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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16289398

science has proved that ancient egypt was ruled by whites.

Anonymous No. 16289401

isn't that normal? aren't we also like 99% chimp, and 70% banana?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289404

Do we really need science to confirm that Egyptians aren't and weren't niggers?

Anonymous No. 16289406

You cant extract DNA from a mummy. Its rotten

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289410

go back nigger

Anonymous No. 16289417

>and 70% banana
vegans are cannibals

Anonymous No. 16289419

according to who? a team of researchers managed by dr. chudson?

Anonymous No. 16289420

dna is probably one of the most stable and long lived molecules
it isnt easy for it to be destroyed under normal decomposition conditions and mummies are in many cases very very well preserved

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Anonymous No. 16289436

They aren't/weren't white either, the correct answer is actually brown.

Anonymous No. 16289437

It's always been more likely that people sailed down the Mediterranean than hiked across the Sahara. I can imagine why this would be controversial though kek

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289439

Amerimutts can understand any race apart from black and white.

Anonymous No. 16289440

The whole point of a mummy is that the body is preserved.

Anonymous No. 16289442

Amerimutts don't know any race outside of black and white

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Anonymous No. 16289459

There is over 1000 years between pyramid age and king tut, 2 intermediate periods, and the hyksos.

Does the uniter or upper and lower egypt
Look causcasoid to you?

Ill attest its far more likey racial caste systems were imported from sea people invasions, which eroded the maat.

Try to find any of those stomping on race slippers or measuring the prefrontal cortex hieroglpyhs from the old kingdom, i sure havent found any

Anonymous No. 16289472


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Honorary White.gif

Anonymous No. 16289508

I blame Michael Jackson. Despite showing many races in his video, he kept repeating "It's black, it's white" as each race appeared.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16289519

we was kangs n shiet nigga

Anonymous No. 16289530

as preserved as petrified wood, which is just rock in the shape of wood, or these brains they find sometimes in shipwrecks where its just a soap in the shape of a brain

Anonymous No. 16289533

i bet ancient levantines were whiter than southern italians today

Anonymous No. 16289540

So are western europeans

Anonymous No. 16289542

Uhm bro the picture clearly shows a black face

Anonymous No. 16289651

>which eroded the maat
What does that mean?

Anonymous No. 16289659

1323 BC wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking. We're not talking about getting DNA from dino blood stored in an insect in amber for hundreds of millions of years.

Anonymous No. 16289676

>sailed down the Nile

Anonymous No. 16289701

The sahara isnt a real barrier due to the nile. Anyone can just walk towards or from ethiopia by walking next to the nile, with fresh water and fish. Only problem is some waterfalls in ethiopia that you have to climb and a large marsh in sudan which you can just walk around the edge if you dont want to waddle ankle deep in crocodile water

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Anonymous No. 16289755


Eroded the maat - big pharma and its global asset houses eroded the maat by neglecting the Imhotep, son of Ptahs' treaty by violating nuremburg 1947 on medical exprriments by using regulatory capture and its capital influence to steer politicians and media corporations to coerce poorly tested novel medicines upon the population

Anonymous No. 16289809

>aren't we also like 99% chimp, and 70% banana?
shut up idiot

Anonymous No. 16289820

well, that sure explains why King Tut was so f'n incredibly inbred.

>juss liek wess vir-ginny.
>t. white but at least mixed between European countries in ancestry

Vote RFK No. 16289821

All the chimp chromosomes

Anonymous No. 16289826

Wouldn't there be contamination from people studying his body. Also why does race matter?

Anonymous No. 16289827

no that's shared dna the different part that isn't shared is how you detech something is a 99.6% match for banana
and not chimp

Anonymous No. 16289836

shut up idiot

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Anonymous No. 16289838

First vibe i got from this wall on tuts tomb was genetic experiments


Anonymous No. 16289845

>science says something good about whites
>the "trust the science" crowd immediately chimps out and starts spouting insane paranoid conspiracy theories
why does this always happen?

Anonymous No. 16289851

>Random busts that have nothing to do with king narmer
>Historians have no idea what his face looked like, let alone a bust
>Same pozzed historians who would love any opportunity for black power
>Meanwhile (you) are posting disinformation claiming he was black with busts that aren't him
What the actual fuck is your problem? Post nose.

