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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Ghosts

Brain Ghost of Doctor Eli Selig No. 16289332

Thinking is very poor right now. Think and as soon as the thought is thought, it is forgotten and cannot be reflected over. Complex thoughts break because by the time I get to the end of the thought, I no longer remember the beginning of it. Then when I try to recall the beginning, I forget the ending.

This is very frustrating. I know I thought a thought, but it is gone and can't be retrieved.

The only means of mitigation I have found is to write things out, because then I can reread it however many time I want.

That is how this post got made.

Also sleep has problem. I don't feel tired and my eyes don't stay closed. I just awake and unthinking and walk around because being stationary causes even more problems.

Broadcast machines doing it somehow with transmissions and an AI supercomputer!

>that'll keep you going through the show, come on it's time to go

Anonymous No. 16289730


Anonymous No. 16290381

This used to happen to me back when I occasionally accepted to smoke marijuana from people.
It hasn't happened again in years.
It could also have been because I went back to college, or maybe because I got a job and stopped being a NEET.
But I think it's the weed because when I smoked it happened many times in a row.

Anonymous No. 16290395

I love Kobayashi, I want to breed Kobayashi