymous No. 16289430

>Do you love ants?
One of my favorite animals. Fascinating little creatures. Truly admirable.

Anonymous No. 16289745

I have an aunt that looks like that.

Anonymous No. 16290310

I grew up in the middle of nowhere with nothing relevant or interesting for literally hundreds of miles.

What I did have was a driveway under which lived massive colonies of ants, and a neighbor's field full of cows to watch.

The red ants were much smaller than the black ants, but more aggressive and numerous. One year, in the spring, the reds would defeat the blacks for control of the driveway ant apartment complex, the next year they'd go to war again and the black would win. It was wonderful to watch.

Ants are awesome.

Anonymous No. 16290323

Weird I literally came here just to make a thread about how ant should not be classified as social animals because the colony is a single individual and then I immediately see this thread

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Empire of Ants-Co....jpg

Anonymous No. 16290324

Ants are fascinating. I highly recommend pic related.

There is one part in there where the author talks about some aggressive slaver ant species. This ant, if injured, and having lost 1 or 2 legs will emit the "save me" pheromone so it can be brought back to the nest and recover. If it looses 3 legs, it will not be useful to the nest and just accepts its fate without emitting any pheromones. Robotic mother fuckers.

Anonymous No. 16290325

But why do they preform this amputation?

Anonymous No. 16290365


tl;dr It improves survival by reducing infection.

Anonymous No. 16290372


Anonymous No. 16290490

You can get some fun and unexpected behaviors out of the more predatory ones, like jumping spiders and mantises.

Anonymous No. 16290494

Ants are probably more sentient than you

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Anonymous No. 16290512

Bees and termites are also cool, remarkable is their reproduction and population control systems:
>only one individual lays eggs, like a separated artificial womb you can move at will
>hive is unironically a cloning factory
>they even choose the phenotypes according to the colony's demand
The wet dream of every industrial superpower, no more labor shortage and quick, versatile formation.

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Anonymous No. 16290521

That implies a rational awareness of the group as a whole and voluntarily acting in a coordinated way with the intent to benefit the group as a whole. That is not the case with ants. They're all acting individually, irrationally, but they've all been selected over the millions of years such that only the individuals with behaviors that produce a collective beneficial effect have survived.

Anonymous No. 16290543

They are the perfect creature

Anonymous No. 16290609

>spending your miserable life getting food, pooping and fighting for some meaningless territory because the elites told you too

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Empire of Ants-Co....jpg

Anonymous No. 16290754

>hat is not the case with ants. They're all acting individually, irrationally, but they've all been selected over the millions of years such that only the individuals with behaviors that produce a collective beneficial effect have survived.

This is great, but i like this