Anonymous No. 16289864

This is actually not too far from the truth. Ancient Egyptians were genetically the closest to modern Coptic christians. The majority of Egypt today has more sub saharan DNA than their population did in the ancient era.

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Anonymous No. 16289872

These old kingdom glyphs have rather large lips and bloated faces

Just saying

Anonymous No. 16289900

Its true
we are 70% banana, also 90% water

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Anonymous No. 16289905

trust the science

Anonymous No. 16289908

>Also why does race matter?
Black nationalists have a narrative that ancient Egypt is proof that they built human society but at some point it was stolen by other races who used it to enslave black people. This is used as an explanation for the lack of cultural achievements by African societies and why African descendants are not as successful in the rest of the world as other races.

Anonymous No. 16289912

How would that explain the lack of cultural achievements by African societies? If negroes built Egypt then surely they should have been able to create similar achievements at other locations

Anonymous No. 16289916

Really depends on what they're matching against. All of the DNA or just those sections relevant to race differences in humans?

Anonymous No. 16289920

These are people who believe Wakanda is a real place.

Barkon No. 16289936

The English were the Egyptians in the past.

Anonymous No. 16289943

looks black to me.
check your mental gymnastic

Anonymous No. 16289971

King Tut lived before the sea peoples invasion.

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Anonymous No. 16289977

Not hyksos
Immigrant uprising of ayreo-semetic peoples

Probably had to use a racial caste system to maintain illegitimate control

Also, ill add egypt is the geographic center of earth, old kingdom was likely multicultural, egalitarian, and globally seafaring

bodhi No. 16289989

max planc institute, Dr Troonstein

Anonymous No. 16289999


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stonetoss on whit....jpg

Anonymous No. 16290062


bodhi No. 16290071

Because all the evidence is finally coming out that whites are not just the only race capable of creating 1st world nations today, but that we created all the advanced nations of the past as well and it makes them seethe uncontrollably.

Quick inb4 muh asians. I genuinely like Asians and think they are a very intelligent and industrious race but without white inventions could they have ever created a first world nation? Arguable. Though they did create advanced nation of the past, the sole exception I expose if you want to argue for it

bodhi No. 16290075

sorry let me correct this, not WHITE but aryans. All aryans are not "white" skinned and not all white skins are Aryans

bodhi No. 16290079


dont know what happened to auto correct there

Anonymous No. 16290186

that is not how any of this works

Anonymous No. 16290190

Why do people keep forgetting North Africa used to be European? None of this should be surprising to anyone who remmebers history that wasn't expunged from the record.

Anonymous No. 16290219

>used to be European?
North Africa used to be various indigenous tribes, such as the berber, before the arabs, romans etc. conqured them

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bodhi No. 16290231


Anonymous No. 16290235

lmao at your WE WUZZing
There are only 2 races on earth, who keep making up bullshit about the past and want to steal the history and culture of other nations: whites and blacks

Anonymous No. 16290340

>We WUZ kangs
>We made society
>We elite n sheit
>Whitey bunch of uncivilized LOSER crackas
>Watchu mean how dey enslaved we kangz
>Nigga we WUZ kangz
>Dafuq u cracka ass on about
>Whitey stole it from us
>Claimed it WUZ deys

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16290344

You niggers should stick to witten and CS homework shitposting.

bodhi No. 16290360

I will sit here and make you look like a historically illiterate fool all day long. You have zero arguments, only memes and insults. You can never prove me wrong about claims I ever make, idiots like you have been trying for a decade and have never once proved me wrong about anything as the rest of the world slowly catches up to my level because of my exhaustive efforts to spoonfeed them what they would never be smart enough to figure out on their own so silence yourself mouth

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bodhi No. 16290362

Our symbols and DNA span the entire globe and I can post the sources all day long and have been doing for a long time kiddo

bodhi No. 16290363

get rekt historically illiterate faggot. From China to the Americas we ruled traveled the globe 10s of 1000's of years before any other race

bodhi No. 16290366

Some mummies found in China's Tarim Basin have white skin and red hair, and have been described as having Western looks. These mummies, which are up to 4,000 years old, are naturally preserved by the desert air, allowing their facial features and hair color to be clearly seen. They are also often found wearing wool clothing, and their graves may contain cheese, wheat, and millet. These features have led some to speculate that the mummies were herders from the West Asia steppe or farmers from Central Asia.,types%20into%20the%20Tarim%20Basin.

