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Anonymous No. 16289446

does the chemical engergy required to keep a zeppelin floating for 30 days exceed the chemical energy required to keep helicopter floating for 30 days?

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Anonymous No. 16289457

Forsooth, it doth or it dothns't, and sobeit. And perforce.

Anonymous No. 16289463

African or european zeppelin?

Anonymous No. 16289466

Zeppelins won't make a comeback
They failed badly enough when it was whites doing it, do you really want to give a giant zeppelin to some Indians who would probably manage to blow the thing up on the first week?

Anonymous No. 16289498

to answer your question, the point of zeppelins is that the bigger they are the more efficient they are
the problem is helium is limited and at a premium rn

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Anonymous No. 16289499

this was tried and tried, US Navy even operated honest to god zeppelin aircraft carriers which was cool as fuck. But these ships are way too fragile to seriously use

Anonymous No. 16289500

>the problem is helium is limited and at a premium rn
Hydrogen is more efficient anyway. Just don't paint the thing in thermite.

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Anonymous No. 16289504

There does seem to be a viable niche for airships that deliver cargo to remote areas such as mining sites. Also if you want to build a truly off-grid homestead, having an airship drop off everything at your site would allow you to not need to figure out how to build a road all the way to the site. Helicopters can be used for this but the cost increases rapidly with cargo weight. If you need a skycrane to bring in a bunch of heavy materials, you're going to blow your budget.
For use as passenger transportation, there might be a market for something similar to a cruise ship but that's a bit more shaky.

Anonymous No. 16289505

the kinds of engines that would move such a hulking beast can easily heat above the auto-ignition temperature of the hydrogen
maybe just don't fucking use zeppelins kek

Anonymous No. 16289527

Helicopters don't float.

Anonymous No. 16289531

>herp derp thermite paint
Retards don't even know about R101. Crashed in a storm and burned, killed more people than the Hindenburg. Hydrogen isn't safe to use in these things.

Anonymous No. 16289548

use vacuum, suck of the gods

Anonymous No. 16289551

>There does seem to be a viable niche for airships that deliver cargo to remote areas
If i had a doller for each dumb economic idea idead i heard shilled as "makes sense for remote communities", i'd have a small bag full of dollers
fyi, mining sites have roads

Anonymous No. 16289583

>make heavy object
>pull vacuum
>buoyancy still behaves as expected and the heavy object "sinks" in less dense air

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Anonymous No. 16289602

The materials required to do that and make it buoyant do not exist

Anonymous No. 16289603

Okay, don't fucking fly them in storms either. That was the other half of the problem with the Hindenbomb in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16289606

>the kinds of engines that would move such a hulking beast can easily heat above the auto-ignition temperature of the hydrogen
A blowtorch can get hot enough to melt flesh, but humans can still use those things by keeping them away from fucking flesh.

Anonymous No. 16289609

What if he meant like a vacuum vacuum? Like you suck air from above the craft? Maybe with a giant spinning blade.

Anonymous No. 16289621

>puts a thumbtack into the hull
>you sunk my battleship

Anonymous No. 16289623

i don't see how it's possible to land that

Anonymous No. 16289633

you just hang your aircraft on a hook from the zeppelin, then get hoisted inside. They would remove landing gear from the planes and put fuel tanks on instead for a range increase. These airships were cool as hell shame they are inherently deathtraps in bad weather.

Anonymous No. 16289637

Wow, this might be the dumbest non-troll comment of the week. Give some deep thought to the causation arrow, reread your comment, and feel shame for spouting off something so idiotic.

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Anonymous No. 16289640

You glue some furniture sliders to the bottom.

Anonymous No. 16289650

>mining sites have roads
Internal roads? Sure but there are many mining sites connected to the rest of the world through rail or sea connections but with no direct road access. There are even entire towns that way. More relevant is that there are many potential mining sites are haven't been used because they too inaccessible.

Anonymous No. 16289657

Helicopters and bush planes are a lot more practical than blimps which explode every time there's a bit of wind and rain.

Anonymous No. 16289677

What if it's not full vacuum but close enough to have air density similar to helium

Anonymous No. 16289682

>chemical engergy required
there is no chemical energy required anon, it's stored gas in a balloon. You fill it up, and it floats indefinitely, that's it.

