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Anonymous No. 16289258

Any proof the moon is 238,855 miles away from Earth? PS: I'm not a flat earther.

Anonymous No. 16289343

several retroreflectors were put on the moon by different nations to be able to exactly measure the distance with LAZORS. but maybe they are all conspiring to trick you.

Anonymous No. 16289415

Also, the amount of time or probes take to reach Moon orbit from the Earth. If you know their velocities, you can estimate the distance they travelled to get there.
But, if the OP really wants to know how we got to know it, it has been estimated since ancient times: the distance was first estimated by the ancient greek astronomer Hipparchus. He used observations of lunar eclipses and the geometry of earth, moon, and Sun positions to estimate the Moon's distance, though his methods were imprecise by modern standards.
A more accurate estimation came from Aristarchuswho used obsrvations of the Moon's phases and eclipses to propose an distance, though his method also had limitations.
The first reasonably accurate estimate of the Moon's distance was made by Tycho Braheusing precise observations and trigonometry.
It was not until the 19th century that more precise measurements were made using parallax methods, and even more accurate data came from radar measurements in the 20th century.

Anonymous No. 16289467

The ancient Greeks made a pretty good estimate of the distance using parallax geometry. They also deduced that the Earth was round pretty early on by observing lunar eclipses.

They tried to make an estimate of the distance to the sun using parallax as well but came up short by a factor of 20 (or you could say they set a lower bound) because the distance was to far to measure parallax with the naked eye.

Anonymous No. 16289468

Fun fact about the retro reflectors is that they quietly disproved special relativity decades ago but no one cared.

Anonymous No. 16289475

Interesting, cause from the photos I have taken on my phone I could SWEAR the moon is like 12 miles away

Anonymous No. 16289486

>"The first successful lunar ranging tests were carried out in 1962."

Anonymous No. 16289634

>Fun fact about the retro reflectors is that they quietly disproved special relativity decades ago but no one cared.

Anonymous No. 16289693

>I could SWEAR
Well, ya know, don't swear then.

Anonymous No. 16289695

off-topic and bait. don't engage