Anonymous No. 16290389

come on man, they're not THAT jewish

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Anonymous No. 16290394

What if it was all green before?

Anonymous No. 16290399


bodhi No. 16290410

these are people who never invented the wheel or a written language. get real retard

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Anonymous No. 16290420

They still ahead of me im terms of janky diy engineering prowess.

Im still doubtful that written language is overall a superior technology to oral tradition. It manifested mostly through necessity of trade and the denomination of debts, it too possesses a high degree of intergenerational lingusitic drift, and it hinders an animals ability to garbage collect redundant memories to optimize its survival strategy.

I think uncle ted would side with the dogon

That being said, as an autist i love language, technology and the prospect of bakong it into clay and scattering it according to the zodiac

Anonymous No. 16290435

written language is by far superior to oral tradition. any conversation always requires at least two people to share information, and this is not the case with written language

Anonymous No. 16290436

>when you nut but she keeps sucking

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Anonymous No. 16290439

For what purposes though? In the darwinian metaphysic language has depressed biological fitness. In the Christian metaphysic language spreads the gospel far quicker and offers the opportunity of eternal life in Jesuses kingdom

Anonymous No. 16290466

>this basic symbol that any random person could come up with on their own, appears all over the world.

My mind is blown anon.

Anonymous No. 16290467

written language is by far superior to oral tradition. you and I are literally using written language right now
>hurr durr its typed so its not written!1111!1!

Anonymous No. 16290479

Yeah, I believe in God and aspire to Christs Kingdom.

Those that believe in survival of the fittest however should be skeptical of written language however, as the cultures that do without it are breeding at 5-6x

Anonymous No. 16290619

Schizo word salad.

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Anonymous No. 16290632

Exactly my point

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bodhi No. 16290900

It is not a basic symbol, it is a very specific symbol with a very specific meaning used by a very specific people that FIRST appeared in Ukraine (where blue eyes originated) 15,000 years

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bodhi No. 16290903

This is a paper by a Japanese man, not a "white we wuzzer" as this seething, jealous nigger claims >>16290235 that documents the ARYAN influence and genetic infusion into Japan in the Jomon period

bodhi No. 16290917

this isnt some random retard btw, he is an akido master and master swordsman. you pseuds dont know jack shit about science, your own board, much less history so fuck off you lame pseuds

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Anonymous No. 16291011

lmao, there's literally zero difference between you and some African-American dude in Chicago who thinks he's a descendant of Ramses II; zero difference!

Anonymous No. 16291021

the ainu were stone age whites

Anonymous No. 16291022

Chromatic disorders

Now if we just accept the unit of a hominid and move on

Anonymous No. 16291062

>he doesn't know

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bodhi No. 16291161

>no arguments
The only thing anyone is laughing at is you

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bodhi No. 16291189

seethe moar jew

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bodhi No. 16291191

the jew fears the samurai

Anonymous No. 16291263

thought this was common knowledge for ages now, did you learn that pajeets exist because of whites yet?

Anonymous No. 16291280

And the Nigerian man who's great great grandpa was a Swedish man who sold hammocks and booze through out the Niger Delta before settling down also carries Euro Y DNA.

Anonymous No. 16291483

We were kings.

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Anonymous No. 16291891


Anonymous No. 16291977

ah... like how life should truly be.

Anonymous No. 16291983


Anonymous No. 16292039

>and 70% banana?
Yea, but also no.

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Anonymous No. 16292053

Because pic related makes them seethe,

I don’t know why, either. East and west had been contemporaries in periods, and the west was interrupted while the east stayed consistent, leading to its creeping stagnation and eventual decline, while the west was forced to pick itself up, and rise higher from there.

It’s actually eerie, if you look at history, to see how similar the eastern and western powers were at the start, the contrast of how the east stayed persistent, while the west was broken. It was almost like an alien experiment or something.

Anonymous No. 16292528

The Jomon were starving to death before Chinese brought rice cultivation to Japan.

Anonymous No. 16292878

You are literally only able to present your argument for oral tradition to us thanks to writing (typing)...

Anonymous No. 16293204

Truth doesn't matter to them, their hatred for whites is pavlovian and if whites say the sky is blue, then they'll say it's pink and firmly believe it, too.

