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🧵 /utg/- Urine Therapy General

Anonymous No. 16289376

>What is urine therapy?
Urine therapy is the act of drinking urine or applying it to the skin for health benefits and healing.

>Why do it?
Urine therapy has been shown to be effective in curing cancer, aids, autoimmune diseases, allergies and much more.

>How do I do it?
It’s very simple, you either drink it or apply it to the skin. If you have got acne in the face, you could apply pee to it and it will disappear within a few days, or less. Drinking pee is harder than it sounds because of all the societal programming, it takes some time to reprogram yourself, but with just a little effort, you'll get there in no time.

>Interesting reads and videos.

Mode and the Method of Treatment


Priest Step up Teaching on Urine Therapy

Why are people drinking their own urine?

Urine Therapy Saved My Life #antizionism

The people who drink their URINE to lose weight and cure acne

Anonymous No. 16289378

>shown to be effective

>drink it

lololol nice try, nephrology clinic. u guys losing too much business to Ozempic?

Anonymous No. 16289407

>Urine therapy has been shown to be effective in curing cancer, aids, autoimmune diseases, allergies and much more.
Anon, on /sci/ we need more than anecdotal evidence. Do you know of any studies backing that up?

Anonymous No. 16289414


Anonymous No. 16289748

Okay, I'm curious and I want to try. Are there any possible disadvantages?

Anonymous No. 16289751

>Urine therapy has been shown to be effective in curing cancer, aids, autoimmune diseases, allergies and much more
Post a randomised control trial. Urine is mostly urea, hence the name, and unwanted metabolic by-product your body wants to throw away.

Anonymous No. 16289846

>Chinese traditional medicine thread

Anonymous No. 16289927

I am not drinking my fucking piss even if I'm fucking dying, I do not want to be on this fake and gay earth that badly. You can keep your shit eating to yourself too.

Anonymous No. 16289995

If your diet is bad, it isn’t gonna taste very well, that’s the only disadvantage I can think of.

The problem is that if you don’t have any visible ailments, you won’t really be able to see it working and therefore you probably won’t believe it either.

Anonymous No. 16290000

You will however feel a sense of well-being, as crazy as it sounds.

Anonymous No. 16290005

quads confirm

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Anonymous No. 16290013

Praise Jesus

Anonymous No. 16290052

This shit is legit schizo. Your kidneys filter shit out of your blood for a reason. You don't wanna put that same shit back in your body.

>if you try "urine therapy" please limit it to the skin and do something good for your kidneys instead like eating acetyl-cysteine

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Anonymous No. 16290623

This true no cap