Anonymous No. 16289689

but there's really not many remote locations with no access with such needs. If it's a niche, it's reeeeeeeally tiny.

Anonymous No. 16289779

no it has to be vacuum, a partial vacuum like 80% vacuum is nearly the same challenge of materials than a full vacuum

Anonymous No. 16289782

I have nothing to be ashamed. Your idea of shilling stupidly expensive garbage doesnt make more sense because "small community",
Thats why small communities are impoverished shitholes, everything will simply be expensive and theres no point being there.
As for mining sites and such, they build their own roads. Things like mine build train tracks as well, this isnt about moving some VIPs in a flying vehicle, they move millions of tons of product.
Same for gas fields, farm fields and such. They can and do build roads. You are extremely stupid if you think some farmer will use airships to ship out thousands of tons of grain

Anonymous No. 16289787

>If it's a niche, it's reeeeeeeally tiny.
Its not a niche, its just stupid. You see the same idiociy being marketed to the poorest people in the world, like starving somalians. Say their crops are failing because of some drought so some idiot comes and tries to sell them some small scale desalination machines despite them being broke ass on the brink of death. It never made sense. Poortech is the same as "isolated community" tech.
Only isolated places that can thrive are basically subsidized, such as military bases that just use heavy cargo planes to ship expensive everything and put the tab on the taxpayers

Anonymous No. 16289932

hydrogen provides nearly the same lift

Anonymous No. 16289934

Use hydrogen.

Anonymous No. 16289938

>t. big helium

Anonymous No. 16289939

>Hydrogen is more efficient anyway. Just don't paint the thing in thermite.
hydrogen is prone to leaking since hydrogen atoms have such a small atomic radius that they bleed out the walls of any other material on a long enough time frame unless you use extremely specialized (and expensive) materials. Additionally, lifting gas airships are slow, and planes/helicopters do what they do but better.

Anonymous No. 16290020

yes but danger

Anonymous No. 16290294

A method to mass produce helium would be good enough.

Anonymous No. 16290370

No, vacuum is better. Safe and abundant

Anonymous No. 16290376

rail or sea connections to remote bumfuck places are practically road connections

Anonymous No. 16290379

>hydrogen is prone to leaking
So is helium? Hydrogen is easier to replace though.

>lifting gas airships are slow
Yeah, but you can substitute speed with volume. That's how supply chains work. Speed's only an issue for certain shit like transporting people. For freight, it's not. If a shipment is arriving once per day, it doesn't matter if each took 2 days or 2 months for its journey.

Anonymous No. 16290503

You know they have airplanes capable of landing on water and particularly flat patches of wilderness, and runways are not particularly hard to build in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16290507

Could it make economic sense to build a few just because people would pay for the novelty of having parties and shit on it?

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Anonymous No. 16290508

Roads are wolf superhighways that allow them to decimate the herbivores,
And fences block the ferilizing producing grazors

Environmentalists should support blimpsteads

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Anonymous No. 16290519

My airship utilizes anti inertia devices and pretends to be a blimp. The device makes the crafter lighter but also provides force field shields

How else can the kirov have such high hp and manages to have unlimited ammo unlock the harrier

Anonymous No. 16290520

Super surprised no one has produced a harmonic cavity that floats by the same principles of sonic levitation

Anonymous No. 16290579

Fuck off nigger

Anonymous No. 16290690

Why are Zappelins not used anymore anyway? Too big of a target in war for sure, but like in general excluding war

Anonymous No. 16290822

Wind blows them around too much. If you put big enough engines to combat the wind you'd spend just as much energy keeping a plane in the air.

Barkon No. 16290825

Do you honestly know how retarded you are or do you persist to live in blissful ignorance of yourself? Baffles me.

Anonymous No. 16290862

Fucking sick, what film?

Anonymous No. 16290866


Barkon No. 16290867


Anonymous No. 16290974

>No, vacuum is better. Safe and abundant
It's highly explosive, according to the Big-Bang people.

Anonymous No. 16291060

>The materials required to do that and make it buoyant do not exist
we actually do have the materials and we would be able to do it, but I'll take the secret to my grave

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Venus Cloud_City.png

Anonymous No. 16291646

Oxygen/nitrogen is a lifting gas on Venus.

Anonymous No. 16292016

looks comfy