Anonymous No. 16293337

Yeah its great, science leadth men to God, indulging the tism is an amusing surrogate activity
BUT, how does communicating here lead to darwinian advantage? In fact from the charts we see the less dependence on the written word the better chance of passing genes to the next generation

Anonymous No. 16294280

are you smiley?

Anonymous No. 16295615

>t. a genetic dead end communicating in the written word

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Anonymous No. 16295649

Even if one popped 2-3 out, your still only 50% of their fitness rate. The strategy right now is have other people read and write with the constructs of temporality and magnitude for you.

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Anonymous No. 16295820


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Anonymous No. 16296418

True and real.
Egypt was a great civilization and therefore is completely impossible that it was created or run by sub humans.
As is only expected it collapsed once the jews infiltrated power positions and destroyed society by allowing their pets to migrate inside and ruin everything.

Anonymous No. 16296437

that's actually hilarious there was no response to this. The concept of race didnt exist within ancient egypt or really the ancient world in general. I think in reality this sort of racism or attempt to "white wash" history so to speak comes from an ahistrical perspective pushed by elites down to the lower caste. They're essentially obsessed with race and their own form of eugenics in their sick primitivism, not realizing their own glaring stupidity only making them if anything marginally more intelligent than average.. that's my theory. it's possible there were rulers of egypt of varying ethnicity including Aryan or Iranian coming down from the caucuses regions i've read. This literally literally has nothing to do with race.

Anonymous No. 16296453

i mean literally just type into google or better yet claude ai and it will give you a list of inventions created by black people. It's the fact that this information is not widely disseminated and that other contributions to society such as rampant gun violence and murder are instead noted as being the only things black people contribute that "black nationalist" say such things. Imagine being brought into the world and told that not only are you never going to be treated or viewed as equal by the majority of society that has power, but in as well looking around and being taught your people have no accomplishments. That is so deeply nihilism inducing right? Of course white people also believe this shit, as they're also retarded, and come to the conclusion there dark skinned people's in ancient egypt in high social standing. In as well nor were there other successful african kingdoms. Basically everyone is just a fucking idiot all around and doesnt understand anything besides skin color as they have room temperature iq.

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Anonymous No. 16296455

Egypt is the geographic centre of land for earth, the natural capital for a global seafaring society. The idea of cabalism with race seemed to start with the hyksos, likely due to a new form of soft power invasion strategy where militias would pretend to be immigrants, than race was the only way to flight before being stuck in a fight

Anonymous No. 16296468

i can tell you from personal experience how retarded this is. this simply is a cultural thing having to do with living in africa, not a genetic inability for complex thought. however i can say this, the more i learn about a certain groups thoughts on race the more i've come to understand their obvious superiority complex and how it's affected me personally. a lot of you are just trash yet dont realize it as you only think in relative terms.

Anonymous No. 16296478

you think the hyksos consider themselves solely white people, the extant one's that exist today? Do you think those ancient surviving bloodlines see it that way? They dont. That's what i'm saying. They would consider themselves a unique ethinicity and identity or tribe onto their own, not some homogenized group of people all based on skin color.

Anonymous No. 16296479

Should be no surprise, but we have people trying to rewrite history.

Anonymous No. 16296971

Its socieo cultural relationship to language. Temporality and magnitude are the devices of slave drivers and usurers. Ability to promise doesnt confer superiority, it often confers the opposite. One can see the principles of ubuntu baked into the lingusitic paradigm. Complexity is not necessisarily superior

Anonymous No. 16296972

Hyksos were aryeo-semetic

Anonymous No. 16296973

Oral traditions ensured knowledge was passed by the tribe.

With written language some bandits can learn the cypher, mass print false narratives, and enslave the tribes

Anonymous No. 16297038

It makes sense that the further back in time you go, the more widespread the White race was, because advancement of technology makes mankind weaker, and that makes the more docile races less able to repel the encroachment of the more aggressive races.

Anonymous No. 16297061

White people with a tan aren't a new race idiot. And the test clearly identifies them as white or at least western European. They could be Irish or even Scottish, neither of whom are white.

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Anonymous No. 16297468

Jesus was 100% Aryan, not a filthy sub human jew.

Anonymous No. 16297489

Hey midwit, for most of history writing was instrumental in ratcheting down mortality and ratcheting up fertility. Most of the world's population historically was in urban centers much more literate than the sparsely populated wilderness. It wasn't until modernity that birthrates fell below replacement for any nation in peacetime.

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Anonymous No. 16297492


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Anonymous No. 16297555

Struck a nerve i see.
Mongol hordes were breeding so fortiutiously the Vn cham (who some calle prestor Ion) doth writ by the pen to constrain hordes most fertile.

In response whom was possessed by the stares to be Grand Cam asked for his daughter in marriage, he refused so uncannily, that his castle in tartary was laid waste, beginning the mongol invasions

Anonymous No. 16297679

unironically this

Anonymous No. 16297883

The word you're looking for is SHOWER, it's hard for me to read in the society. Apparently I'm supposed to tell you this. I've worked it out.


Anonymous No. 16298924

We wuz white n’ shiet

Anonymous No. 16299937

why does find out that ancient egypt was ruled by whites make you so butthurt? sure do hope for your sake that its not because you're a negro, that would be so unfortunate for you

Anonymous No. 16300382

>>16289398 The same way science """proved"" that Jesus wasn't white?

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Anonymous No. 16300462

this is the part where the SJW narrative falls apart. If black people were so great then there are 2 issues.

1. How is that white people, supposed to be much lower than black people, absolutely dominated the entire continent where blacks lived? It's not like the Europeans who came to Africa had t put up a huge fight, no, they just steam rolled the entire landmass.

2. Why didn't black people continue to invent all this amazing science all over the continent? If white people were so stupid, shouldn't black people have been flying all over the planet and even into space?

These are scientific problems that the left has no explanation for. This is how you prove the psychological conditioning being forced on the western population.

Anonymous No. 16300468

Not admixture.
Ancient Egyptians were closest to modern Levantines.
Ancient Greeks closest to modern Southern Italians and Greeks (though still quite distant actually)
Ancient Romans closest to modern North Italians, Spanish, and Southern French

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Anonymous No. 16300484

Nothing you say to them will change their enforced cognitive dissonance. It is 100% okay to hate / be racist to white people. It is 100% to shame a white person for being proud of being white. You can’t say you’re proud of being white around a black person.

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Anonymous No. 16300505


Anonymous No. 16300592

you niggers call italians brown in one sentence and then claim ossetians are white in the next

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Anonymous No. 16300594

never heard that one before

bodhi No. 16300873

who is "you nigggers?"

I never said either was "white." They are both Aryan however which I DID explain already. shitskins of course will call them white, so that's fine. I have no issue with it though the proper term is Aryan or Caucasian

Anonymous No. 16301752

Anyone who wasn't an idiot already knew this

Anonymous No. 16301891

So do the Arabs have to leave Egypt now?

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Anonymous No. 16301943

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16301952


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bodhi No. 16303031

It is nothing new, they have been doing it for 1000's of years

Anonymous No. 16303034

We wuz kings a shiet


Anonymous No. 16303036

Poop in my mouf and fart on my tongue

Anonymous No. 16303140

We ARE kings and shit.

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Anonymous No. 16304247

Egyptians did have a racial concept in their idea of their people vs outsiders. Libyans were lighter skinned, Lower Nile outside Egypt were darker.
In some ways they were smarter/wiser in their idea's of hereditary then the average Westerner is today, even when we understand the complexity of racial genetics.

Anonymous No. 16304271

>Why didn't black people continue to invent all this amazing science all over the continent?

Certain African countries who in the modern day have populations of 20 million only had ~2000 people from 0AD-10,000BC years ago. The current explosion of Bantu (congoloid) populations throws perspective out of whack. They went exponential, from 0 to 90 in a 500 year period.

Westerners often compare African tribes to pre-Romanized Celts/Germans in terms of development unfortunately, since they are very far apart. Over half a million Germans were part of the migrations during the 4th century, these are populations which can't compare to almost all Subarian Africa, (minus the Niger Delta,) of the same time period. Technologically they were already very different, these 'barbarians' had smithing as an example for thousands of years.

I only point this out because it's odd to point out how little development they had. Of course 30 tribes existing at a homeostatic population level had negligible development.

PS. Egyptians were Egyptian, falling within Caucasian, likely even more Cro-Magnon then Europeans were.

Anonymous No. 16305498

The populations in subsaharan Africa have been doubling every 25 years since the start of the 1900s, all thanks to the assistance of people of European origin. Most of those nations now have more people living overseas as immigrants than they had as their entire populations 100 years ago.
The Bantu expansion marches on

Anonymous No. 16305582

I'm just gonna say it
The great pyramid is the tower of babel described in the bible

Anonymous No. 16305924

Yes, we WERE. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 16307120

White people lol

Anonymous No. 16307262

I’m going on a Banana only diet so I can be 100% Banana

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Anonymous No. 16308162

Jesus is described as being blond haired and blue eyed by contemporary sources, there are no sources which describe him as looking like a disgusting jew with fat negro style lips, curly hair and a dark complexion

Anonymous No. 16308166

Lol, sure buddy.

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Anonymous No. 16308876

Anonymous No. 16309714

Why does white success piss non whites off so much

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Anonymous No. 16309962


Anonymous No. 16309974

If these people arent "white," then what are they?

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bodhi No. 16309984


Anonymous No. 16310014

This whole entire thread is bait.

Anonymous No. 16310070


Anonymous No. 16310838

So true it hurts. This is why aliens won’t land btw. Humans are ungrateful turds.

Anonymous No. 16310948

why is the corpse black then lmao? retarded ass post op

Anonymous No. 16310963

Aryans were Jews anon.

Anonymous No. 16310967

He ate too many bananas and has kuru now.

Anonymous No. 16311019

this. even his teeth are black

Anonymous No. 16311144

>Egyptians believed so firmly in the afterlife that they invented a technique meant to preserve a person well enough to be capable of DNA analysis thousands of years later
>also, have some gold

Anonymous No. 16311297

>uh oh
Why are they like this?

Anonymous No. 16311366

>why make articles no one will read
>when you can instead make articles that no one will read, but will get posted everywhere
Such sweet innocence.

Anonymous No. 16311374

Naw, he was white. He just had a nice tan from that sunny clime.

Anonymous No. 16312150


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16313390

we wuz?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16313595

People question it because it doesn't make sense. Same with nigger Egyptians theory.

Anonymous No. 16313617

The cushites were blacker and were sometimes in control. Maybe Egypt wasn’t so racist.
I’m only a board tourist but does science even know how to do DNA? It seems more like magic used to manipulate politics. My 23andme stuff is different every time I look at it. Flip flops on Neanderthals. OJ Simpson didn’t do it, come on. Is DNA just whatever’s convenient?

Anonymous No. 16313618

>/sci/ thread
>no one linked or read the article

Anonymous No. 16313620

fart in my mouf, now, you stupid fag

Anonymous No. 16314215

ruthless & savage

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Anonymous No. 16314273

>Uh oh!!!

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Anonymous No. 16314339

That's cool bro

Anonymous No. 16315014

White success is so overwhelming, people ignore where their minimalist architectures, shirts, jeans, suits, ties, cars, amenities, internet, etc, come from.

The western aesthetic has defined the entire fucking planet. It's so overwhelming it has totally blinded people.

Anonymous No. 16316292

China completely destroyed their native culture in order to rebuild their country as an imitation version of the USA

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Anonymous No. 16317830

they had to do something, the previous version of ""their"" culture (which was was really just jewish marxism) wasn't working out at all. china was economically on par with subsaharan africa in 1990 before they embraced the western model of jewish marxism thinly disguised as market capitalism

Anonymous No. 16317856

it's really a retarded categorization.

Anonymous No. 16317892

Why didn't the alleged Green Sahel black africans move their big-brain egyptoon civilization to the rest of Africa?

It is more likely that if sub-saharans occupied that region, then it was just equally uncivilized until people from europe and the middle east moved in from the north, and ultimately created Egypt and other ancient mediterranean societies as the ruling class while dominating the natives.

Anonymous No. 16317895

If europeans didn't prop africans up their population boom would have collapsed due to lack of food, diseases and rampant warfare.

Anonymous No. 16317963

>This is actually not too far from the truth.
ok jeet

Anonymous No. 16317981

They look like gypsies.

Anonymous No. 16318531

That Y-ch romosome, was that related to the Yamnaya? Just saw this article:
>Archaeologists identify the birthplace of the mysterious Yamnaya
While exceedingly politically correct (oh no, no genocide at all!), I found this:
>Most European men alive today carry Y chromosomes that were brought in by the Yamnaya migrants of the Bronze Age, a legacy of the privileged access the latter managed to obtain, by fair means or foul, to local women. Millions of men in Central and South Asia carry the same Y chromosomes, since the Yamnaya expanded eastward too.
So did they also go to Egypt?

>The papers from 2015 had spawned headlines asking if the Yamnaya were the most murderous people of all time. At the meeting in Budapest, Martin Furholt, an archaeologist at the University of Kiel, suggested, provocatively, that the Yamnaya might actually have been “peace-loving hippies”.
Yet the displacement of the hippy druids and megalithic culture in Britain didn't seem that peaceful.

Anonymous No. 16319521

Dude, even Europeans aren’t European

Anonymous No. 16319532

Are European Russia and Ukraine suddenly not Europe

Anonymous No. 16319539

Can they rule out Nigel splooging on the corpse?

Anonymous No. 16319540

Lower is the Nile mouth Upper is Etheropians

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Anonymous No. 16320609

>Dude, even Europeans aren’t European

Anonymous No. 16320988

You have it backwards. Europeans are dead, replaced by the Yamnaya and Corded Ware peoples. It’s not that Russia and Ukraine aren’t European, it’s that Europeans are only Steppe Russian, the rest were almost completely destroyed

Anonymous No. 16321377

So what happened to the Aryans? Sincere questions here, /pol/ please leave.
It used to be that the Aryans were credited with bringing the Indo European language to Europe. Later I was explained that there were no population movement, just language and culture propagating between ethnicities westwards until mosyt of Europe spoke indo European languages. Now that role seems to be taken by the Yamnaya, who did travel east and west, while Aryans are declared by Wikipedia as being nazi evil conspiracy stuff.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16321752


bodhi No. 16322045

>So what happened to the Aryans?
I'm right here

bodhi No. 16322179

did you read my article on the hyksos?

Anonymous No. 16322221

this but ironically

Anonymous No. 16322248

It was all green before, but that was over 10,000 years ago.

Anonymous No. 16322256

i remember when sarcasm was sarcasm and irony was irony.
now irony is irony and sarcasm.

Anonymous No. 16322300

Intact DNA can often be found in the pyramid bone.

Anonymous No. 16322599

Copts are notoriously brown dude. I have many copy friends. Idk where you guys pull this shit out of.

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Anonymous No. 16324103


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16324122

Anonymous No. 16324677

semites have dark complexions, fat lips and curly hair because of their thousands of years of history of interbreeding with africans, its not out of the question that they started out being not as repulsively disgusting as they currently are

Anonymous No. 16324691

his paternal line comes from the same people Western Europeans came from, but that doesn't tell us much about how he specifically looked

Anonymous No. 16326295

no it can't. dna is an organic molecule, it degrades over time fairly rapidly

Anonymous No. 16326894

What next. Men can’t actually get pregnant? No fucking way.

Anonymous No. 16327182

>Ill attest its far more likey racial caste systems were imported from sea people invasions
How would the sea people impose a racial caste system on Egypt when their invasion was successfully repelled you fucking retard?

Anonymous No. 16328113

>fairly rapidly
Is that rapid on a geological scale?
>The average DNA half-life within this geographically constrained fossil assemblage was estimated to be 521 years for a 242 bp mtDNA sequence, corresponding to a per nucleotide fragmentation rate (k) of 5.50 × 10–6 per year.

Anonymous No. 16329733

>half life of a molecule with billions of bonds

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pol black or white.webm

Anonymous No. 16329805

You could at least post the meme version

Anonymous No. 16330546


Anonymous No. 16331733

no you

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Anonymous No. 16332283

Anonymous No. 16333665

How did pre-Columbian Peruvians even know about blue eyes?
the Ichmas died out before Europeans discovered America

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Anonymous No. 16335050

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Anonymous No. 16335631

Whites were the first people to discover the Americas

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Anonymous No. 16335729

Anonymous No. 16337196

>ARYAN influence and genetic infusion into Japan in the Jomon period
thats why the jew fears the samurai

Anonymous No. 16338395

Based whites building everything good in the world. Even the old wall the jews worship in Jerusalem was built by whites, jews never built anything.

Anonymous No. 16338414